
Why is a child of 5 months naughty all day

When a child is constantly naughty at 5 months, you need to understand what does not suit him. If the baby is sick, then his temperature will change, he will become lethargic, and he will begin to sleep poorly. Then you cannot do without the help of a doctor. To understand the situation, you need to observe the baby, revise its daily routine, feeding schedule, pay attention to the conditions in the room. You should never panic, much less get angry. Crying is the easiest way for a child to explain to their parents that they are uncomfortable.

Five month old baby

Baby development at 5 months

A 5-month-old baby speaks to his parents not only by screaming and crying. He looks closely at their lips as they speak and tries to repeat the words. While he gets simple sounds, he gradually learns to pronounce syllables. The child needs more and more communication. He wants to see not only his mother, but also other relatives. The baby already recognizes them and rejoices at the appearance. He is able to express other emotions as well: upset, sad, angry.

Babies at 5 months weigh on average from 6.6 to 7.3 kilograms. Height is 63-65 centimeters. Do not worry if the indicators differ slightly from the standard ones. Some children gain pounds more rapidly, others do it at a slower pace. The main thing is that the baby feels good, is active and sleeps soundly. At a monthly examination, the pediatrician will assess the development of the crumbs primarily by the ratio of weight and height.

At 5 months, babies have a decrease in the number of daytime dreams. So, they rest three times. In this case, the duration of sleep ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. In total, babies rest from 3 to 4.5 hours during the day. If the baby sleeps longer, it may have trouble laying down at night.

Note! The baby needs 13-16 hours of rest per day in order to replenish the spent energy, to restore strength.

Baby sleeping

Baby skills at 5 months

A five-month-old baby is interested in everything that is happening around. He curiously throws objects and toys on the floor, listening to the sound of the fall. This is how the baby learns the world and develops motor skills.

At 5 months, the baby can:

  • Sit down if mom or dad pulls him by the arms;
  • Roll over, lie on your stomach and back, on your back;
  • Grab objects, hold them, take toys from adults, transfer from one hand to another;
  • Raise on your hands while lying on your stomach;
  • Straighten his legs almost completely when his parents hold him under the armpits.

At the sixth month of life, the baby makes vowel sounds, trying to communicate with mom and dad. He recognizes himself in the mirror and rejoices when he sees his own reflection.

Kid in front of the mirror

Why is a five-month-old baby naughty

A child of 5 months is naughty all day for the following reasons:

  • Lacks attention from parents. He wants them to look at him, play, notice what progress he is making. Parents complain that they cannot do household chores, because the baby does not let them go. It is worth retiring to another room, the child begins to cry. So that he does not whimper, you can take him with you everywhere. For example, put in a carrier or sling. Such accessories are allowed from birth. So the baby will not feel lonely, and the mother will be able to complete the planned;
  • Cannot crawl over blanket or reach toys. The child has already learned to roll over, but he still cannot move in another way. As soon as he stumbles upon an obstacle, expresses his dissatisfaction with crying, begins to freak out that the obstacle does not yield;
  • Teeth are being cut. The crumb pulls everything into his mouth, he is drooling, snot may appear. The mucous discharge is abundant and transparent. In large quantities, they can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, provoking a cough. If the gum is swollen, it does not mean that the tooth will appear in the coming days. It happens that it takes 4 to 6 weeks to erupt. All this time, the baby can remain moody;
  • Colic bothers. Gas production is a common problem in babies. It concerns every third child. Colic usually begins in the third week of life and lasts until the fifth month. Some babies suffer from bloated tummies for up to six months. From colic, the baby can wake up in the middle of the night and cry. Babies will swallow air even if they follow the correct feeding technique. Therefore, after eating, it is recommended to carry the child in a column for half an hour. It is necessary to place it facing mom or dad, slightly raise it so that the baby's chest is opposite the shoulder of an adult. While wearing, you can stroke the baby on the back, this will stimulate the release of air. Before eating, it is advised to lay the babies on their stomachs. This simple exercise strengthens muscles and reduces gas production. A warm diaper is placed on the baby's hard and painful belly. It is ironed in advance with an iron, without steaming. It should not be allowed to become too hot, otherwise the delicate skin of the baby may be injured;
  • Constipation begins. If the child pushes, blushes, begins to whimper, his stomach is hard, most likely he cannot go to the toilet. Stool retention is more common in children eating adapted formulas. Usually this is provoked by a poor-quality or unsuitable product, non-compliance with the breeding technique. In addition, bottle-fed babies should always be given water to drink. Children on gv do not need additional liquid, milk provides the crumbs with everything they need. Massage and gymnastics help to improve bowel function. They are carried out an hour and a half after eating, otherwise there is a risk that the baby will burp;
  • Doesn't eat too much. Then the baby will try to make sucking movements with his lips, smack his lips. Perhaps the mother does not have enough milk, or the baby drinks only the front part of it, and then is distracted and refuses to eat. Then he does not get the fattest and most nutritious food, and the body is not saturated. As for the "artificial", the bottle may have a too small hole. The baby gets tired of sucking and does not finish the portion;
  • The baby is sick. A child under one year old is not able to explain what worries him. If he has a fever or other symptoms such as coughing or diarrhea, see a doctor. Children often have thrush. Small ulcers appear in the mouth, covered with a white coating. When food or liquid gets on them, the baby is in pain. So the baby cannot eat normally, a feeling of hunger is added, which leads to whims;
  • Baby is hot or cold. If he has cold feet and hands, this does not mean that the child is cold. Thermoregulation works differently in infants than in adults. They quickly produce heat and also give it away instantly. The limbs constantly sweat, moisture evaporates from them earlier than from other parts of the body. Therefore, they are colder to the touch. To find out if a child is hot, you need to feel the back of his neck or back. When they are wet, you need to change the baby's clothes. If babies are cold, their feet may turn blue and ankles and calves may become cold. In this case, an additional layer of clothing is required;
  • The child is bored. He lacks walks, new experiences. At 5 months old, children are quite active and curious. They crave knowledge and emotion. If they don't walk with the baby, and he sees only his mother all day, he may start screaming and being capricious.

The kid is naughty

Note! When a child cries and whines in a dream, most likely he returned to the experiences of the day he lived. He can also smile and even laugh. If this does not last long, and the baby continues to rest, do not worry.

If a baby is constantly crying for 5 months, it is necessary to exclude the fact that he is sick. If at the same time he does not eat well, does not gain weight, does not sleep well, then you need to see a doctor. First of all, the doctor will examine the gums of the child, because teething is the most common cause of the vagaries of the baby. If the pediatrician does not notice any abnormalities, he may refer to a neurologist for additional consultation.

How to get rid of whims

Young parents do not always understand why the baby squeals at 5 months old, and how to behave so that the baby calms down. The toddler does not give in to persuasion, does not respond to words and affection. It is often advised to ignore such behavior if there is confidence that everything is in order with the health of the baby.

Note! When a child at 5 months cries for no reason, showing his character, you should not immediately grab him in your arms. Perhaps in a few minutes he will be distracted by his favorite toy and calm down.

Mothers who are overly worried usually have overly emotional children. If a woman is constantly on edge, irritable, then the baby feels it and adopts her mood. First of all, you need to pull yourself together, organize the day so that there is time for rest and personal studies. A young mother desperately needs a healthy sleep. If you can't rest at night, then you need to do it during the day, together with your child.

It is necessary to monitor the daily routine of the baby so that he is eating properly and enough and getting enough sleep. It is dangerous to overload him with new emotions. Of course, they are necessary for the child - the more he sees around him, the faster he develops, but you should not hold noisy games and activities after dinner. It is better to replace watching cartoons with a walk in the fresh air. It is especially undesirable to sit a child in front of a computer or TV in the evening, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time, and there is a great risk that he will wake up and whine.

You should always feed your baby on time. In breastfed babies, the breast not only satisfies hunger and thirst, but also soothes. Therefore, if the mother left the baby for a long time at 5 months, he will start crying. Separation will be a real test for him, especially if there is a grandmother nearby, whom he almost did not see before. At five months old, many babies begin to familiarize themselves with adult food. It can be stressful, leading to worries, which means crying.

Introducing adult food

If a baby is constantly yelling at 5 months, he / she experiences discomfort. He may be in pain, too hot and stuffy, or cold. Perhaps he is tired of the experiences he had endured during the day or he feels hungry, and his parents do not pay attention to him. If you can't find the cause yourself, you need to contact your pediatrician.

Watch the video: realistic Surviving First Month with Our Newborn Baby (July 2024).