
The temperature of the baby when he eats, sleeps, is awake

Newborn babies are very different from adults. Outwardly, they seem disproportionate, they do not know how to talk, it is difficult for young parents to understand what exactly the baby wants. In addition to the obvious signs, the peculiarity of newborns is manifested in the functioning of organs, including thermoregulation.


What is body temperature

The temperature of a newborn is often higher than the average 36.6 degrees. This is due to more active blood circulation, thin skin, and a faster heart rate than adults. Even not all adults have a body temperature equal to 36.6 degrees: for some it is 35˚C, for others - 37˚C. This is also a variant of the norm. The famous 36.6˚C was obtained when a huge number of healthy people were examined, measuring their temperature in the armpit. The results were added and divided by the number of participants, and the result was 36.6˚C.

What should be the temperature of a newborn

Often, when a mother picks up her child, it seems to her that the temperature of the newborn is higher than normal. Normally, a child's body temperature can be 37.5˚C when it comes to measurements taken in the armpit. If readings are taken from the auricle or from the mouth using special nozzles, the values ​​can be even higher - up to 38˚C.

Normal body temperature for children from birth to 6 years

AgeArmpit, ˚CEar, ˚CMouth, ˚CRectum, ˚C
Up to 28 days36,837,837,238
6 months37,738,338,238,3
12 months37,738,33838
3 years37,738,23838
6 years3737,537,337,9

The upper limit of the norm is high enough for babies and infants up to one year old. This should not worry the parents.

Features of premature babies

Premature babies are born with not yet mature organs that are not able to fully function. This applies to the eyes, and internal organs, and the thermoregulation system. Therefore, most often these children are left in maternity hospitals. In neonatal departments, an environment close to the intrauterine environment is created for them with the help of incubator boxes so that babies can "mature".

Thermometer and baby

Temperature extremes, excess light and oxygen for these babies can be dangerous. Therefore, if a mother was discharged home with a premature baby, she should not be lazy to create a special temperature regime for him and not expose him to bright light.

What affects the temperature readings

Often, mothers notice an increase in the temperature of the child immediately after sleep or during meals. Pediatricians explain these two popular conditions as follows:

  • if the child is dressed in hot pajamas and covered with a blanket at night, he overheats;
  • if the room where the child sleeps is hot, stuffy, he does not lose excess heat during sleep;
  • during feeding, the baby works, applies tremendous forces for his body, which is why he sweats and overheats.

Important! The temperature of the baby, when he eats, may rise, this is the norm. Overheating at night due to excess clothing, blankets and overheating of the air must be dealt with. This is the responsibility of the parents.

Body temperature measurement methods

Today in the pharmacy you can buy a variety of thermometers that make it easy to find out the temperature of an infant:

  • infrared;
  • electronic;
  • mercury.

Attention! A modern family with a small child should not have mercury thermometers.

Electronic devices are very convenient, especially if you choose a dummy thermometer. Having given such a device to the child's mouth, you can observe the readings on the display for as long as you like. It is almost impossible to force a small child to sit still with a thermometer under his armpit for 10 minutes. Therefore, it is also convenient to use infrared devices for measurements. They get the result in 5 seconds and display it on the display. They can be used to measure temperature both in the ear and rectally.

Keep in mind! Readings taken from the ear cavity and anus will be higher than those taken from the armpit. So, the norm will be a value of 37-37.2˚C.

Dummy thermometer

Using electronic devices, it is important to understand that they give a sound signal not when they finished measuring the temperature, but when the rate of growth of indicators has significantly decreased.

Causes of a fever without symptoms

The baby, due to its physiology, can cool the body only with the help of breathing. If the baby breathes more than 20˚C air, it will inevitably overheat. The main reason for the asymptomatic rise in temperature is the wrong room microclimate.

Many mothers, wanting to measure the temperature of a restless baby, do this while the child is eating. This is a big mistake, because labor while sucking can significantly increase the thermometer's value.

Parents should be aware that when they go for a walk with a child who already knows how to run and jump, they need to dress one less layer than themselves. Mothers sitting on the benches of playgrounds feel a certain coolness and chill, while children actively jump and sweat if they are dressed too warmly.

How to maintain a normal baby temperature

There is no need to be afraid that the baby will freeze. The physiological feature of the baby is that if the adult is cool, the baby is warm and comfortable. Therefore, if the grandmother looks after the baby, she dresses him warmer than the mother, because the thermoregulation of the grandmother herself is much worse than that of the child.

In order for the temperature of the baby to not rise, it is important to observe the following air parameters in the nursery:

  • temperature - from +18 to + 21˚C;
  • humidity - from 55 to 70%;
  • compulsory airing in any weather before bedtime.

Hygrometer and thermometer

Attention! Nothing is more important than following these rules. It may seem that this is just a formality, but these are paramount factors for the health of the baby.

If the newborn has a fever

Colds, as the most common source of fever in adults, rarely occur in newborns, if only because children, due to excessive parental care, rarely freeze. However, if a dad or older sister brought a virus from society into the house, the baby is at risk of contracting it. Therefore, if the baby has a fever, the following symptoms should be analyzed:

  • Difficulty nasal breathing;
  • refusal to eat;
  • hoarse voice;
  • capriciousness.

If any of them are identified, it can be argued that the child is ill with acute respiratory infections. Children from 3 months can be given ibuprofen and paracetamol only in children's dosage forms in the form of syrups or rectal suppositories, strictly in accordance with the dosage.

When you need a doctor

A doctor should always be called if the baby is clearly not feeling well, his temperature rises above 38˚C during the week. Symptoms for which a doctor is needed immediately:

  • vomiting (not regurgitation);
  • diarrhea;
  • lack of urine for more than 6 hours in a row;
  • cry without tears;
  • a rash that does not fade when pressed on it, does not disappear.

Important! If the child is under three months old, a doctor should be called for any suspicion of a disturbance in his health.

What to tell your doctor

If the parents managed to give the baby any medications, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. If the mother has any guesses about what the baby may have such a temperature, all possible factors should be listed.

The doctor should know:

  • whether guests have visited the dwelling;
  • did the mother take the baby with her to a public place: shop, transport;
  • how long ago the first symptoms appeared;
  • what medicines and in what quantity have successfully reduced the temperature;
  • whether there was an allergic reaction to the drug.

Hiding any factor can be crucial in determining the diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Baby and syrup

Doctor Komarovsky's advice

If the baby is doing well, the mother shouldn't pay too much attention to the overly warm baby. If the baby is red and sweaty, it is most logical to behave calmly and carefully remember everything that preceded this condition. In the vast majority of cases, the reason lies in the overheating of the blankets.

If at home in winter it is not possible to fasten the thermostat on batteries, the child needs to be rescued by frequent ventilation and walks. If the apartment has a balcony, it will be the perfect place for a baby's sleep. The longer they walk with the baby, the better the respiratory organs work, the more active thermoregulation occurs, the organs and tissues are enriched with oxygen. Komarovsky is sure that there is nothing more useful for a child than fresh air. Rain is not a reason to stay at home, because it is in rainy weather that the air is saturated with moisture, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the baby.

A baby's temperature is always slightly higher than that of a healthy adult. If a child eats and sleeps well, you should not measure his temperature for no reason and worry about it. A nursing mother needs peace. Far-fetched experiences can negatively affect lactation. If the child really gets sick, concomitant symptoms will be reported, which will be impossible to ignore.

Watch the video: How to Breastfeed: Keeping Sleepy Babies Awake for Breastfeeding (July 2024).