
Ikea children's chair

For many modern people, shopping is exactly the kind of activity for which time is never enough. In such a situation, more and more attention is paid to those manufacturers that sell a large share of their products online through various Internet sites, as well as to those who do not use fantasy, forcing them to choose from several equally attractive options, but do everything simply, but tastefully ...

Both criteria are met by the Swedish company Ikea, whose products are so famous and popular in our country that even the brand itself has already become a household name. When it comes to such a thing as a highchair, adults do not want to choose at all, after all, design is not so important here as reliability and convenience for the child... Fortunately, the company's product range also includes such furniture.


A highchair for children from Ikea is a very vague concept, because such a piece of furniture may be needed for completely different purposes, and the manufacturer has tried to make sure that its customers do not need anything. Hence, perhaps the first feature is the huge variety of assortment, which includes high chairs, small children's stools, high chairs, and other practical models.

This variety somewhat narrows the range of characteristics that would be inherent in all Ikea products, but we still managed to highlight several qualities that are characteristic of all lines.

High quality materials

It should be noted that although the company's products are usually made from polypropylene, the European manufacturer makes sure that the synthetic components are one hundred percent safe for babies, as well as for their parents.

In recent years, the company has been paying more and more attention to natural materials - for example, pine, birch and beech solid wood. At the same time, the raw materials are selected not only for their strength and safety for health, but also with an eye to the lightness of the finished structure.

It's no secret that children, because of their pranks, can easily overturn their own chair, including on themselves, so that in such a case, such an accident will end only in fright;


Children, of course, in their own self-indulgence, are able to turn the whole apartment upside down, but the last thing that will be knocked off its legs is probably a highchair from Ikea. Absolutely all tall models are not only designed with a correctly located center of gravity, but are also equipped with widely spaced legs that do not allow to swing in any way on the seat. Being under the chair, the baby also need not be afraid - nothing will fall on him from above, no matter how hard he tries;

Maximum design simplicity

Perhaps Ikea is not at all the company that specializes in transformer furniture, because all its products provide for only one way of use. Take the same highchairs - as a rule, they have no adjustment, and if there is one, it looks rather primitive, which is why a certain part of potential customers begins to be indignant.

Nevertheless, this approach is very justified, because practice shows: the more complex the furniture allows, the more new owners are lost, trying to achieve the ideal position of all components.

In addition, without complex flexible fasteners, children's furniture gets an additional chance to stay intact for as long as possible. As for the lack of versatility, everything is simple - you just need to buy specially designed and selected chairs for all individual needs;

Low cost

It is foolish to argue with the fact that Ikea is still not the cheapest brand on the domestic market, but it is worthwhile to think once again about who is such a rivalry in the field of pricing policy. Cheaper children's furniture is offered mainly by very dubious suppliers, among which, mainly, Russian and Chinese firms.

Perhaps their products also deserve attention, but the buyer cannot know this in advance, looking at a completely unknown label, and risking a child's health by choosing something unknown will only become a madman. As for the best imported samples, there is no dispute - a certain part of our fellow citizens consider only them worthy of attention, and can name a number of reasons why they made just such a choice.

But here are two "buts": firstly, expensive products often have a million unnecessary functions and capabilities, and secondly, the cost of goods from good foreign competitors "bites" and "very painful".


The variety of models of highchairs for various purposes at Ikea is quite large to name each, moreover, the range is constantly updated. So far, nothing has been invented for the bathroom. We will highlight only a few of the most popular directions and models that are very popular in our country.

It's worth starting with highchairs - they are in great demand in modern families, because almost no one feeds babies anymore, holding them in their arms. Oddly enough, as of the beginning of 2018, the Swedish giant has only one model of such a product - "Antelope"... You cannot tell much about it - it is extremely laconic and fits well into any interior due to the neutrality of colors, it is quite well thought out, judging by the comments of customers, but it is still not a generally recognized masterpiece.

It is sold complete with a removable tabletop, but you can also buy a soft inflatable pillow. As for a Western company, it is a very cheap product, but you need to make sure that the child is comfortable, because such furniture has big problems with adjustment - it is simply not provided for. But the creators did not forget to take care of the convenience of transporting the product, because such a chair is folding: its legs are removable and can be folded separately.

When a child gets older and begins to eat on his own, many parents prefer to organize full-fledged family gatherings in the kitchen, or at least not purchase a separate table for the child. In this situation, the Ikea high chair for a child can be a very useful find. In essence, it resembles typical bar stools with the only difference that here we see a slightly reduced copy, designed for a kid sitting at an ordinary table.

Furniture of this type is currently produced in three series - polypropylene "Urban", as well as in more expensive wooden "Ingolf" and "Agam"... The series differ from each other in some changes in design, and within the same line they have only one difference - the color.

However, those kids who use all typically "adult" accessories, only specially reduced in size, consider their childhood especially happy. Thanks to this, a cunning psychological effect is achieved that allows the child to be almost on an equal footing with adults, which makes him more open to communication, not to mention the banal comfort of sitting.

Ikea produces such furniture both individually and in sets, which include tables and chairs. Such products are very fond of buying in large quantities those domestic kindergartens that are a little richer. In a good variety, in particular, a small stool is presented, but full-fledged highchairs with a back are also present - they are all divided by series "Utter", "Mammut", "Flisat", "Critter", etc. Series "Sundvik" offers even more unusual furniture for children, namely, miniature armchairs, including rocking chairs.


When it comes to products specifically designed for a child, parents become particularly concerned about the safety of the raw materials used to make such products. In particular, the same Ikea used to be regularly criticized for too strong adherence to plastic, which has always been criticized by many opponents of industrial development at the expense of their own health, and in recent years, even the average consumer is increasingly perceived as something that it would be better not to buy.

Such attacks, by the way, are completely unfair, because Ikea uses only high-quality polypropylene - a certified material that is known for its complete chemical neutrality, due to which it does not emit any fumes at all, and can be successfully used for the production of children's furniture.

Ikea's wood furniture lines are less known, but they are also represented in the segment of products intended for children. For the manufacture of used massifs of various species, including beech, ash, and many other varieties. And although this manufacturer will not offer an exquisite wicker rattan chair, it still a children's corner will look no less stylish and businesslike than an adult.

In principle, the company does not use any mechanical sawn timber for children's furniture, such as chipboard or even MDF - solid wood and only solid wood.

This approach, perhaps, somewhat negatively affects the price, however, it guarantees the maximum durability of the product, even despite all the restlessness of the baby.

Separately, it is worth noting the attitude towards paints and varnishes. Plastic products are usually not painted on top, but wood furniture is painted and covered with acrylic varnish. Such varnish adheres tightly to the surface and in itself is definitely not harmful to the child - dry, the baby will not be poisoned by it, even trying to bite off a piece, although this is still not worth doing, at least for the safety of the teeth.

Color solutions

Ikea products are famous for their simplicity of design - here you should not count on amazing drawings or at least intricate patterns. Children's highchairs of the brand, regardless of the exact purpose of the model, are produced in monochromatic - this is done so that people can acquire different interior details easily and quickly, and then they go well together in a home environment.

At the same time, it is somewhat inconvenient that each series has a limited selection of colors, although all together they can boast of an almost complete palette. This means that quite often people who choose a particular highchair have to make a start not so much from the model that they like, as from the colors in which they will have to fit the purchase.

However, chairs differ more from each other in design, and not in some practical indicators, so this fact, perhaps, does not bother so many people.

It should be clarified that The company's favorite color is white, as it is absolutely neutral and universal. More than a dozen Ikea branded stores are represented almost all over Russia, and everyone probably orders furniture from the one that is closest, but if all other colors may temporarily not be presented in this supermarket, then white is almost certainly found.

How to choose?

The choice of furniture for a child is a rather difficult task in any situation, but in the case of Ikea, with its lack of ability to adjust products, the task is somewhat simplified, although it makes the purchase less durable:

  • in fact, the main requirement for the acquisition is the maximum convenience of the baby, because its safety, which consists in the inability to overturn the chair, is already provided for by the developers;
  • in this situation, the wisest decision would be to take the child with you, come to the store and invite the little user to personally try which chair is more comfortable for him. Of course, this option is no longer so well suited for those children who have not yet learned how to clearly express their own impressions, but even a baby will start to be capricious if he is clearly uncomfortable.

In addition, at least visually, parents will be able to determine whether this particular model is suitable for a child.

In this case, you should forget the main recommendation, which is relevant for most manufacturers, but not for Ikea: never buy any of this brand's products. In general, it is highly undesirable to purchase furniture for this purpose, and especially if it does not allow adjustment. Of course, over time, the child will grow up and, perhaps, later it will really be a little more comfortable for him than now, but parents cannot know for sure. In addition, by that time, the baby may already have developed disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Customer Reviews

Ikea products face completely opposite consumer opinions and highchairs are no exception. They are often praised for their practicality. Seems to be inexpensive, and differ in strength and durability, and fit well into the interior, and do not harm health... For some, an effective argument is also that this is “not China” and even “not Russia”, because (let's not argue) imported products, as a rule, really significantly exceed those produced in the two named countries.

And yet, many commentators have mercilessly criticized Ikea highchairs. First of all, because they do not allow the slightest adjustment of the seat and backrest, thereby reducing their service life and can harm the baby. In addition, in some cases, the minimalism of the Swedish company looks so out of place that it begins to border on squalor or lack of any aesthetic taste.

We recommend watching the following video review, in which the consumer will tell you about all the benefits of the Ikea highchair.