
"Espumisan" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Many pregnant women face such an uncomfortable phenomenon as flatulence. In the early stages, this symptom appears due to an imbalance of hormones, changes in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and a decrease in the activity of the pancreas. Later, the enlarged uterus begins to press on the intestines, which affects its motility and also often provokes bloating. You can cope with such a delicate problem with the help of a medicine from the famous German company Berlin-Chemie called "Espumisan".

Features of the drug

The basis of the medication is simethicone, which has the property of neutralizing gases accumulated in the intestines. Due to the enveloping of gas bubbles with this surfactant, their shell is destroyed, which contributes to the rapid removal of gases from the intestines, elimination of discomfort and colic. In this case, simethicone is not absorbed into the intestinal wall and leaves the digestive tract unchanged.

In order for the patient to choose the most convenient drug for him, "Espumisan" is produced in several forms.

  • Capsules, which have a round yellow gelatinous shell and a viscous colorless liquid content. Each capsule contains 40 mg of simethicone. The drug is sold in blisters of 25 pieces, and one pack contains 1, 2 or 4 blisters. Of the auxiliary substances in the composition of such "Espumisan" there are glycerin, methylparaben, yellow dyes and gelatin. The average price of 25 capsules is 240-280 rubles.

  • Emulsion. In this form, two drugs are produced at once. One of them is a drug called Espumisan 40. It is an almost colorless cloudy fruit liquid containing 40 mg of simethicone in one scoop (5 ml). This drug is sold in 100 ml bottles and costs about 400 rubles. The second medicine is called "Espumisan L" and is a milky white viscous liquid with a banana scent. The dosage of simethicone in such an emulsion is higher and amounts to 40 mg per ml, which corresponds to 25 drops. The medication is poured into 30 ml bottles, which have a dropper stopper and a measuring cap. Its average price in pharmacies is 300-320 rubles.

  • With drops of "Espumisan Baby". This drug is similar in its characteristics to "Espumisan L", but the concentration of the active substance in such a solution is higher - 100 mg in 1 milliliter. For one bottle of 30 ml, you need to pay 340-400 rubles.

  • Granulespackaged in aluminum foil sachets. They have an irregular shape, white color and lemon scent. One sachet contains 125 mg of simethicone, supplemented with malic acid, talc, flavors and sorbitol. One pack sells 14 or 28 bags. A smaller package costs an average of 300 rubles.

All forms of Espumisan can be freely purchased in pharmacies, as they are over-the-counter products. Store these drugs at home at a temperature not higher than +30 degrees, placing the package out of the reach of babies. The shelf life of capsules and granules is 3 years.

Drops and emulsion can also be stored for three years from the date of manufacture, but after opening - no longer than 6 months.

Do pregnant women use?

According to the instructions for all forms of "Espumisan" and the reviews of doctors, such drugs are harmless to women in position and do not affect the baby in the womb. Since the active ingredient "Espumisan" is not absorbed and does not penetrate into the bloodstream, its effect on the fetus is excluded. This allows you to safely use this medicine both in the second and third trimesters, when many medicines are allowed for pregnant women, and in the first trimester, when most drugs are not recommended to be used.

"Espumisan" is in demand for bloating and discomfort in the intestines. Its active component helps to get rid of bursting pains that have arisen due to the increased formation of gases. However, such a remedy is used not only for flatulence, but also for some poisoning (for example, with detergents), as well as in preparation for the examination of internal organs in order to increase its effectiveness.

Doctors note the following benefits of Espumisan for expectant mothers:

  • the tool quickly eliminates abdominal discomfort and helps with intestinal motility disorders associated with the growth of the uterus;
  • there is no sugar in the composition of capsules, granules and drops, so all forms of the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women with diabetes or overweight;
  • the drug is safe at any gestational age;
  • he provides quick help if there is a dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if necessary, "Espumisan" can be prescribed for a long period.

As for the tolerance of the drug, in most cases it is good, and side effects from such a drug are very rare. Usually it is an allergic reaction to the components of "Espumisan" in the form of a rash, itching, runny nose and other symptoms. When they appear, the reception must be stopped immediately, and in the future you will have to refuse to use such a tool.

The use of "Espumisan" usually does not affect the digestive function, although in some reviews pregnant women note problems with emptying during treatment. And although doctors do not associate this problem with taking capsules, drops or granules, when constipation or diarrhea appears, an analog is often selected.

We also note that there is no incompatibility with other drugs (tablets, capsules, syrups, and so on) with Espumisan. And therefore, taking such a medicine for bloating will not in any way affect the use of any other medications that the expectant mother is already taking.


It is prohibited to take medicine:

  • if a woman has hypersensitivity to simethicone or any inactive component of Espumisan, given the form of the drug used;
  • if the examination revealed intestinal obstruction, or there is a possibility of such a pathology.

How to use?

Espumisan is recommended to be taken 3 to 5 times a day after meals or with meals. If necessary, one of the medication receptions is performed at night. When using liquid forms, the medicine should be shaken before each use.

The duration of admission is affected by the severity of symptoms - as soon as the condition improves, "Espumisan" is canceled.

It is advisable to check a single dosage of the medicine with a doctor, but in most cases, Espumisan is taken as follows:

  • capsules are swallowed in two pieces, washed down with a small volume of water;
  • the drug "Baby" is prescribed 20 drops per dose;
  • emulsion "Espumisan L" should be drunk 50 drops, which corresponds to 2 ml of the drug and a dosage of 80 mg;
  • means "Espumisan 40" take 2 measuring spoons;
  • granules from one bag are poured onto the tongue and swallowed (they can be washed down with water).

If a medicine is prescribed before an examination or in case of poisoning, the dose of the drug is selected individually.

What to replace?

Instead of "Espumisan", the expectant mother can use analogues of such a medicine, the action of which is also provided by simethicone.

  • "Antiflat Lannacher" - Austrian preparation in the form of a suspension, which contains 41.2 mg of active substance per 1 ml of drug.
  • "Bobotik" - a product of the Russian company Akrikhin in the form of drops. Each milliliter of this drug contains just over 66 mg of simethicone.
  • "Sub Simplex" - a medicine from a well-known manufacturer Pfizer. It is presented as a fruit suspension containing almost 70 mg of active substance in 1 ml.

It is also important to pay attention to the prevention of flatulence and intestinal colic while carrying a child. You can prevent these problems late in life by eating more frequent meals and reducing portions.

In addition, women in a position are advised to exclude fried foods, flour dishes and fatty foods from the menu.

Expectant mothers should avoid large portions of legumes or cabbage, as these products often provoke the accumulation of gas in the intestinal lumen.

If you follow these recommendations, the negative effect on digestion will be reduced, which will allow you to avoid taking "Espumisan" and its analogues.


Such a carminative agent as "Espumisan" is allowed during pregnancy. An expectant mother can take this medicine at any time without worrying that the active ingredients will affect the development and health of the baby in the womb. But in order to choose the most convenient form and determine the optimal dosage, the expectant mother should consult her doctor before taking the drug.

In the first months of gestation, "Espumisan" effectively reduces gas production, provoked by hormonal changes, and also facilitates the condition of the expectant mother with early toxicosis. In the third trimester, when the uterus, due to its increased size, interferes with the natural elimination of gases, Espumisan eliminates this problem gently and in most cases without any side effects.

For more information on how Espumisan works for bloating, see the next video.

Watch the video: Bactrim Group (July 2024).