Newborn health

Torticollis in infants: causes and methods of treatment (massage / gymnastics)

Congenital torticollis in newborns is a fairly common disease. This anomaly is more common in boys than girls. Turning the neck predominantly to the right.

Causes of torticollis in newborns

  • Deformation of one or more vertebrae, violation of the structure;
  • With excessive one-sided pressure on the fetus of the uterus, the head is installed incorrectly;
  • With intrauterine inflammation of the muscle, inflammation forms in a chronic form, the muscle becomes shorter and loses its elasticity;
  • In difficult labor, the muscle can tear and the muscle fibers will move into the tendons. In this place, a scar is organized, and growth retardation occurs in the muscles along the entire length.
  • With malformations of the mastoid muscles.

Most orthopedists believe that torticollis in newborns is primarily a congenital malformation, more often obtained during childbirth. Babies born even by cesarean section are not insured from this disease. It should be noted that it is more common in infants with gluteal fetal adherence than in others. To accurately determine the cause of this diagnosis, consultation of specialists is required: Pediatrician, Orthopedist, Neuropathologist.

Photos of newborns with torticollis

With the treatment of torticollis, it is better not to delay, but to start at two weeks of age. Forced position of the baby's head can lead to asymmetry of the face and skull. In older age, untreated torticollis leads to scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and deformity of the face. The older the child is, the more difficult it is to treat.

Methods for the treatment of torticollis in infants

A productive result includes:

  1. Massage for newborns with torticollis;
  2. Remedial gymnastics;
  3. Treatment by position;
  4. Physiotherapy procedures.
  5. Circle for bathing newborns;
  6. Apply a special cardboard collar lined with cotton wool and gauze. (Shantz Collar)
  7. Pool (bath) session

If the signs of torticollis are caused by some general disease, then it is necessary to treat it as well. First of all, the result depends on the participation and activity of the baby's parents in the treatment. Massage for this disease, however, as in any case, is best left to a specialist. An experienced massage therapist will help you achieve better results than parents at home.

Massage for newborns with torticollis at home:

  1. Place the baby on its back. Massage your breasts, arms and legs with general strokes. With gentle movements, squeeze the muscle from the side of the torticollis. With stroking and rubbing, massage the cheek from the healthy side;
  2. Do corrective exercises, alternating between healthy and sore side in turns;
  3. Lightly stroke the belly. Repeat neck massage. Gently knead the child's feet;
  4. Turn the baby onto his stomach. Make light strokes of the back and neck. To turn the child from one side to the other, this procedure causes back extension;
  5. Finish by stroking the legs of the hands.

Massage is done 3 times a day, for 5 - 8 minutes.

VIDEO: Massage session for hypertonicity of muscles and torticollis

Position treatment

Parents can do many things for their child at home, such as posture treatment. It must be carried out constantly, regardless of the child's arms or in the crib. This treatment is needed to passively stretch the affected muscle. For the correct formation of the body scheme. The incorrect position of the child's head should not be habitual and natural. Parental involvement in this type of treatment is paramount.

The child must definitely sleep properly. The baby should only be put on a hard mattress and the pillow should be replaced with a diaper (folded several times). During sleep, make sure that the baby's head turns towards the damaged muscle. It will be easier to do this if you put a toy on the side of the sore muscle and turn on the light. In this position, the affected muscle stretches involuntarily.

It is good to apply the fixation of the baby's head in the correct position with the help of salt bags. Pay attention to the body lying symmetrically. If the baby often spits up, then this method cannot be used! In this case, the child should be laid on a healthy side, if on a sick side, then be sure to put a high pillow.

Prevention of torticollis


Gymnastics with crooked neck is available at home. If you decide to do it yourself, then first consult a physiotherapy doctor. Gymnastic exercises for a baby are painful, so everything must be done carefully, but persistently. The exercises are performed together.

One person holds the baby's body and arms, while the other holds the head securely. With this method, place the shoulder girdle parallel to the edge of the table, and hang the head and neck. It is imperative to remember that the head and body should be located exactly, in one line. Reduce head support gradually. With this method, the muscles are relaxed and as a result stretched. Hands restrict the child's head rotation and tilt. Perform the exercise symmetrically. Raise the baby's head until the chin touches the chest. Exercise in the morning and evening. no more than 5 times.

When picking up your baby, gradually reduce the head support. Try to let it hang under its own weight, this helps to stretch the muscle. Raise your head for a while, let the baby rest and repeat again. Exercise at least three times a day.

Treatment should be carried out in parallel with courses of massage and electrophoresis. After a couple of courses in most cases, the result is positive. However, parents need to remember that relapse is possible. On the affected side, muscle growth retardation will continue. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to carry out at least 4 courses of physiotherapy with massage in the first year.


In extremely rare cases, it is not possible to achieve a positive result with conservative treatment. Surgical intervention is recommended by the age of one year. There are two ways:

  1. Dissection of muscles (myotomy);
  2. Muscle plastic lengthening.

The first method is carried out only in the department of orthopedics, under general anesthesia. After dressing, cervical wounds are fixed with a plaster cast.

The second method is suitable for children over 4 years old. After surgery, muscle symmetry is restored. If the child had an underlying disease, then relapse may increase. The cicatricial process in the area of ​​muscle connection is very pronounced. During periods of rapid growth of a child, it is imperative to be observed by an orthopedist. If the treatment is ignored, or not completed, an irreparable pathology will form in the child. The head will constantly tilt to the shoulder area.

VIDEO: Muscle torticollis, muscle hypertonicity in an infant before and after baby massage

A good result can always be achieved if you do not start the disease and systematically teach the child. With proper treatment, this disease goes away completely. Parents should, first of all, provide active assistance to their baby in recovery!

On this topic:

  • Muscle hypertonicity: symptoms and treatment

Watch the video: Torticollis in infant treated with total motion release (July 2024).