
"Duphalac" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The body of women in the position works in a completely different way, because the load on it increases significantly. At the same time, disruptions in digestion are often observed, the result of which is constipation. To eliminate this delicate problem expectant mothers are first advised to change their diet and daily routine. If such measures do not help, drugs that are safe for the fetus are prescribed, for example, "Duphalac".

Features of the drug

"Duphalac" - sweetish transparent viscous liquid, usually colorless, but sometimes brownish or yellowish tint. This syrup is sold in plastic bottles of 200, 500 or 1000 ml, as well as in portioned sachets containing 15 ml of the drug. The vials are equipped with a polypropylene cap - it is used as a measuring cup.

The main ingredient in the syrup is called lactulose.... Each milliliter of the drug contains such a substance in a dosage of 667 mg, and the only inactive component of the drug is purified water. This medication does not include any other chemical compounds. This drug is not available in tablets, capsules or other forms.

You can buy Duphalac at the pharmacy without a prescription. The average price of a package of 10 portioned sachets or a 200 ml bottle is 300 rubles.

The syrup has a shelf life of 3 years. Until its completion, the drug should be stored in a dry place where it will be inaccessible to young children. The manufacturer's recommended storage temperature for "Duphalac" is up to +25 degrees Celsius, so keeping the bottle or sachets in the refrigerator is not required.

Operating principle

One of the main medicinal effects of lactulose is a laxative... It is due to the hyperosmotic effect of such a substance. After entering the large intestine, Duphalac begins to break down by representatives of the normal intestinal flora. As a result of this cleavage, organic acids are formed, which lowers the pH of the intestinal contents and increases the osmotic pressure. The syrup stimulates the absorption of phosphates and calcium salts, and also promotes more active elimination of ammonium ions.

This all changes the consistency of the stool and increases the volume of stool, and also activates peristaltic movements.

Thanks to this action, "Duphalac" restores the physiological rhythm of defecation and improves the state of the intestinal microflora, therefore its active substance is also referred to as prebiotics. It has been proven that the use of lactulose has a positive effect on the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as a result of which pathogenic microbes are suppressed.

Since after taking "Duphalac" the rhythm of emptying is getting better, then stagnation of intestinal contents is eliminated, which prevents intoxication of the body with harmful compounds. At the same time, the tool does not absorb useful compounds, for example, vitamin components of food and mineral salts. In addition, the syrup has no irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa.

It is also noted that absorption of "Duphalac" into the walls of the stomach and intestines does not occur. The syrup taken internally moves along the digestive tract without any changes directly to the large intestine, where it begins to be broken down by bacteria. If you take the medication in a dose of less than 75 ml, microorganisms will completely digest it. When using higher dosages, all excess medicine will leave the body with the feces unchanged.

Is it allowed for pregnant women?

"Duphalac" refers to drugs safe for pregnant women, so it can be assigned at any time during the gestation period. The active component of the syrup has no embryotoxic or teratogenic effect. It does not get to the fetus and is not able to affect the laying of organs, therefore it can be safely used in the 1st trimester if the doctor prescribed it.

Treatment in the 2nd or 3rd trimester is also not contraindicated, but should be monitored by a doctor. Duphalac does not have a direct effect on the muscular membrane of the intestine, therefore this medicine does not stimulate the uterine muscles either. Taking syrup does not affect the course of pregnancy in any way, therefore the remedy can be used even in the last weeks and in the postpartum period.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The most common reason for using Duphalac in women in position is constipation. Some expectant mothers have such a problem already in the first weeks of waiting, while others - at a later date. Someone suffers from constipation from time to time and does not take any medication, while others have to resort to medication.

Stool problems during pregnancy arise from a combination of several factors. Due to the increased level of progesterone, which prevents hypertonicity of the uterus, the intestinal musculature also relaxes, which is why food moves along the digestive tract more slowly. The appearance of constipation is also facilitated by changes in diet (the menu of many women changes in the early stages), and restrictions in physical activity. An important role is played by the intestinal microflora, the composition of which often changes during pregnancy.

Due to the retention of feces in the body, many substances can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which harms both the woman herself and the unborn baby. In addition, intestinal congestion is one of the factors that provoke inflammation of the digestive tract.

With constipation, the expectant mother is worried about the severity and pain, the state of health and mood deteriorates. In addition, if a woman pushes hard in the toilet, it can increase the tone in the uterus and cause the hemorrhoids to expand. That is why it is imperative to treat constipation, and the use of lactulose is fully justified.

Another reason to write out "Duphalac" pregnant is hemorrhoids or postoperative period... With such indications, it is necessary to soften the feces for easier excretion from the intestines, with which the syrup does an excellent job without causing any discomfort.

In addition, the drug can also be used for dysbiosis, the signs of which are flatulence, weakness, diarrhea, decreased performance, abdominal distention, loss of appetite, headache. Lactulose helps to correct the imbalance of harmful and beneficial bacteria, which will soon eliminate ailments and improve food digestion.

If the expectant mother has a serious liver disease, "Duphalac" is prescribed for liver failure in order to speed up the elimination of toxic compounds formed as a result of nitrogen metabolism. This helps to reduce their negative effect on the female body and prevent the development of hepatic encephalopathy.


Despite the harmlessness of lactulose for most women and the absence of a negative effect on the fetus, Duphalac is still not recommended for individual patients. The syrup is not used in such cases:

  • if a woman has used such a medication or its analogue for an active substance in the past and has revealed an increased sensitivity to lactulose;
  • if there is a suspicion of perforation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract or intestinal obstruction;
  • if the patient has an intolerance to galactose or fructose, there is not enough lactase, glucose-galactose malabsorption or galactosemia is detected.

If diabetes is detected, taking the syrup requires caution.

Side effects

When a woman is just starting treatment with Duphalac, she can often notice the appearance of flatulence, but such an uncomfortable phenomenon in most cases goes away on its own in a few days. Other common side effects of the syrup include loosening of the stool, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. To eliminate them, it is often necessary to reduce the dosage, but if this does not help, further use of "Duphalac" will have to be abandoned.

How to use?

According to the instructions for use, the drug can be drunk in undiluted form, but it is permissible to dilute it with any liquid. It is correct to swallow the required amount of syrup immediately without holding it in your mouth. If Duphalac is prescribed in a vial, then a measuring cup should be used for accurate dosage. When using sachets, tear off the corner of the package, pour the contents of the sachet into your mouth and swallow immediately.

How much syrup to take for a particular woman, should be checked with the doctor... He will determine the daily dose of the medication, which can be taken at one time or divided into two portions. The timing of the medication should be approximately the same every day. Most pregnant women prefer take the medication in the morning during breakfast, but some people find it more convenient to drink syrup in the evening, taking it at night.

During the use of the medication, a woman will definitely be advised to drink more fluids, change her diet, add foods that contain enough fiber to the menu. After evaluating the effect of "Duphalac" on the body of the expectant mother, the doctor can change the initial dosage, increasing it if the effect was too weak, or decreasing it when side effects appear.

Although the benefits of the drug for pregnant women with constipation are obvious, it is still a drug, therefore it is not worth drinking "Duphalac" without a prescription, and in no case should you exceed the dose prescribed by a specialist. With an overdose of lactulose, diarrhea usually develops, which is accompanied by pain in the intestines and can lead to dehydration.

How long to drink the syrup, you also need to ask your obstetrician-gynecologist, because the duration of use is determined individually. Since lactulose is not able to accumulate in the intestines and does not provoke addiction, taking Duphalac is possible for a long time. If the agent is prescribed as a prebiotic, then the minimum period of its use is one month.


About the use of "Duphalac" during the waiting period for a baby, you can read a lot of positive reviews from women who had a chance to experience such a medicine on themselves. They call the product convenient to use, safe for the child and the woman herself. According to expectant mothers, the action of the syrup is quite mild, and negative side reactions are rare.

In some negative reviews, women complain about the lack of a therapeutic effect and the appearance of addiction, because of which they had to resort to other laxative drugs. Occasionally, after taking the drug, the stomach is nauseous or swollen. Some pregnant women call too cloying taste and overpriced among the minuses of the medicine.

Doctors leave about "Duphalac" mostly positive reviews.

According to the doctors who prescribed such a medicine to women in anticipation of the baby, the syrup is tolerated normally, does not negatively affect the fetus, does not harm the intestines, and is easily dosed. One of the main advantages of the drug is also called a wide scope of application from the usual constipation to severe liver pathologies and operations on the pelvic organs.


If there was no Duphalac in the pharmacy, it is possible to replace such a medicine with other drugs based on lactulose. These include "Normaze", "Romfalak", "Goodluck", "Portalak" and other means. All of them are presented in syrup in bottles and sachets, are taken with the same indications and can be used in pregnant women. In addition to them, for constipation, the doctor can prescribe laxatives with other active substances.

  • Glycerin candles. Such a medicine quickly dissolves in the intestines, softens the stool and activates peristalsis. In the first trimester, these suppositories can be used only in the absence of hypertonia. In the second trimester, they are used without fear, and at the end of pregnancy - with increased caution, because they can cause premature labor. For this reason, from 30 to 38 weeks, their use should be abandoned.

  • Forlax... This powder is based on Macrogol 4000. When mixed with water, it forms a white liquid that smells like grapefruit and orange. It is able to retain water, which increases the volume of the contents of the colon and promotes emptying. The drug is not absorbed, it is not dangerous to the fetus, therefore it can be used at any time during the gestation of the baby.

  • Microlax. This solution contains sorbitol, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate and sodium citrate. The drug is used rectally for constipation, as well as in preparation for bowel examination. Its ingredients act only in the intestinal lumen, so pregnancy for such microclysters is not a contraindication. For adults, they are prescribed one tube per day.

  • "Fitomucil". The effect of such an additive on the intestines is due to plant components - the fruits of the plum and the husk of plantain seeds. They are rich in dietary fiber, which, once it enters the intestines, becomes a gel, attracts water and softens the stool. The remedy is approved for pregnant women, does not provoke addiction, and can be used for diabetes.

Watch the video: Lactulose Duphalac : What Is Lactulose? Lactulose Uses - Dosage - Side Effects u0026 ADVICE! (July 2024).