
The Three Basket Method in Parenting: Prohibit Correctly

Raising a child is a very responsible process, because it is the basis of his future life position. It is not for nothing that they say that a person's character and behavior are completely dependent on his upbringing and childhood.

Three baskets method

American psychologist Ross Greene invented and put into practice an unusual system of 3 baskets: red, yellow and green. It is on this basis that the relationship with the child will be built instead of a thousand "no".

Red basket

It is designed specifically for strictly prohibited things. These include a ban on the offers of outsiders to leave with them, non-observance of traffic rules, a bad attitude towards the elderly. In a word, this includes everything that is not even discussed.

Yellow basket

The yellow basket is intended for those problems and situations that can be resolved through dialogue. For example, a child asks not to go to school for one day. There can be a lot of reasons: from a banal lack of mood or headache to problems with communication with peers and teachers. Yes, it is, of course, necessary to go to school, but nothing will change dramatically from one truancy.

A similar example can be found with evening teeth brushing. Maintaining personal hygiene is a very important ritual, but if you miss it once, nothing terrible will happen either. This is a permissible violation of the daily routine.

Green basket

This is a kind of "distant box" where all those problems are located, the solution of which can be postponed. They are determined individually in each family and are resolved at the moment when both parties are ready for this.

Watch the video: Eckhart Tolle - Conscious Parenting (July 2024).