
A rash on the face of a child - what is it, types of rashes

Rashes on the face appear in any child at least once in a lifetime. Sometimes they go away on their own with proper skin care, in other cases they require close attention and treatment. What to do in each individual situation, only the doctor will say after examining the patient.


Causes of the appearance of rashes

A rash on the face of a baby can appear for various reasons. A dermatologist will be able to establish a physiological process or a symptom of a disease requiring treatment.

Diaper dermatitis

Almost every baby has reddened skin in the diaper area. This may be due not only to the fact that the baby is overheated. If his skin becomes rough, small pimples appear on it, as if filled with water, most likely the baby has diaper dermatitis. Using diapers that fit the baby reduces the risk of disease. Friction of inflamed skin on clothes, diapers only intensifies irritation.

To cure a child, you need to arrange air baths for him more often. It is imperative to treat damaged areas:

  • If the skin is damp, use baby powder;
  • For peeling and dryness, use moisturizers, creams, or oils.

Diaper dermatitis can occur if the mother, while caring for the baby, changing the diaper, does not wash her hands well.

Contact dermatitis is a response that occurs after exposure to an irritant on the skin. So it arises precisely at the point of contact with the allergen. The principle of occurrence is similar to diaper dermatitis.

Note! Stains and even sores may appear on the face if soap does not fit the baby, or if he slept on bed linen washed with new detergent. The irritation will begin even if the mother accidentally touches the baby with the glove that she used, for example, to clean the sink.

The negative reaction is explained by the peculiarity of the baby's skin, its predisposition to various types of allergies, in particular, food.

Toxic erythema

A rash can appear in a baby immediately after birth or 2-3 days. Usually, toxic erythema begins at this time. Small red pimples become noticeable on the face and body of the baby. They do not exceed 1-2 millimeters in diameter, but they can merge, then a slight swelling is formed. In the center of the spots there are small papules with yellowish or white contents. The baby usually does not experience discomfort, in rare cases there is mild itching. Then the behavior of the baby changes, he becomes more restless.

The appearance of toxic erythema is explained by the baby's adaptation to new conditions. Normal bacteria settle on the skin, and as a result, minor inflammation develops - a kind of response of the immune system to a collision with unfamiliar organisms. Also, erythema is provoked by stress after childbirth, especially if they were difficult, the baby was experiencing a lack of oxygen.

Neonatal acne and vesiculopustulosis

2-3 weeks after birth, the baby may develop small pimples with white tops on the face. This is acne of newborns, when it occurs, they say that the baby "bloomed".

Acne in newborns

So the skin of the crumbs reacts to changes in the hormonal background:

  • With mother's milk, the baby receives cortisol, a stress hormone. Therefore, it is so important for women to pull themselves together, to calm down, to be less nervous;
  • Starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, estrogen is supplied to the baby. Also, the baby continues to receive it after birth, if he is breastfed. Gradually, the hormonal background will even out, and the pimples will disappear.

Can pour out if hygiene rules are not observed. The sebaceous glands of the child begin to work hard, a fatty film appears on the skin. It encourages dust and other contaminants to accumulate on the surface. If the baby is not washed, the pores will become clogged and acne will develop.

Vesiculopustulosis usually manifests itself in the hospital. On the face of the child, mainly in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, pustules are strongly visible. Bubbles appear on the chin of the crumbs, in the scalp. They can be the size of a pinhead. It is believed that in a similar way the baby reacts to infection with Staphylococcus aureus. It occurs during childbirth with non-compliance with sanitary standards. Heat and stuffiness in the room also provoke the development of the disease.

Vesiculopustulosis often affects children born prematurely, characterized by weakened immunity. Laboratory studies were carried out, according to the results of which it was found that the rashes are caused by the presence of fungi of the genus Candida, Escherichia coli.

The skin of the crumbs needs to be processed, if necessary, antibiotics and even hormonal drugs are prescribed. If you start to treat the child on time, then you will not have to open the pustules, they will disappear without a trace.

Helminthic invasions

Parasites can colonize a child's body at any age. The baby's immune system perceives them as foreign objects, as a result, the level of eosinophils in the blood rises. This is a type of white blood cell that allows you to determine the presence of an allergic reaction, in response to which skin rashes appear. The waste products of parasites have a toxic effect on the child's body, which can also lead to acne. Children usually develop hives, a reddish rash that can cause itching.


Note! When the worms just start their activity, the spots become noticeable in those places where there is no fat layer, in particular, this is the chin.

Fungal lesions

Fungal skin diseases usually begin when personal hygiene is not followed. The provoking factor is wounds and injuries on the face. Any scratches need to be treated to prevent infection.

With fungal infections, spots of different sizes appear. After a while, they begin to peel off, they can bring discomfort to the baby. He starts to itch, becomes restless. To prevent the spread of the disease, you must visit a doctor. There are gentle ointments approved for use for babies.

Types of rashes on the face

By the appearance of the rash, the doctor will be able to determine what caused them. If necessary, recommend medications. Perhaps it will be possible to limit ourselves to creating comfortable conditions, controlling the products used by the crumbs, and observing the rules of personal hygiene.

Rough skin

Rough spots may indicate the presence of atopic dermatitis, allergies. The skin becomes dry and unpleasant to the touch. Usually the cheeks of the crumbs turn red. The people commonly call the disease diathesis. Komarovsky confirms that this is the most common skin problem in children in the first two years of life. It is not necessary that the baby reacts in a similar way to the foods in his diet. Of course, food allergies, including a reaction to the mixture, if the baby is artificially fed, cannot be ruled out. More often, such a manifestation is the result of buying a new washing powder or synthetic bedding.

Small red rash

Heat transfer in babies does not work the same as in adults. Children are often wrapped up, protected from colds, without ventilating the room. So, prickly heat may appear in the armpits, on the buttocks, shoulders, neck. Small nodules itch, bother the baby.

Prickly heat

Allergy rash

If the crumbs are allergic, then, in addition to a red rash, tearing usually begins, the baby sneezes, diarrhea may join. At the same time, the body temperature remains normal. The spots are usually bright red, itchy, and may peel off. They are heterogeneous, appear in certain areas, do not spread throughout the body. Allergies can be on the hands of a child, if the spots are concentrated between the fingers, then they cause severe inconvenience to the baby.

Note! The rash can become more intense during the period of teething, a painful stage in the development of the baby.

Colorless eruptions

Why does a colorless rash appear:

  • Infection with fungal infections;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Allergy;
  • Digestive problems.


Roseola is an infectious disease that affects babies under the age of two. The baby's body temperature suddenly rises. It stays in the region of 38-40 degrees, it does not get off well. After 2-3 days, it disappears, while other symptoms of the disease do not join. After the normalization of the condition, a rash appears. First, it becomes noticeable on the body, then spreads over the face. Pale red flat spots merge together, densely covering the baby's body. They do not cause inconvenience to the child. On the second day, their number increases significantly, then they gradually turn pale and disappear. Treatment consists only in knocking down the temperature.

White pimples

A white rash on the face usually indicates a blockage of the sebaceous glands. More often this is due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Other types

A rash on the face of a baby can be a symptom of infectious diseases:

  • Rubella. Pink spots with a diameter of 3-5 millimeters simultaneously spread throughout the body, are clearly visible on the face. The baby has a fever;
  • Measles. Grayish spots are noticeable on the face, there are behind the ears, then they turn pink, merge. The child has a high fever, he coughs, often the disease is accompanied by conjunctivitis;
  • Chickenpox. Small transparent bubbles gradually appear on the skin, after a while they break open and a crust forms.


Note! If the rash is noticeable on the cheeks and nose of the baby, a shape resembling a butterfly is created, suggesting an autoimmune disease - lupus. Scaly patches are usually visible on the neck and arms.

Parental actions when a rash appears

When a rash appears on the face of an infant, it should be shown to the doctor, especially if the baby is not yet 6 months old. You cannot hesitate to see a doctor when alarming symptoms arise.

When to call a doctor

If the baby has a rash on the face, medical attention is needed in the following cases:

  • The temperature has risen;
  • The baby is less than six months old;
  • The rash occurs in other family members;
  • The child has a stomach ache, vomits;
  • The crumbs' condition worsens;
  • The spots began to peel off after a few days.

Note! You can't hesitate if the rash resembles bruising, spider veins are visible on the skin. Symptoms like these may indicate meningitis.


A rash in children of the first year of life can be a symptom of an infectious or fungal disease, an allergic reaction, or a physiological process. To rule out the presence of meningitis, you need to attach a transparent glass to the stain. The gentle rash disappears with pressure. If it remains visible through the walls of the container, you must immediately call an ambulance.

When a rash appears on a child's face, what is it: a dangerous disease or the result of improper care, only the doctor will say after the examination. Do not self-medicate, resort to all kinds of means, smear with creams. There is a possibility of shifting the symptoms, changing the picture of the disease, then it will be difficult for the doctor to immediately diagnose, in the worst case, the rash will intensify, and the baby's well-being will suffer.

General care instructions

If a rash occurs, an allergic reaction must be ruled out. It is worth removing new products from the diet, replacing bed linen, crumbs of clothes. The skin needs to be looked after, moisturized or dried, depending on the type of irritation. In some cases, it is recommended to wipe your face with a salicylic acid solution; it is better to refuse to use soap. Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed. Treatment and care depend on the cause of the rash. The doctor will help determine it.

Medical examination


To reduce the risk of a rash on the cheeks and forehead in an infant, the following recommendations will help:

  • Monitor the foods that the baby eats. If the child is on gv, the mother should be careful about her diet;
  • Take care of your skin, observe hygiene rules;
  • Buy baby underwear and clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • Use powders, other detergents designed specifically for children;
  • Ventilate the room, monitor the temperature and humidity of the house.

You cannot insure against infectious and fungal diseases. The main thing is not to forget to wash your hands after visiting public places with a baby.

How to get rid of rashes on the face of a newborn, the doctor will tell you. You should not self-medicate so as not to harm the baby.

Watch the video: 7 Signs and Symptoms of Lupus You Should Know (September 2024).