
Registration of a child in the registry office - how to register after birth

Parents always experience a lot of anxiety and excitement after the birth of a baby. After the stay in the hospital is over, the period of caring for the baby, education and acquaintance with the new world begins. Registration of the child in the registry office is of great importance, since it enables the child to become a full citizen of his homeland. It is worth knowing the rules and terms when it is necessary to obtain a birth certificate, how to prescribe the baby, correctly draw up an application, what is the cost of the procedure. In some cases, the step-by-step scenario for submitting the required documents may differ. All the nuances of obtaining a birth certificate are discussed in this article.

Registration of the child in the registry office

Why register a child

Registration of the birth of a child makes it possible for the baby to receive a personal first state and official document, which will be the identification of a person for fourteen years. After that, the child receives a passport.

It is also necessary to register with the registry office for the reason that, thanks to the certificate, you can subsequently apply for an allowance for caring for an infant.

Important! Without a certificate, the child will not have access to social guarantees and rights, such as medical insurance, enrollment in a preschool educational institution and receiving secondary education.

The purpose of the registration of a newborn

It is necessary to register the child at the place of residence, because this event will help to fairly estimate the cost of utilities, and it is also necessary for statistics and the execution of various documents.

In practice, the question often arises: is a residence permit necessary? In the early days, months, parents are not at all up to going to public places, sometimes there are difficulties with registration.

According to the law, it is possible to receive documents and payments without registration:

  • Medical service. As a rule, immediately after birth, the child is attached to the clinic at the place of residence; this does not require a certificate of registration. Even when receiving a health insurance policy, the company does not require this document.
  • To enroll in a kindergarten, a child's registration is also not required.
  • You will not need help to complete the various manuals. An exception may be the registration of benefits by non-working mothers in the social security authorities, where registration may be requested.
  • Registration of a passport.

Note! Of the main and necessary documents in the first month of life, parents are required to obtain a birth certificate.

Upon entering the school, a residence permit will already be needed.

Registration of a birth certificate

Obtaining the first document is a simple procedure, parents will spend no more than an hour on it. The design scheme has not changed for many years, only the appearance of the certificate has undergone changes.

Birth certificate

Baby registration sequence

How to register a child:

  1. In the registry office write a statement in the form №1. Forms are available in all branches. Also, the form can be downloaded on electronic portals, and then printed on a printer.
  2. The application must include all the data: gender of the child, place of birth, date of birth, information about parents, marriage certificate.

The document is usually produced on the day of circulation within 20-60 minutes.

Documents for registering a child

What documents are needed to register a child:

  • Passports of two parents or one of them in case of loss;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • A document that recorded the fact of childbirth.

Memo for paperwork for a newborn

If a surrogate mother gave birth to a child, the following documents are required:

  • Birth certificate of the baby, which contains the data of the woman who gave birth.
  • A statement from the surrogate mother that she agrees to register the child with the actual parents.
  • Extract from the center that performed the IVF procedure.
  • Parents' passports and marriage certificate.

Who submits documents

It is not necessary for both parents to be present at the registration - one of them is enough.

If the parents cannot come to the registry office for a number of reasons, the document can be drawn up in the presence of relatives or an authorized person of the medical institution where the birth took place or the mother stayed.

Documents in case of unidentified paternity

The procedure for registering the birth of a child in the registry office with unidentified paternity is as follows:

  1. The mother submits all the documents, and also writes a statement, which indicates information about the father.
  2. Mother and father jointly write a statement and submit to the registry office.
  3. Establishment of paternity is carried out by the registry office on the basis of an electronic document via the Internet.

After the registration of the newborn in the registry office, certificates of the birth of the child and of established paternity are issued.

Deadlines for registration

Russian legislation specifies the deadline for obtaining a certificate one month after the birth of a baby. From a practical point of view, it is better not to delay with this procedure, since without this document it is impossible to get SNILS, a policy and get on the line at the kindergarten.

Additional Information. There are no sanctions for violating the deadlines for obtaining a birth certificate - you can receive a document until the onset of the 14th anniversary.

The terms for issuing the certificate vary. If the parents applied to the registry office, then the certificate is issued on the day of contact within an hour. If you act through the "Gosuslugi" portal, then the procedure is extended until the date indicated after filling out the forms on the portal. The MFC can issue a certificate within 3 working days from the date of application.

How to enter a child in the parents' passport

To carry out this service, you must contact:

  • FMS (Federal Migration Service) authority at the place of residence;
  • MFC (multifunctional center).

Stamp in the passport about children

This manipulation implies:

  • Personal presence of the parent;
  • Stamping the passport using a specialized printer;
  • Making a record, which is confirmed by the signature of an authorized person.

What difficulties may arise

There are a number of situations in which difficulties can arise, but they can be solved with the correct actions of the parents.

If the parents are not married

To make the registration procedure easier, the parents must be married. If this is not the case, then you will need to obtain a document confirming the establishment of paternity. It is issued by the registry office at the time of the procedure for issuing a birth certificate.

The state duty for a document on the establishment of paternity is required, it is 350 rubles [1]. It is better to make the payment before leaving the registry office so that the process goes faster without interrupting it for a visit to a banking institution.

If the mother is single

In which registry office should a single mother register a child? In this case, the whole procedure is carried out according to the usual format, but the mother gives the child's surname and patronymic on her own. Documents required:

  • application for a certificate;
  • mother's data.

If the information about the father changes over time, then you will have to pay a state fee of 650 rubles [2].

If there is no registry office at the place of birth of the child

The certificate is received by:

  • at the place of residence of the parents or one of them;
  • in the registry office, which is located near the place where the baby was born.

Father's surname in unregistered marriage

Where you need to register a newborn child, if the couple is not officially registered - at the registry office, where two parents must appear. If the father recognizes the child as his own, he writes a statement. Then, in his presence, information about the father is entered into the certificate, and his data are indicated.

Additional Information. You will need to pay a small state fee for a document on paternity.

State duty for a birth certificate

When issuing a birth certificate, you will not need to pay any state fees. However, in case of loss of the document, a duplicate can be obtained by paying 350 rubles [3].

Within the region of residence, the forms for payment of the state duty are the same, they can either be taken from the bank, or downloaded on the electronic portal of the State Committee for Civil Registry Office of the required region, printed and filled out at home. In order to avoid various misunderstandings, it is better to contact the registry office to clarify the details for paying the state duty.

Sample receipt for payment of the state fee when issuing a re-certificate

Registration of a newborn is an important and obligatory matter that parents should do in the very first month of a baby's life. Thanks to this procedure, the child will be able to have all the rights and privileges of a Russian citizen: he will receive a residence permit, medical insurance, closer to two or three years old he will be able to go to kindergarten, then to school.

[1] Data is current as of March 2020

[2] Data is current as of March 2020

[3] Data is current as of March 2020

Watch the video: A child who is not registered at birth is invisible (July 2024).