
Fairy tales for newborns - what to read to the smallest children

It is known that a small child learns the world not only visually, but also through auditory perception. To help the little one gain knowledge about the surrounding space, different means are usually used. It's good if they are accessible to children's understanding, then the baby will be able to emotionally perceive everything around him and express his attitude to what is happening. In this regard, the fairy tale plays an unrivaled role. Early childhood educators have developed effective techniques for using fairy tales for babies in early development and education.

Fairy tales need to be told even to the smallest children

The benefits of fairy tales for the kid

When young mothers ask if there are fairy tales for newborns, child psychologists answer this question in the affirmative. They strongly recommend choosing works of authorship or folk art for the appropriate age and be sure to read them to your child, making them a ritual before going to bed for the night.

Experts reveal how fairy tales are useful for babies under 1 year old. It turns out that they have the amazing power of psychotherapy, since the soothing fairy intonation has a positive effect on a small child.

Even if while the infant does not understand the words, his psyche is arranged in such a way that the brain intuitively responds to the familiar voice of an adult. As scientists have found, the vibrations of the mother's voice synchronize the work of the brain regions responsible for hearing and vision, memory and attention. That is why it is useful for a newborn to listen to lullabies and melodious tales performed by women even before birth. After birth, the affectionate mother's voice telling a fairy tale can quickly calm and lull the baby. At the same time, his auditory perception develops, gradually acquaintance with the surrounding world goes.

The main purpose of fairy tales for children under one year old is to acquaint with the structure of the world, the basic laws of human existence. In addition, a correctly selected fairy-tale content forms the child's moral guidelines, reveals ideas about good and evil.

Note! According to psychologists, fairy tales to a certain extent form a person's life scenario, since through them stereotypes of behavior are learned, a model of social role is read.

Living with an adult in a fairy tale plot, the child develops emotionally, learns to empathize, rejoice, and be upset with the fairy tale characters.

According to experts, reading fairy tales is not just entertainment, it is a school of life. Therefore, parents should responsibly select and correctly read fairy tales for babies.

In addition, a fairy tale is a help for a child, explained by the fact that it is difficult for him to tell an adult about his feelings. The kid is sometimes lonely, scared, he can get tired, and all this is expressed, as a rule, in whims, disobedience. It helps to understand what emotions the child is experiencing, namely a fairy tale.

When to read fairy tales to a baby

The opinions of different experts will help to understand at what age to tell fairy tales for babies. For example, psychologists believe that it is necessary to start telling them to your beloved child as early as possible.

Fairy tales help the child's mental development and acquaintance with the world around him

Despite the fact that the newborn child does not understand the text, the main thing is that he hears his mother's voice and her tender intonations. According to teachers, it is possible to read fairy tales for a month old baby, but it is much more useful to sing songs, recite short fairy rhymes. At this age, rhyme and the rhythm of the word are more useful for the development of auditory perception and speech.

As the child grows up, the parents, having a “fabulous” experience, will be able to understand what the child likes and what books need to be purchased.

Children's experts agree that acquaintance with books should be started from an early age. It was noticed that those children with whom mothers looked at pictures with fairy-tale characters, read magic texts, gain experience of social interaction earlier, make contact more easily, communicate.

Note. You can read children's fairy tales for the smallest newborns as soon as parents notice that the child is concentrating on a separate subject. This means that he is ready to view the illustrations.

Undoubtedly, such actions cannot yet be called direct reading, nevertheless, this is already the first acquaintance with the book. The main thing is that the baby hears a clear diction, responds with sounds to the speech of an adult, which makes it possible to intensify interest in reading.

How to tell stories to a newborn correctly

The process of reading a fairy tale for a newborn child begins long before the reading itself. In order for the baby to show interest in books, it is important that he masters the basic skills: the ability to listen and look at pictures.

It is known that a child's hearing develops in the mother's tummy. Long before birth, he is able to hear and perceive the voices of his parents, music, and sounds of nature. Therefore, experts advise pregnant women to surround themselves and the future baby with pleasant sounds, arrange relaxation sessions, listen to calm music, and tell him stories.

When a newborn is born, the poems and fairy tales in his mother's performance, which he heard before he was born, will have a calming effect on him.

As the baby grows up, the fairy-tale repertoire gradually expands, nursery rhymes, jokes and songs are added to the usual fairy tales and lullabies.

The first storybooks for toddlers should be safe and colorful

From birth to six months of age, you can read the text yourself, or you can use the background listening to the works. To this end, audio fairy tales help - an excellent solution for modern parents, for example, based on author's or folk works: "Ryaba Chicken" or "Nursery Tales", "Bedtime Tales".

From 6 months to a year, you can purchase the first children's cardboard book, which consists of dense, durable and safe pages. Children love to manipulate the book, which is a plus as it helps them practice fine motor skills. You shouldn't buy a lot of baby books, 2-3 will be enough.

Teachers have developed rules to help parents choose a book:

  • It should have thick cardboard pages with high-quality binding, since the baby tastes everything;
  • It is better to choose simple and large illustrations. The simpler the image is, the more recognizable it will be for a child, respectively, the interest in the book will be higher;
  • Ideal images if they are made on the basis of 4 primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and 2 additional (white and black), since too colorful pictures tire the crumb. Three-month-old babies perceive contrasting colors best;
  • Pictures must be necessarily realistic, for example, pets or fruits known to children, understandable actions of the characters. This is one of the most important points, since up to a year old there is a large amount of information, and abstract images will mislead babies.

Important! An ideal book with fairy tales for children 0 and older would be a small cardboard box, on each page of which there is a picture, words in it are optional. Mom will simply tell the child about what is shown in the picture, this will be the first fairy tale.

How to choose children's stories for the little ones

Fairy tales that need to be read for babies should be fully consistent with the age and mental development of the baby. In order to understand what suits him perfectly, you need to pay attention to how he listens to a fairy tale. If the story is perceived without interest, this suggests that the magic story is not interesting for the child or is simply too difficult to understand.

You need to tell children's stories in accordance with the age and mental development of the child.

Psychologists believe that you can begin to acquaint a toddler with magical stories from the age of three months, since he is already looking at the surrounding objects with interest and is ready to see his first baby book.

The next stage of the "book" development of the baby begins at the age of five months. Then you can buy him picture books for the little ones, which should not contain text, maximum - one short word or a caption to the picture. Each page should have one large image on a soft background. Children under one year old perceive books as new toys, this is absolutely normal.

Children's experts say the following about the content:

  • It is best to start your acquaintance with fairy tales about animals that children could see in real life: a cat, a dog, a bird. However, you should not read fairy tales for babies with a dramatic ending, for example, "Kolobok";
  • Interesting fairy tales, rehash, which parents themselves can come up with or use audio recordings with works of authorship. They combine the plots and characters of different fairy tales, for example, "Zaykin's Lullaby", "Favorite Toys".

The best educational stories for children under one year old

When parents ask what children's fairy tales to read for the smallest newborns, experts say, that for the first acquaintance, collections of folk nursery rhymes and short bedtime stories are ideal:

  • Children from birth to 1 year old respond well to rhyme, so it is more useful to read short and simple mini-rhymes, nursery rhymes and songs. For example, the best choice would be the works of authorship by K. Chukovsky and A. Barto;
  • From modern works for toddlers from 0 to three months of age, collections of the type “Reading with a baby. Goodies, goodies ". Such illustrated books contain Russian folk tales, jokes, nursery rhymes, short poems. In addition, they contain many variants of a lullaby;

Collections of fairy tales and poems will help parents choose the best works for the baby

  • By 6 months, the child has a more noticeable interest in reading, he will be able to listen to more than a line on a book spread. Therefore, it is possible to introduce fairy tales with a more complex plot: "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears". Modern collections such as "A book for reading for children from 6 months to 3 years old" include fairy tales, funny poems and soothing lullabies by A. Barto, V. Lunik, A. Tolstoy and other authors. Beautiful and bright illustrations go well with the text and will certainly please the kid;
  • A baby 9-10 months old can already read books with illustrations and repeated repetition: "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba", "Teremok", which he will repeat while reading after his mother. It is better if it is not a thick collection, to which it is still difficult for a child to react, but several small books.

A fairy tale can become a good family tradition. She will help parents not only to acquaint the baby with the world around him, but also to bring up positive qualities in it, soothe and tune in to positive. It is also an excellent means of joint communication between an adult and a child.

Watch the video: Three Little Pigs 3 Little Pigs. Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids. Fable (July 2024).