
Examples in mathematics for grade 2

Is your baby already in second grade? This means that he has mastered the basic concepts of arithmetic and is ready for new knowledge. It's time to complicate the tasks, you can't stop there, you need to continue development and give the child new tasks.

Second grade math is the next step that your little one can easily overcome with our examples and your help.

Examples in mathematics for grade 2 are aimed at obtaining the following knowledge by the child:

  • mathematical operations on two-digit numbers within 100;

  • addition and subtraction with a transition through the digit;

  • operations with brackets.

It's easy and convenient to work with the example generator:

  • the task is very simple to save and print, which allows the child not to spoil his eyes once again from working at an electronic device;

  • parents can print examples with answers for themselves, which will simplify the verification of the child's knowledge;

  • new examples are created each time a new page is opened, therefore their variations and number are unlimited;

  • each parent can choose the required level of difficulty.

After mastering this material, it is easy to move on to more complex ones by selecting the appropriate section.

Watch the video: Addition of 4 Digit Numbers (July 2024).