Newborn health

The child has a scar: what to do

Childhood is not complete without broken knees, scratches, abrasions and even more serious injuries. How to remove a scar so that it doesn't stay for years?

All parents have to go through unpleasant moments when their child falls. As soon as the baby starts walking and running, various dangers await him everywhere. The main thing in this case is to prevent the formation of a scar at the site of the injury or to properly get rid of the scar formation on the skin, if it does appear.

What wounds leave scars

Most of the scratches, abrasions and shallow superficial wounds in children heal themselves and leave no marks. The most important thing is to treat the damage with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine in time to prevent infection. In a home first-aid kit, these disinfectants must be present.

If the wound is deep, with ragged edges, then a scar may remain in its place. Preventing scars is easier than treating them later, so action should be taken immediately after injury.

How to remove scars

If a child has received a deep wound, it must be pulled off in the first minutes after the incident with a special steri-strip. It is used as a less aggressive alternative to seams. Periodically, the patch is moistened so that the wound heals evenly.

If time is lost and the child has a scar at the site of the injury, you can get rid of it in the following ways:

  1. Topical medications: ointments, creams, gels containing plant extracts and vitamin E. These remedies cope in cases where the child has received minor injuries and this has happened recently. Before using the regenerating preparation, it is recommended to test it by smearing a small area of ​​skin at the elbow. If there are no allergic reactions, then the agent can be used.
  2. Surgical intervention. You will have to resort to it if a rough scar with ragged contours has formed.
  3. Laser resurfacing. This is the removal of the top layer of the skin using a laser.
  4. Dermabrasion. It is the removal of the convex surface of scars using special equipment. This procedure is not suitable for children under the age of 14.

All scars and scars are effective within eight weeks of scarring. Before any procedure, the child should be shown to a specialist doctor who will choose the best option to get rid of the commemorative mark.

Video question: how to remove a scar from a child

Watch the video: Maximillian - Beautiful Scars Lyrics (July 2024).