
A rash in the throat of a child - possible causes

A rash appears in the throat of a child under the influence of bacteria or infection. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of the baby in order to go to the hospital in a timely manner. The types, causes and nature of the formations vary, so you need to know the basic information about the problem.

A rash is a symptom that cannot be ignored

The most common reasons

A rash is observed in 90% of cases of infection with both viral and bacterial diseases. The medical name for the problem, regardless of the type and cause, is enanthema.

In the event of a rash, you need to closely monitor the health of the baby and the symptoms present. For some diseases, such as flu, acute respiratory infections or ARVI, pink or red spots are not a characteristic sign of the disease. In other cases, it is by the nature of the rash in the throat that the pediatrician or infectious disease specialist can clarify the diagnosis.

The rash helps to determine the tactics and methods of further treatment and monitoring of the child's condition. The manifestation cannot be ignored, since it indicates the development of a number of health problems, including diseases characteristic of children or an allergic reaction.

Characteristic formations can also appear on the skin of the body.

Herpetic sore throat

In this case, the rash covers the entire throat. Visually, these are small single vesicles. Inside they contain a cloudy white liquid. After 2-3 days from the moment of formation, they burst. The result is erosion (blending) of a bright color.

A similar rash appears in children 2 or 3 days after the illness. It is initially red, then transparent, and only then turns into erosion. In most cases, additional symptoms are:

  • Severe swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • Inflammation of the back wall and soft palate;
  • Inflammation of the tonsils (rare).

In some cases, problems such as vomiting or abdominal pain are added. Symptoms can last up to 1 week.

Red spots with flu and SARS

If the cause of the problem is flu or ARVI, then the rash will manifest itself 1-3 days after the onset of the disease. A high fever will accompany the symptom. In most cases, the flu is the basis. In this case, red dots will appear on the back of the pharynx and soft palate.

If parainfluenza is the cause, then the rash will be isolated. They will appear on the palatine arches and uvula. Also, adenovirus infection is among the causes of red spots. In this case, single point rashes are observed, they can be observed on the tonsils, the color is bright.

Herpetic pharyngitis

A rash in this condition is a characteristic symptom of a problem. The formations are small vesicles filled with whitish contents. In terms of quantity, at first they are single, then converge into one formation of a larger diameter. Characteristic points appear in the baby's throat for 2-3 days of illness. Visually, they appear as red papules, which quickly turn into whitish or transparent. Then another 1-2 days pass. The manifestation is accompanied by edematous conditions on the mucous membrane. After another day, erosion appears. Present:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • painful sensations while swallowing.

Lymph nodes may enlarge. Manifestations gradually subside 5-7 days after the onset of the disease.

Viral pemphigus

Redness appears on the skin of the buttocks. The next day, the entire body is covered with small specks. The temperature rises to 38 degrees. Cough, runny nose, and pain are present.

Streptococcal pharyngitis

There is a sore throat. Each bubble is small but brightly colored. If the disease proceeds classically, then there is an acute onset with severe pain in the pharynx, increased negative sensations during eating and swallowing. The tonsils will be enlarged, and this will be expressed very well. The rash will appear grayish-white. The next day, small red lymphoid follicles appear on the soft palate. There is a yellow formation in their center.

Redness can be caused by different pathogens

Infectious mononucleosis

The tonsils will be enlarged. There is swelling that affects the palate and throat. The rash will be solid. In the first 1-2 days, the body temperature is kept up to 38-39 degrees. The rash then turns into streaks or clumps.

Red rash in the throat with scarlet fever

In this case, the rash in the child's throat will be deep red. Additional symptoms will be weakness, vomiting, high temperature (38-39 degrees).

Chicken pox

In this case, the blisters will not only be in the throat, but also throughout the body. In 2-3 days after the appearance, single rashes break through. Liquid flows out of them, and erosion remains in their place. This is accompanied by fever, pain.

Allergic reaction

With allergies, the type of rash is different. These are small formations that cover the throat but do not cause significant discomfort. There are also no severe sore throat during swallowing and high fever.

Rare diseases

Pharyngomycosis is a rare disease. Inflammatory processes in this case are caused not by bacteria or viruses, but by fungi (yeast). The rash is small red dots. There is a pronounced feeling of pain. Fever and dry mouth appear. Such manifestations of the disease as itching and burning are added. The mucous membranes are edematous.

Types of rashes

Experts distinguish different types of rashes. They are also divided into primary and secondary. The first group includes:

  • Papules;
  • Roseola;
  • Spots;
  • Erythema;
  • Hillocks;
  • Nodes;
  • Blisters.

This group also includes bubbles. Secondary:

  • Erosion;
  • Ulcers;
  • Scarring.

They appear only after the neoplasm breaks through. By the nature of the rash, it can be single or form clusters.

Important! You should not engage in self-medication, as you can worsen the condition or "lubricate" the symptoms of the disease.

Why is the condition dangerous?

The condition is dangerous with the appearance of severe pain. In this case, the child will refuse to eat. After the rash passes from primary to secondary without proper treatment, the risk of a secondary infection increases.

What to do if red spots are found

The first thing to do is to assess the general condition of the child. You need to measure the temperature. If the indicators are high, consult a specialist.

Which doctor treats a rash in the throat

First you need to contact your pediatrician. Then he will give directions to the ENT. Further recommendations will be given according to the baby's condition. If the cause of the rash is an allergic reaction, then the allergist will carry out procedures to eliminate the problem.

When to see a doctor

The handling should follow at a high temperature. If a rash, even a small blister, appears in a baby, it is better to immediately call a specialist at home.

Differential diagnosis

The specialist assesses the general condition of the child, then conducts a survey of the parents to establish the beginning of the negative process. After the initial diagnosis is established, tests are taken and treatment is prescribed. Depending on the timing of the appearance of the rash, its nature is established.

If the appearance of a rash followed on the first day of the development of the disease, then a similar manifestation is characteristic of bacterial infections. With viral infections, the rash does not appear immediately. Most often, it is observed from the second day of illness and later. If a vesicular rash appears, then we can say that a viral infection has become the cause of the negative condition.

How to relieve discomfort from enanthema

If the child has a red throat and a rash, it is necessary to eliminate the discomfort from the symptoms of the disease. To reduce it in the mouth, you can use rinses and baths with warm decoctions of herbs and medicinal plants: chamomile, sage, yarrow or oak bark.

Additionally, it is recommended to treat red rashes with solutions of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. If ordinary water is used, for example, for drinking, it should not be too cold or hot - you should not additionally irritate the throat. You also need to clean the outside of your mouth to prevent infection or bacteria from entering.

Herbal rinses actively help relieve pain and irritation


Timely treatment started will eliminate the problem quickly. The red rash in the throat of a small child will disappear for 4-5 days. Complications are observed if the immune system is weakened, or a visit to the doctor was followed with a delay.

A rash in the throat can mean a problem in the body caused by a disruption in its functioning due to bacteria, infection or an allergic reaction. Starting treatment on time will reduce the likelihood of complications. Even a small reddish pimple can mean that you need to start treating the baby so as not to cause deterioration in health. You should not select medicines on your own. All appointments are made by the doctor after examination and diagnosis.

Watch the video: GIANT EAR: Allergic Reaction or Infection? Dr. Paul (July 2024).