
How much to cook frozen cauliflower for a child

Mothers of babies look forward to seeing their babies reach the complementary age. Therefore, as soon as the little one is six months old, they begin to seriously think about where to start it.


The benefits of cauliflower for child nutrition

The main advantage of cauliflower among other vegetable purees is its safety for children with allergies. Pediatricians recommend this vegetable one of the first as a guide for infants into the world of plant foods, because it is cauliflower that bears the maximum benefit and minimum risk for the child.

Nutritional value

Nutritionists and pediatricians love cauliflower for its rich content of sulforaphane, a substance that prevents malignant tumors from appearing. It significantly strengthens the DNA structure, making cells more resistant to mutations, including cancer.

In addition, this cruciferous species is rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements. As part of cauliflower:

  • vitamins: A, C, D, E, K, PP, U;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • amino acid arginine;
  • tryptophan;
  • choline;
  • lysine.

The rich composition suggests that the use of cauliflower has a beneficial effect on the function of the heart muscle, allows the nervous system to develop steadily, without leaps, and also ensures the strength of teeth and bones, which is very important for a growing organism. You can safely freeze the vegetable to increase its shelf life.


Interesting! Low calorie content is becoming a priority for feeding overweight children. Enriching the body with useful substances, cabbage does not threaten the child with the growth of adipose tissue.

In what form to give to the child

Due to the fact that babies do not know how to chew for up to a year, and their digestive organs are not able to efficiently process solid fragments of food, babies should be fed with mashed potatoes.

The maximum amount of vitamins is preserved in a raw vegetable. During heat treatment at 60˚C, vitamin C completely decomposes, at 140˚C, sulforaphane disappears. However, raw plant foods can put a lot of stress on the digestion of babies, so boiling or steaming cabbage should be done to keep it soft and safe for immature intestines.

At what age to enter into complementary foods

Despite the fact that packages of industrial puree contain information that it can be introduced into the diet from 4 months, pediatricians do not recommend starting complementary foods earlier than six months. The early introduction of new products is permissible only when the mother has little of her milk and the family is unable to buy the adapted milk formula.

Can I use it for the first feeding

If the child's weight at 6 months exceeds the norm, pediatricians ask parents not to start complementary foods with porridge, but to opt for hypoallergenic cauliflower. In terms of safety, this representative of crucifers can only compete with zucchini. The first portion of cabbage puree should not exceed half a teaspoon.

Attention! If the baby was born prematurely, it will be possible for him to start complementary feeding only after consulting a pediatrician.

How to cook cauliflower properly

Despite the fact that any heat treatment reduces the vitamin content, you can cook the cauliflower so that it retains as many beneficial properties as possible.

How much to cook fresh

Fresh cauliflower should be peeled and rinsed before cooking fresh cauliflower for complementary foods. A large head of cabbage must be disassembled into small inflorescences so that the vegetable cooks faster and more evenly.

Disassemble into inflorescences

It is best to steam food for babies. 7 minutes is enough for the vegetable to be ready for chopping and eating. This method allows you to preserve the maximum possible amount of vitamins and minerals, which dissolve in water during cooking.

If there is no steamer in the house, you can boil the cabbage. In order to preserve the maximum benefit in it, it is better to lower raw inflorescences into already boiling unsalted water - it is too early to introduce salt into the baby's diet. The cooking time is no more than 10 minutes. The degree of doneness can be controlled with a fork, trying the stalks for strength - they will be soft in the finished vegetable.

How much to cook frozen

There is not much difference in how much to cook the cauliflower that is frozen for the baby and the one that has just been plucked from the garden. It should cook no more than 10 minutes. The cooking time will increase slightly due to a significant decrease in the temperature of the water after immersing the frozen vegetable in it. However, this is not a reason to first defrost the inflorescences - they will fall apart, losing their shape.

Interesting! Don't be afraid of frozen foods. Nutritionists have proven that freezing allows you to preserve all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements in vegetables and fruits, as opposed to fresh storage.

Administration rates by month

Each new product should be included in the child's diet gradually. This rule also applies to cauliflower. Acquaintance should be limited to half a teaspoon, and then supplemented with breast milk or formula. You should not rush to complementary foods, so as not to provoke digestive problems and the appearance of skin allergic reactions.

How often to give

Six month old babies can only replace one feed. Better if it is lunch or lunch. Pediatricians strongly advise against giving new foods at night so that possible negative bowel reactions do not deprive the whole family of sleep. Starting at 7 months of age, you can gradually try to replace another feeding with complementary foods.


By increasing the amount of cabbage puree gradually, it will be possible to completely replace one feeding in a week.

Vegetable puree introduction table

LureAge, months
Vegetable puree. g.from 5 to 5090100120150180200

What can be combined with

The usual food for a child's body in the first year of life is mother's milk or formula. Therefore, the gradual introduction of complementary foods should always be accompanied by milk supplements. It will create a feeling of fullness and help the absorption of new foods.

The kid eats with pleasure

Possible problems with cauliflower

The high amount of fiber in cruciferous vegetables prevents constipation. With excessive consumption of cabbage, a number of symptoms can occur:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • increased gas formation;
  • pain in the intestines due to active peristalsis.

A newborn baby needs the attention and care of parents. Mom should not rush to introduce complementary foods. Careful attention to any changes in the baby's behavior after his acquaintance with a new product will eliminate digestive problems and allow him to enjoy new dishes.