
What antipyretics can be given to children under 2 years old

A child's fever is always a concern for parents. Fever in babies can develop very quickly, sometimes it provokes convulsions, dehydration, and increases the load on the small heart. Even a slight increase in temperature is manifested in poor appetite, moodiness and irritability of the child.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

In children of the first years of life, a similar symptom is caused by quite common physiological processes: teething, reaction to vaccination. A high fever may be the onset of a disease or infection. For peace of mind and readiness to provide assistance in any of the options, children's antipyretic drugs should always be kept in the home first-aid kit, with several types and dosage forms.

Fixed Heat Control Products

The main helpers of parents for relieving fever in a child are preparations containing substances:

  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • homeopathic composition Viburcol.

Special children's dosage forms have been developed in the form of rectal suppositories and syrups with dosages corresponding to different ages. It is desirable to use different means alternately in case of prolonged treatment. Also, the choice depends on the reason

Paracetamol use

Paracetamol preparations are represented by a wide range of suppositories: TsefekonP, Calpol, Efferalgan, Panadol and Paracetamol itself. This substance is considered the safest and most effective in infants. The dosage can be selected according to the age of the child. It starts from 50 mg (for children 1 to 3 months) and increases to 100 mg (suppositories from 3 months to 3 years), there are also suppositories for an older age. Suppositories are used rectally. The baby is placed on the back or on the side, the legs are bent, the candle is gently inserted into the anus. The medicine lowers the temperature within 30 minutes and reduces pain, which is important for teething.

There are also syrups with corresponding names. They contain an active ingredient concentration of 30 mg / ml and are used in children from 3 months. Dosing is carried out with a measuring spoon or syringe. Syrups are not always easy to use. Their sweet taste can cause a reaction in a child, sometimes a gag reflex. It is desirable to have both forms.

Ibuprofen use

Ibuprofen is marketed under different names: Ibufen, Nurofen. Suppositories contain 60 mg of active ingredient and are allowed from 3 months of age. Their advantage is their speed of action (about 15 minutes). When using the syrup, the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the baby 10 mg ibuprofen per 1 kg. Ibuprofen relieves toothaches and headaches well, but at the same time irritates the stomach. Due to this property, it is taken after eating, not on an empty stomach.

Application of Viburkol candles

Viburkol rectal suppositories contain extracts of 6 medicinal plants. Suppositories have anesthetic, antipyretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used in newborn babies. Recommended in the treatment of signs of acute respiratory viral infections, teething, bacterial infections.

Rules for the use of antipyretics in children under 2 years of age

The correct use of drugs is important and nuanced. When choosing a dosage form, one should take into account the presence of other symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting). When using rectal suppositories, involuntary defecation may occur after inserting a suppository. Then the procedure must be repeated. For better assimilation of the syrup, it is permissible to give it drip, which will reduce the risk of vomiting.

Antipyretics should always be available at home or when traveling for a small child. They will help take control of the situation, buy time to call the doctor, reduce the risks for the baby and alleviate the condition of illness for a while. Antipyretic drugs are economically available, readily available over the counter and available without a prescription.

Watch the video: Antipyretic Meaning (July 2024).