
Discharge in newborn girls in the first days of life

Immediately after birth or in the first days of life, discharge in newborn girls is noticed by both specialists and parents. Such a phenomenon is not always recorded, so you need to know if there is a disease or physiological processes do not deviate from the norm.

From the first moments of life, it is important to monitor the health of the child

What can be the discharge

In order to understand what is the nature of discharge in newborn girls, whether they pose a danger to the health of the child, it is recommended to take into account age. In the first week, the following are characteristic:

  • Blood (go away on their own 2-3 days after the start);
  • Orange;
  • Yellow;
  • Pink.

In most cases, they go away without treatment. This will take no more than a week (the period of adjusting the power system). White or completely transparent highlights are also noted. Their nature is due to the fact that the remainder of the original lubricant is present in the body of the crumb. If no inflammatory or other pathological processes are observed, over time they will disappear on their own.

White discharge in girls

Sometimes parents notice an accumulation of cheesy formations. They are located in the folds of the labia. This should not be scared, since there is a natural reaction of the body to new circumstances for it. There is a response from the walls of the vagina to the formation of hormones: prolactin and progesterone. A large amount of these hormones is found in the milk that a baby eats immediately after birth.

Important! You should not use special products to remove the discharge. It is enough to carry out standard hygiene procedures. The complete disappearance of such problems is observed after 2-4 weeks.

A good mood and a smile indicate the absence of pronounced health problems.

White vaginal discharge in newborn girls is a normal process. This is due to the fact that their body is actively getting used to and adapting to new conditions of existence. Rebuilding happens sometimes too quickly. Biological substances - hormones, have an increased effect on all processes that can occur in a baby after birth. It is the crisis associated with hormones that causes an increased amount of white discharge. First, the release occurs in the mother (during childbirth), then hormones penetrate into the baby's blood with milk. During this period, the baby may have not only white discharge, but also a slight swelling of the nipples.


The discharge of a girl's baby painted in a similar shade indicates that a violation occurs in the child's body associated with the balance of microflora. In this case, the consistency of the discharge resembles a cream. You do not need to worry if the problem is observed for no more than 3 days. Also, an unpleasant odor should not appear or the color should not change towards a darker one.

Doctors record that up to 70% of newborn girls go through similar problems. A grayish and thin discharge indicates desquamative vulvovaginitis. The problem disappears completely within 3 days after the baby is born.

Yellowish from the genitals

Such discharge in newborn babies of girls is a consequence of the presence of such a problem as a uric acid crisis. It occurs when the body gets rid of excess salt.

Consider! Even a boy can face such a phenomenon.

Visually, the discharge can be yellowish, saturated in color and orange. No special treatment is required. The genitals must be cleaned with normal hygiene procedures. In the first month, the problem disappears.

Light and transparent

If there is a light, transparent discharge that foams a little, you should consult your doctor. This usually indicates the development of a Trichomonas infection. Light watery ones indicate that there is an allergic vulvovaginitis. They appear when the mucous membrane is very thin or dry. In this case, you need to carefully look after the child and regularly carry out hygiene procedures.

Bloody vaginal discharge in infants

Sometimes, a bloody discharge from the vagina in a baby can be fixed after birth or after a few days. The bloody substrate that appears can be of two types:

  • Partially bloody with grayish white;
  • Blood discharge with a yellow tint.

They appear in 8% of all cases recorded by doctors. The time when they can begin is a week from birth. Duration - 1-2 days. The main cause of the occurrence is the abrupt cessation of the action of the maternal hormone estrogen. No special treatment is required. In order to remove the discharge, you need to wipe the baby with warm water. This will avoid possible penetration of infection into the body. Heavy bleeding in this case does not open.

Important! The condition of the mucous membranes and cervix of the uterus in the child will be the same as during normal menstruation.

The difference between normal and pathological discharge

If there is a norm, then the discharge should not be brightly colored (green, red and other shades). The smell is also not felt. Composition - mucus without impurities. The opacity is within the norm. Sometimes small inclusions can be present in the composition of the secret. Profuse discharge is excluded. There are no abnormalities if there is a small amount of mucus, epithelial cells or skin.

Microorganisms can also be present in secretions. In most cases, these are fermented milk sticks and lactobacilli. They will always be present, regardless of whether a baby girl, a girl or a woman will be tested for the composition of the flora.

Blood cells are erythrocytes or leukocytes. The indicator increases if the baby is faced with a problem such as a hormonal crisis. In this case, there is a coloring of the selection in red or pink. Usually the next day or after 2 days, the problem disappears if there are no pathological changes.

Do I need and how to clean

If mucus begins to stand out, then you need to carefully remove it. Rinse with normal warm water. It is allowed to add only children's hygiene products that are age appropriate.

The female body, regardless of age, needs proper hygiene. The basics of all measures are moderation and careful action. The main task of parents in the process of caring for a child is to preserve the natural protective barriers that exist on the mucous membranes. That is why it is important to follow simple care rules:

  • You do not need to use soap every time (only to remove mucus).
  • The washing process should go like this: the child's back should lie on a bent arm, wash from top to bottom (so that water with secretions does not get into the perineum).
  • There should be no dyes in soaps or other care products.
  • Before the main bathing, you need to wash the girl.

It is recommended to use soap (even baby soap) no more than 1-2 times a week. It is also imperative to carefully remove feces from the perineum (especially greenish, rinse 2 times, as it may contain microorganisms). After taking water procedures, you should not wipe the crotch with a towel. It is best to gently blot the area with a soft, clean cloth.

Herbal decoctions are not added to the bath during bathing

Important! It is not necessary to add decoctions of herbs and plants to the water for washing. They can cause an allergic reaction.

What to do for parents

If white, watery discharge appears in newborn girls or other types, the first thing that is required from parents is to objectively assess the situation. In most cases, the process is fully consistent with physiology and speaks of reactions that are normal for the body.

If the mother does not know what to do with herself, begins to worry, then you need to call a doctor to give advice (for the peace of mind of the parents). Rinse thoroughly once a day, then only gently remove accumulations of mucus.

Important! Every day you need to clean up the discharge, you cannot leave them, as this can cause infection and bacteria to enter the body of the crumbs.

When to be alert

Increased attention should be paid when the discharge has changed color, if a smell appears, especially sharp and unpleasant. The general behavior of the child is a good signal that you should see a specialist. You need to visit a doctor when temperature changes, refusal to eat with a simultaneous increase in discharge.

When to see a doctor

A visit to a specialist is required without fail if the discharge persists for a long period of time. If purulent greenish blotches appear, pain has joined, there are signs of a change in the anatomical structure, these are the first promises to visit a doctor. Also, do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist if there is blood in the mucus.

Children from the first days of their lives make their parents worry about their health. Girls at an early age do not know when to see a doctor, so parents pay increased attention to the work of their bodies. Dr. Komarovsky points out that the main thing is to observe the rules of hygiene and stay calm. In the process of caring for the crumb, you should not use soap or other products too often, so as not to dry out the mucous membranes.

Watch the video: Newborn Baby Girls First Day of Life (July 2024).