
Why does the child have a red tip of the pisun, what to do

With the birth of a male baby, the mother is faced with the question of how to properly care for the child's genitals so that no inflammation occurs. However, excessive attention to hygiene can lead to the fact that one day the mother will find the red tip of the pisin in the child.

Painful inflammation

The causes of inflammation

Many men and boys deal with inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. Doctors, examining a child with a red tip of the penis, diagnose acute balanoposthitis. The name of the disease consists of two related diagnoses:

  • balanitis (inflammation of the head);
  • fasting (inflammation of the foreskin).

By itself, the diagnosis does not provide information on what treatment is required, because balanoposthitis is of three types:

  • traumatic;
  • infectious;
  • allergic.

In children of the first year of life, as a rule, traumatic or allergic is more common. In order for infectious balanoposthitis to develop, the child must bring an infection under the foreskin in the form of viruses or bacteria. Given that the child does not live sexually, this type of inflammation is considered last. However, a bacterial disease can be if the hygiene rules are not followed, which consists in washing with soap every night.

Attention! In boys under 12 years of age, physiological phimosis may be absolutely normal - a narrowing of the foreskin, which interferes with the exposure of the head. In children of the first year of life, phimosis is pronounced, therefore, the mother should in no case try to move the foreskin to wash the head with soap. The boy's hygiene is limited to external washing of the organ.

Newborns rarely suffer from this disease, but there is a risk of infection with infectious balanoposthitis if there was a pathogen on the mucous membrane of the mother's birth canal, and the child, having been born naturally, took over this infection.

Daily bathing

What does inflammation look like, symptoms

With balanoposthitis, it becomes inflamed, which means that the tip of the penis turns red. This may be accompanied by:

  • swelling;
  • painful urination;
  • the appearance of white discharge;
  • an increase in body temperature.

Due to inflammation of the tip of the urinary tract, the child may experience constant but portioned urination. This is due to the fact that the bladder is full and wants to empty, but soreness forces the baby to try to restrain this process.

In addition to reddening the tip of the foreskin, the mother may notice sores on the inside of the lower petal, as well as on the head. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, characterized by:

  • burning sensation;
  • swelling;
  • itching.

Important! To find out why the boy's tip of the pisun turned red, you will need to take an analysis, and also remember what unusual happened during the last two days before the child's pain appeared.

Painful urination

What is the danger of the disease

With an advanced form of the inflammatory process, the infection can begin to move up the urethra. As a result, the child may experience cutting pains in the bladder due to cystitis.

The greatest danger is the transition of the disease from one stage to another. Balanoposthitis is of three types:

  1. Plain. It is characterized by inflammation of the head and foreskin, swelling, itching, burning.
  2. Gangrenous. It is accompanied by increased body temperature, weakness. Ulcers appear on the penis, which heal slowly.
  3. Erosive. The epithelium begins to die off, large erosion occurs, the inguinal lymph nodes become inflamed.

Important! At the slightest suspicion of balanoposthitis, parents should stop self-medication and seek help from a specialist.

When to see a doctor

If the baby's penis is inflamed, a doctor is needed without any conditions. Only a specialist can determine the nature of inflammation and prescribe an effective treatment.

As a rule, in the initial stages of the disease, the use of local antiseptics or ointments is sufficient. The simplest method of therapy is baths with furacilin, local antibiotic treatment will only have an effect on bacterial infections. If a patient has balanoposthitis against the background of an injury, furacilin is not needed. It will be necessary to treat the baby with the exception of traumatic underwear with rigid seams. As an additional therapy, you will need to treat the foreskin with a healing ointment once.

Prevention of balanoposthitis in children

The most common cause of inflammation of the foreskin and head is a rare change of underwear. Children using diapers should not walk with an overflowing sorbent. No matter how high the quality of the absorbent linen, it must be changed in a timely manner, otherwise prolonged contact of delicate skin with urine will certainly lead to dermatitis. In addition, the absorbent layer of diapers becomes a favorable breeding ground for bacteria as soon as it is filled with biological fluid produced by the baby's kidneys.

It is impossible to wash boys up to 5-6 years old by forcibly pulling back the foreskin. Between the petals of the skin and the head, there is always a natural defense against infection - smegma (this is a secret secreted by the glands located under the preputial sac). It is a natural antiseptic, so young children do not need to soap their heads.

Balanoposthitis in children is more often due to allergies or chemical burns with detergents than as a result of infection. Therefore, the main thing that a mother should remember, who wants to rid her boy of inflammation:

  • use only children's laundry detergents;
  • rinse the laundry thoroughly;
  • change the diaper in a timely manner;
  • wash the baby without moving the foreskin.

Baby in a diaper

The younger the baby, the better the diapers should be. If it hurts for a baby to write at 3 months, either soap or prolonged contact of the penis with urine is to blame. Basic hygiene can eliminate dangerous inflammations.

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