
At what age do children change eye color and why

Most of the children are born with blue eyes, but after a while the irises can change their color to brown. Also small children have very poor eyesight. At first, they can distinguish only spots of light, and only after a few months they begin to distinguish the outlines of figures. Therefore, brown-eyed parents should not panic about the fact that they have a blue-eyed child, because this is completely normal.

How to know if a child will be blue-eyed

The answer to this question should be sought in school biology textbooks, or you can refer to the family tree. If both parents are blue-eyed and their parents have the same eye color, then the probability of a baby with sky-colored eyes is almost 100%.

The birth of a blue-eyed toddler in a pair, where one parent with brown eyes and the other blue-eyed, is 50%, but it should be remembered that the gene for dark eyes is stronger.

The likelihood of a baby with blue eyes in a pair of brown-eyed parents is also available. It depends on many factors, and this probability is only 6%.

How to know if a child will be brown-eyed

The most common color in the world is brown. This is due to the fact that genetically this color is dominant, that is, stronger. However, the likelihood of a light-eyed child in a brown-eyed family is still there.

A baby born with brown eyes will remain so in the future.

Two parents with dark eyes will have the same child 75% of the time. Another 19% is green, and 6% is gray and blue.

The likelihood of other shades

Green comes in second place after brown in genetic strength. The most rarely inherited color is blue. Therefore, if one of the parents, or older relatives, has brown or green irises, the baby can inherit them.

At what age can eye color change

It takes some time for the baby to change his eye color. It is different for everyone, but melatonin is the main driver of change. With the accumulation of this substance in the body, children change and finally establish the color of the iris. The amount of melanin in a child's body is genetically determined, but basically its indicators reach a maximum value by the 3rd year of life, it is by this time that the baby acquires a constant eye color.

Watch the video: 3 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight Fast at Home (July 2024).