
The most important Russian signs associated with pregnancy

Since ancient times, there have been many signs and superstitions around pregnancy. These are mainly fairy tales and fictions, but there are several important signs that have a scientific basis.

You can not eat red fruits so that the baby is not born red

There are good reasons for this sign. True, it is associated not so much with the color of the products as with their exoticism. During pregnancy, a woman should not eat fruits that do not grow in her country of residence, so as not to provoke an allergy in the baby. For the most part, allergenic fruits are red in color, hence this sign went.

Can't knit

This sign warns a pregnant woman that knitting can lead to entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord. There is, of course, no relationship here. However, a woman should not sit up for needlework anyway. A lot of time in a sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which is harmful for an ordinary person, not to mention a woman in a position. Therefore, you can knit, if the soul requires it, but from time to time you need to interrupt for walks, other things or the usual walking around the apartment.

No need to do things that require raising your hands above your head

For example, hanging laundry or wiping cabinets. In the old days, women were forbidden to do this and threatened to entwine the child with an umbilical cord. Now there are studies in which there are no words about the umbilical cord, but there are other interesting facts. For example, during such cases, a woman's tone rises, which threatens to give birth ahead of time, and the fetus also has oxygen starvation.

Early pregnancy needs to be hidden

Every woman who dreamed of getting pregnant wants to literally scream to the whole world about her happiness when she sees two stripes. But it is not for nothing that they say that happiness loves silence. Therefore, there is a sign according to which one should be silent about pregnancy until the belly appears, so as not to bring trouble on oneself and the child.

To follow this sign or not - every woman decides for herself. Some are instinctively silent until the last, so that in the event of an unsuccessful pregnancy, they do not experience increased public attention and do not listen to inappropriate questions.

A pregnant woman needs to be protected from scary and frightening things.

Even if a woman is cold-blooded in herself and horror films are her favorite genre, during pregnancy it is better for her to refrain from tickling pictures. The fact is that the body of a lady in a position is already acting at the limit of its capabilities, and nervous overload will only add work to it. Therefore, at such a time it is better to look at something beautiful and pleasant, and leave the horror films for later.

Watch the video: SICH 2020 - Room 2 Part 4 (May 2024).