Child development up to a year

Child from birth to one year: stages of development by months

So, a happy event in your family - a child was born. From now on, he has a long way to go from a tiny lump to an almost conscious one-year-old baby. No matter how fast he develops, in the first 12 months he will learn a lot and will never learn everything at that speed again. (the baby learns to observe others, smile, gag, roll over, sit on the priest, walk, play and much, much more ...)... It is not always clear to young mothers whether the baby has problems in development or, on the contrary, is ahead of schedule. Purpose of the articletell what changes are happening to your child in each of the 12 months of his first year, what the baby learns in the first year of his life and how he perceives the world around him.

ATTENTION! NOT TO WRITE IN COMMENTS ABOUT CHILDREN WUNDERKIND! Each baby, just like an adult, is individual and each child develops individually, but something common in the development of newborn children is the same.

Monthly development calendar

First month

A difficult month for young mothers. The first month of a newborn's life is called the adaptation period. He sleeps almost 20 hours a day. Sleep is very important for a baby. In a dream, he grows (on average, in the first month, the child grows by 2-3 cm.), and the body gets used to the new environment. During the waking period, he chaotically waves his arms clenched into fists and legs bent at the knees. Towards the end of the first month, the child is already able to hold his head for a short time, focus his gaze on bright toys, the faces of adults, emit vowel sounds and listen to the conversation of others.

Pediatricians consider it important to latch on to the breast in the first minutes of a child's life. At this time, they believe, "emotional contact" is created between the baby and the mother. Also, first milk (colostrum) is very beneficial for a newborn baby. We read why - What is the importance of early attachment of the newborn to the breast (attachment immediately after childbirth)

Nutrition is very important during this period of a child's life. On average, in the first month, the child is gaining weight about 600 - 700 grams. In no case should you rush the baby during feeding. When the baby is at the breast, he also enjoys the warm and caring mother at that moment.

At birth, a child has innate reflexes, thanks to which he adapts to the environment. But during the first months of life, some of the reflexes disappear. These reflexes include:

  • Sucking;
  • Swimming (if you put the baby with his stomach on the water, he will make swimming movements);
  • Grasping (touching his hand, he squeezes it into a fist);
  • Search (search for the mother's breast);
  • The walking reflex (if you hold the child, then he begins to move his legs, as if walking) and many others.

The following reflexes remain with the child throughout his life: blinking, sneezing, yawning, flinching, etc.

It is by reflexes that pediatricians and child psychologists determine the state and development of the child's nervous system.

And mothers in the first month of a child's life need to surround him not only with warmth, care, safety, but also accustom him to the day-night regime by the end of the first month.

In the first two weeks, do not forget to treat the baby's umbilical wound: see how to properly handle it.

In the first months (usually up to 3 months), 80% of babies experience pain in the tummy due to colic and gas. The child arches his back, twists his legs and cries heart-rendingly. We strongly recommend that you read publications on the topic of colic and gas.

  • Weight gain is about 600-700 grams, in height - 2-3 cm.
  • Eats every 2 hours, at night on average 3-5 times.
  • Sleeps a lot, is awake 2-4 hours a day.
  • Actions are reflexive so far.
  • The movements are chaotic, the fists are clenched.
  • When the child lies on his stomach, he tries to raise his head.
  • The main way to communicate with the world is crying. So the child makes it clear that he is hungry, that he has a wet diaper, that he has something in pain or that he just wants attention. The child can whimper or groan, so he also informs the mother about the discomfort.
  • Able for some time to fix the gaze on fixed objects - mother's face or hanging toy.
  • Reacts to loud and harsh sounds - bells, toys, bells. He can listen, flinch and even cry.
  • She recognizes my mother's voice and smell, reacts to them.
  • If they communicate with the child all the time, then by the end of 1 month his own “speech” will begin to appear - humming, or gurgling.

In detailDevelopment in the first month

Second month

The second month of a child's development can be called a period of "revival". During this period, he no longer only looks at your face, but can also distinguish your emotional state. Are you smiling at him or vice versa angry, calm or sad. And when you come to his crib, the baby starts waving its arms and legs chaotically. In the second month of life, the child already holds his head more confidently. Towards the end of the second month, the child should gain 800 grams in weight, and his height should increase by another 3 cm.

  • He grew by 3 cm, weight gain ranged from 700 g to 1 kg.
  • Becomes more active - awake on average 15-20 minutes per hour. May confuse day with night and want to play and socialize while parents are sleeping.
  • Able to raise and hold the head for a short time.
  • Spreads his arms to the sides, turns from side to back.
  • He actively hums, as if singing the sounds "a", "o", "y", combinations of "aha", "aha", "bu".
  • Demonstrates the "revitalization complex". It manifests itself in a wide smile, reaching out to the mother of arms and legs and their active movement, humming.
  • Calms down while sucking and on hands.
  • Can follow the subject with a gaze, closely monitor approaching or receding objects, turn the head towards the sound source.
  • Movement coordination improves. The child can throw the handles to the sides, he has already found them and is exploring with pleasure - examining, sucking his fingers.
  • Hands are clenched into fists, but you can spread your palms to the baby and put a rattle there, he will try to hold it.
  • The first attempts to reach the object appear.
  • Eyesight improves, the child begins to distinguish colors, the first understanding appears that the world is full of colors.
  • The reflexes of the newborn fade away.

Third month

By the third month, the child already holds his head more confidently. Can lean on his forearms if placed on his tummy. It is important during this period to turn it over on the tummy more often, this will help the baby get rid of the gases formed in the stomach and help strengthen the muscles of the neck and back. And also do not let the baby lie on its side for a long time, this can lead to a curvature of the spine.

During this period, the child is already more focused on bright toys. She can talk to herself, make not only single vowel sounds, but also consonants. Becomes more curious about the things and events around him. He pokes the nipple out of his mouth himself, and then tries to shove it back.

By the end of the third month, the child should add another 800 grams in weight and 3 cm in height. The period between sleep can be 1-1.5 hours. Be sure to surround him with care and warmth. Talk to the baby more often, hug, kiss, take on the arms and walk around the room with him.

  • Height - an increase of 3-3.5 cm. Weight - an increase of 750 gr.
  • The night sleep is lengthened, the daytime sleep is shortened.
  • Lying on his stomach, the child holds his head for 20-25 seconds, in an upright position - up to 15 seconds, easily turns it in different directions.
  • He turns from the back to one side, in the position on his stomach he tries to lean on his elbows.
  • Smiles, recognizes loved ones, hums, "sings" during communication.
  • Becomes more emotional, knows how to laugh out loud, parodies the facial expressions of parents.
  • Knows how to cry and cry to express dissatisfaction and demand attention. Observant parents may even notice the first manifestations of their baby's character.
  • Easily recognizes the source of light and sound.
  • If the mother holds the child above a hard surface, he pushes off the support and, as it were, “jumps up” and twists his legs.
  • The palms are already straightened, the baby pulls the hands to the proposed toy and tries to grab it, tries to hit the rattle above him. He will definitely pull a toy into his hands into his mouth.
  • The kid has already found his legs, and is trying to examine his face with his hands.
  • Generally, movements become voluntary.

Fourth month

By the fourth month, the child can already confidently hold his head. Reacts and turns to sound. Lying on his tummy, he can lean on his arms and straighten them. Can independently reach for a toy, grab it, examine it closely, taste it. Identify your mom from other people.

  • Height + 2.5 cm, weight + 700 g.
  • Turns over from back to stomach, holds his head well and turns it to the sides, confidently supports the body on the elbows when lying on his stomach.
  • He makes the first attempts to sit down, raises the upper part of the body.
  • Crawls on belly in crib or rug.
  • Arbitrarily grabs and holds the toy with one or two hands, tastes it.
  • The child has favorite toys.
  • Performs the first conscious manipulations with objects: knocks, throws.
  • Supports breast or bottle while feeding.
  • Babbling gradually begins to replace humming, the first syllables appear - "ma", "ba", "pa".
  • Fixes your gaze and closely follows moving objects.
  • Looks at his reflection in the mirror.
  • When communicating, the child gives preference to his mother, is capricious, even if she left for a very short time.
  • Distinguishes between friends and foes, actively smiles, laughs, can even squeal with delight.
  • Reacts to music - calms down when he hears it and listens carefully.
  • Reacts when his name is pronounced.

Fifth month

This is a new leap forward in your child's development. During this period, he can already roll over on his own. Some at this age try to sit on the pope. Crawl on the floor or crib on your tummy. Trying to get back on their feet. It is very important to hold your baby under the armpits and teach him to walk. In order to train the muscles of the legs and relieve him in the future from flat feet and "bouncing" while walking. The child can already clearly identify those close to him from strangers. He makes sounds more confidently, though not yet realized. Teach him to pronounce the simplest words, such as dad, mom, grandfather, woman. On average, in the fifth month, your child will gain about 2.5 cm in height and about 700 grams in weight.

  • Height +2.5, weight + 700 gr.
  • He knows how to roll over from back to stomach and back, rests on his palms, confidently holds his head in an upright position, looks around.
  • Can sit with support for a while.
  • An important sign of the normal development of the nervous system is the ability to distinguish between friends and foes. A child may become alert when a stranger appears, reluctantly go into his arms, may be frightened and cry loudly. He prefers to be on the arms of his parents.
  • He himself encourages parents to communicate, pulls hands to mom, smiles, babbles, pronounces the first syllables. If there is not enough communication, the child is capricious.
  • He willingly plays with objects - pulls him to himself, throws, knocks, licks.
  • Plays while eating.
  • Some babies suck their toes.
  • He looks at the faces in the pictures with interest.
  • Most children begin to erupt their teeth.

Sixth month

At this age, the child can already distinguish his name from another name. Can sit on the priest without help. Confidently holds toys in his hands, transfers them from one hand to another. Lying on his tummy, he can pull up his legs and try to get on all fours. Learns to pronounce individual syllables: pa-pa, ma-ma.

Many at this age begin to feed the baby with complementary foods. Just try not to give him salty and sweet food, because the kidneys and intestines are not yet sufficiently developed for this. Talk to your doctor about what food you can give your baby at this age.

  • Height +2.5 cm, weight +700 g.
  • Sits down and sits on his own for a while.
  • Crawls "on bellies", is able to crawl to a toy, which is 10-20 cm from him.
  • He gets on all fours and sways back and forth. This is an important indicator - this is how the child prepares for a full crawl.
  • Tilts and turns in different directions.
  • Drinks from a mug, if held, plays with food.
  • Picks up dropped objects, transfers the toy from hand to hand or from one box to another.
  • He studies with interest and can break objects.
  • Simple causal relationships are formed: pushed an object - it fell, pressed a button - music turned on.
  • Looks at the large object that mom is talking about.
  • The child is very emotional, his mood constantly changes, he screams when he is dissatisfied and laughs loudly when he is played with.
  • He enjoys playing peek-a-boo, can clap his hands.
  • Listens attentively to human speech and reproduces sounds and syllables, babbles actively. The consonants "z", "s", "v", "f" appear.

Seventh month

By the seventh month, the child already becomes a fidget. It can easily roll itself from back to tummy or sideways. Distinguishes objects and if you ask him, for example, to say where the clock is, he, slightly twisting his head to the sides, will show them. With the help of support, he can walk, crawl independently, mostly backward. He hits toys against each other, throws them and watches intently as they fall to the floor or bang against the wall, often smiling at the same time.

Children of this age love to swim, as they already sit confidently and can play with toys.

In terms of diet, it will be useful to give a child at this age a little cottage cheese and meat in order to replenish the supply of calcium in the body, for its further growth and speed up the process of teething. Potassium, for normal heart function and protein, for muscle growth.

At this age, try to keep the floor, toys and objects clean that the child can grab. Because at this age he will taste them, i.e. everything that comes across will be shoved into the mouth.

By the end of the seventh month, the child should gain an average of about 550-600 grams in weight and 2 cm in height.

  • Height +2 cm, weight + 600 g.
  • Sits confidently, holds his back straight, sometimes rests on his hand.
  • The crawling skill is developing or improving, some children crawl backwards.
  • Takes food off a spoon, drinks from a mug with support.
  • Itself stands at the support, is able to stand for some time.
  • Likes to "walk" when his mother supports him under the arms or by the arms.
  • Grasping movements are improved, fine motor skills of the hands develop. The child is delighted with finger games - "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki".
  • He enjoys studying the properties of the surrounding objects: knocking them, shaking them, throwing them on the floor, disassembling, breaking them, pulling them into his mouth. Can hold a toy in each hand and knock them against each other.
  • Shows where his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are, examines himself with his hands and with the help of his mouth.
  • Begins to copy the behavior of adults.
  • He babbles actively, sings the sounds “ta”, “yes”, “ma”, “na”, “ba”, “pa”, onomatopoeia “av-av”, “kva-kva” and others appear.
  • Glances at pictures in books with pleasure, leafs through the pages.
  • Determines by tone of voice what it means "no".

Eighth month

At this age, the main thing is not to leave one child at a height. Since he can already move independently, sit down. He looks at new toys with interest. He can identify mom and dad from strangers by photography. Can understand the game "okay" or the well-known "cuckoo". If you ask the baby to wave his hand after you, he will wave with pleasure.A little begins to understand what he is asked for. He tries to eat on his own.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • He is very attached to his mother, he experiences even a short separation very painfully, he is wary of strangers.
  • He sits himself, gets up, walks with side steps at the support.
  • Moves freely in familiar space.
  • Can carry out simple assignments - bring, show.
  • Actions with objects become correlating: the child covers the jars with lids, string rings of the pyramid.
  • The range of emotions expands, one can notice discontent, surprise, joy, delight, persistence.
  • The first conscious words appear - "mom", "dad", "give."
  • The vocabulary is actively growing, new babbling sounds and words are constantly appearing.
  • Likes to listen to music, dance to it, clap hands and stamp feet.

Ninth month

Grasping a nearby chair, sofa or playpen, the child can independently rise and move, holding on to them. Falls, cries and gets up back. During this period, the child learns to walk independently. Likes to repeat words after adults, or rather syllables. Can already drink from a cup held by an adult.

  • Height +2 cm, weight +600 g.
  • Rises from a sitting position, sits down from a prone position, stands and walks with support. He tries to climb onto a sofa, chair, armchair, open drawers.
  • It unfolds while crawling.
  • Knows where to put toys and where mom removed this or that item. He wants to get everything that surrounds him.
  • He actively expresses emotions towards his parents - he is dissatisfied and breaks loose when his mother cleans his ears or cuts his nails, gets scared if he has lost sight of his mother.
  • Attempts to manipulate adults by screaming and crying.
  • He tries to eat himself with a spoon and shows the first independence in dressing.
  • Fine motor skills are improved - the child can take small objects, stick his fingers into the holes. Knows how to crumple a piece of plasticine and tear paper.
  • Remembers the names of objects, can show them.
  • Repeats the actions of adults and can complete some errands. Likes to do everything in public, repeats the action if asked.
  • Knows the meanings of the words "lie down", "give", "go", "sit".
  • Speech is actively developing. The child's own "language" is formed, understandable only to close people.

In detailBaby development at 9 months

Tenth month

At this age, the child imitates adults and animals with movements. Can play independently with toys, confidently holds them in his hands. He can turn over books with his fingers. Can play with other children with the help of adults. He understands when he is told "no".

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Sits down from a standing position, crawls quickly, can stand unsupported and tries to walk.
  • Likes to dance, stomp, clap his hands.
  • Small movements of the fingers become more perfect, the child holds two or three small objects in one hand.
  • Performs complicated actions: opens and closes, hides, takes.
  • It repeats movements and reproduces facial expressions of adults.
  • Uses mostly one hand.
  • Understands what needs to be done with objects - rolls the car, pushes the tumbler, collects the pyramid, builds turrets from two or three cubes.
  • Likes to put objects into each other, drag them from place to place.
  • He is more interested in small objects than large ones.
  • Finds logical connections - for example, the car can be moved with a stick or slipper.
  • He can show parts of his face, his mother, the doll.

Eleventh month

This is almost an "adult child". Moves independently, sits down, crawls, gets up. Understands simple requests. Learns to pronounce the first words.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Actively moves, sits down, gets up, lies down, can walk a short distance without support.
  • He tries to show independence - he eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, puts on socks and shoes.
  • Reacts very vividly to a new toy, to unfamiliar surroundings, strangers.
  • Understands strict speech. He knows what "no" is, understands from his mother's reaction whether he acted well or badly.
  • Loves praise.
  • He babbles a lot and communicates in his own “language”, clearly says the words “mom”, “dad”, “woman”.
  • Uses different means of expressing his desires, except for crying - points with a finger, looks away.
  • Waving his hand at parting.
  • Nods affirmatively or shakes his head negatively.
  • Loves musical toys, bright illustrations in books.
  • Grips beads or beans with your index and thumb.

Twelfth month

At almost one year of age, in most cases, the child already begins to walk independently without support, to stand. They are actively involved in the process of eating, bathing and dressing. Shows a sense of caring for toys. She feeds them and puts them to bed. Repeats sounds heard on the street, on TV or at home. Begins to pronounce the first words. True, these words are not always clear to everyone. But those who will listen carefully to the child will understand them.

  • Height +1 cm, weight +350 g.
  • Stands, gets up from a squatting position, walks independently.
  • Steps over obstacles and crouches to pick up an object from the floor.
  • He actively participates in everything that concerns him - dressing, washing hands, brushing teeth.
  • Uses a spoon, drinks from a mug, knows how to chew solid food.
  • Food addictions are clearly manifested - the baby does not eat if he does not like the food.
  • Needs parents and is attached to his toys. Painfully perceives the absence of mom or dad.
  • Assembles and disassembles toys; if you need to free your hand, puts an object under your arm or mouth.
  • Knows how to use objects - telephone, hammer, broom.
  • Looks for an item, even if he did not see where it was put.
  • Understands everything that is said to him.
  • He talks about his desires - "give", "na", calls mom, dad, grandmother.

All the above indicators are conditional. The development of a child depends on many factors - it is heredity, and living conditions, and the social environment. Enjoy communicating with your baby, praise him for his successes and do not be discouraged if he has not yet learned something. Everything has its time. Your child is the best, and it is in your power to help him become a harmoniously developed little man.

Summarized: What a child should be able to do at one year old

The development of a child in one year is very rapid. In just 365 days, the child turns from a tiny, unable and not knowing anything human into a reasonable one. At 1 year old, he already knows how to walk independently, sit down, get up, eat, drink, play, speak, feel and understand. The main thing is to protect the child with care and love at this time. Never swear in front of a child. Although he is small, he still feels and understands everything. Raise your children healthy, smart and strong!

Development-related key points

  • When we start to gag;
  • When we start to hold our head;
  • When we start to sit;
  • When we start to crawl;
  • When we start walking;
  • Child's height;
  • Child's weight;
  • Teething;
  • First feeding;

Height and weight gain table

AgeAverage height gainAverage weight gain
Month 13 - 3.5 cm.750 BC
Month 23 - 3.5 cm.750 BC
Month 33 - 3.5 cm.750 BC
Month 42.5 cm.700 BC
Month 52.5 cm.700 BC
Month 62.5 cm.700 BC
Month 71.5 - 2 cm550 BC
Month 81.5 - 2 cm550 BC
Month 91.5 - 2 cm550 BC
Month 101 cm.350 BC
Month 111 cm.350 BC
Month 121 cm.350 BC

On the topic of child health:

The main diseases of the child from birth to one year (the most common ailments).

Here is an article on the most common skin problems in babies.

Film: Child development by months: a calendar of physical and mental development of a baby up to a year

You can go straight to the desired month and study the detailed articles:

Watch the video: Baby and Toddler Milestones, Dr. Lisa Shulman (July 2024).