Newborn care

Swaddling a newborn: "PROS" and "CONS": types of swaddling a baby

Supporters of swaddling a newborn explain their choice "FOR" as follows ... Opinions "AGAINST" swaddling also have a right to exist, and that is what they are guided by ... Types of swaddling: full tight swaddling of a baby, simple swaddling, free swaddling.

Swaddling of a newborn takes place for the first time in a maternity hospital, when her baby is brought to the mother's room. Then, at her own discretion, she can learn to swaddle - a nurse will teach this simple matter, or immediately put on in prepared clothes taken from home.

Swaddling was mandatory even less than a century ago, since diapers served not only as clothing for the child, but also had an absorbent function - they absorbed the baby's feces before they had time to stain the bed. Now, in the age of diapers and the abundance of goods, there is no strict need for swaddling. Doctors do not give specific recommendations; the decision to use diapers rests on the shoulders of the mother herself. But at the same time, there are opinions for and against swaddling a newborn, and below we will consider them.

Swaddling a newborn baby for and against

Proponents of swaddling a newborn explain their choice “FOR” as follows:

  • in the first weeks of a baby's life, swaddling helps maintain a normal body temperature;
  • a child wrapped in a diaper sleeps better, since he cannot wake himself up with random movements of arms and legs;
  • it is natural for the baby to be swaddled, since in the last weeks of pregnancy there was little room for movement in the uterus, and the child is used to this position and even feels comfortable and calm;
  • the last of the arguments can be called the material side - the baby will quickly grow out of tiny clothes, and given that it is on a par with an adult, swaddling will be a significant saving. Some mothers manage to swaddle babies up to five months of age, although in this case we are talking only about night swaddling so that the child falls asleep in his usual conditions.

Opinions "AGAINST" swaddling also have a right to exist, and this is what they are guided by:

  • if a child was born in the summer, then when swaddling his body may overheat, since the baby's thermoregulation mechanism is still completely immature.
  • with tight swaddling in a child, the blood circulation process may slow down, which negatively affects the neurovascular system;
  • the child cannot freely learn movements and move the arms / legs, which can cause the cause of developmental delay.

Many points are controversial, in any case, you decide whether you accept swaddling a newborn or not.

Consider the types of swaddling a newborn.

Swaddling types

  1. Full tight swaddling of the baby. In this type of swaddling, the baby is completely wrapped in a diaper, and even the baby's head is covered by a “hood” rolled from the edge of the diaper. Swaddling in this way is good for sleeping, or calming down when the baby is overexcited.
  2. Simple swaddling. The baby is wrapped in a diaper up to the neck, the head is completely open.
  3. Free swaddling. In this case, the diaper covers the baby's lower torso and legs. The chest and arms are open. Provides great freedom of movement.
  • How to swaddle a newborn baby correctly
  • When is the best time to stop swaddling your baby and should he be rocked?

Each type of swaddling has its own advantages, the main task of the mother is to adapt to alternating various swaddling techniques in order to make life easier for herself, and from time to time to give freedom of movement to the newly born baby.

Mom Lara: Swaddling

Comfortable Swaddling: Summer infant swaddleme swaddle bags

Read more about envelopes -

How to swaddle your baby with the Summer Infant SwaddleMe:

Watch the video: How to Swaddle a Baby with a Muslin Blanket (July 2024).