Newborn health

Newborn's chin shakes

A newborn baby is not at all like those pink-cheeked dolls that are shown in advertising - any mother knows this. Small, wrinkled, often covered with hair on the back and shoulders, with a defocused gaze and slender arms-legs that make strange movements.

During the first months, parents look closely at the baby - is everything okay with him, is he healthy, and the amazing body movements that the baby makes can scare them great. Most often, parents are concerned about the question - why does a newborn have a chin shaking? But are there any reasons for panic and what is the norm, and what goes beyond it?

Chin trembling in a newborn

A newborn baby (a baby from birth to one month old), even if it is full-term before the required 40 weeks of pregnancy, is not yet fully formed person.

All the systems of his body are not ripe, and during the first year of life they will continue to develop. Therefore, convulsive twitching and shuddering of the limbs of a child in the first weeks of life is most often a sign of the immaturity of the nervous system, and not any deviation.

The centers that regulate human movements are not yet fully activated at birth, so involuntary twitching and erratic movements of the arms and legs are normal for a newborn.

One of the most disturbing factors is chin, handles, and body tremors. Let's figure out what to do if a newborn's chin is shaking.

What to do if a newborn's chin is shaking

  1. First of all, it is necessary to be attentive to when the trembling occurs - at rest or with nervous excitement.
  2. Secondly, are there any other neurological factors that bother parents - poor sleep, uncontrollable tremors of the whole body, twitching not only of the chin, but also of the limbs.

Most likely, if there are no other manifestations of the disease, then the chin trembling itself should not bother the parents.

Chin tremor

Chin trembling in itself is not a pathology if, before the age of three months, it manifests itself during crying or physical exertion. In this case, the tremor is caused by overexcitation of the nervous system, which means that it is quite normal for a tiny person. However, this does not mean that parents should not do anything - for a newborn who has a shaking chin, massage, water procedures (relaxing baths with lavender or chamomile), as well as a consultation with a neurologist are required.

If the tremor manifests itself in a child and at rest, such a factor may well be a symptom of a condition called hypertonicity. Muscle tone in babies lasts on average up to a year, but hypertonicity is a serious deviation that requires treatment.

Head tremor

If not the chin is shaking, but the baby's head itself, then this may be a sign of a serious neurological disease, caused, for example, by asphyxia during childbirth. In this case, the child will need treatment from a neurologist.

In 90% of children, chin trembling disappears by 2-3 months. If the tremor of the chin persists during crying and, moreover, at rest after reaching the age of three months, it is necessary to visit a specialist neurologist.

On this topic:

  1. Why babies are drooling - the main reasons and how to help

Watch the video: Quivering Chin (July 2024).