
How much should a baby weigh at 3 months

It is often said that babies change and grow by day. So it is, the child's body develops at an especially fast pace until the first year of life - the child grows up, gets stronger, gains weight, and learns the necessary skills. The age of three months is not only a beautiful date, it serves as a reference point by which you can track the development trend of the baby, assess his emotional and physical state.

Kid holding his head

How a three month old baby is changing

At 3 months, the baby is already well strong, can hold his head, observes the world around him with interest, laughs, especially in response to the smile of an adult. He grabs the toys, tries them on the tooth, tries to roll over from the tummy to the back. During this period, more distinct periods of rest and wakefulness are formed, darkness is associated with sleep. The baby sleeps 3-4 more times a day, the duration of sleep may be different.

The third month of a child's life is a transitional period. At this time, colic is still disturbing, and the first signs of teething are already appearing. The baby becomes restless, capricious, appetite and well-being worsen. Such factors can affect the weight of the baby at 3 months.

On average, a baby should gain 200-250g. in one week, the monthly rate is 800-1000g. At the age of three months, the child's weight differs from the parameters at birth by an average of 2.5 kilograms. The baby grows up, mainly by 3 cm per month. Such data are very approximate and in reality may differ significantly.

The rate of weight gain depends on many factors: the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, the weight of the baby at birth, heredity, and the type of feeding. At three months, the child continues to eat only breast milk or special formulas. There are some differences in the development and care of bottle-fed and breastfed babies.

Babies who feed on mother's milk receive food on demand - they can be applied to the breast more than 10 times a day and 3-4 times a night. Feeding artificial people requires adherence to the regime - food intake every 3 hours. The volume of portions increases - one-time is 150 g., Per day the child eats about 1000 g. infant formula.

Bottle feeding

Pediatricians believe that infants on IV are more prone to gaining excess weight. This feature is explained by the fact that the adapted mixtures are not completely absorbed by the body. This contributes to the accumulation of substances that do not benefit the child, are unnecessary ballast.

Interesting. Studies have shown that breast milk adapts to the needs of the baby. The required amount of milk is produced, depending on the baby's appetite, its composition changes if the child is sick. In addition, the baby on GW is not in danger of overeating - he eats as much as he wants, the excess will simply vomit.

Height and weight of a three month old baby

The active growth and weight gain of the baby in the first months of life testifies to his harmonious development and good health. Significant deviations from the average indicators can indicate pathological changes in the body, which appear at a more mature age. That is why it is so important to monitor the child's condition, to visit the pediatrician at least once a month for a routine examination during the first year of life.

The main indicators that the doctor pays attention to are height, weight, head and chest circumference. On their basis, it is possible to determine the dynamics of the development of the baby. You can find out how much a child should weigh at 3 months using a special table, which indicates all the main parameters.

Table of basic indicators of boys at 3 months

Indicators of a boy at 3 months.Lower allowableUpper admissible
The weight5 Kg8 kg
Height57 cm65 cm
Head circumference38 cm43 cm
Chest circumference36 cm41 cm

Boys are generally slightly larger than girls. This difference is not always noticeable, but it is reflected in the statistics. The weight of a boy at 3 months, according to the average, is 0.5 kg more. There are no special differences in other parameters.

Table of basic indicators of girls at 3 months

Indicators of a girl at 3 months.Lower allowableUpper admissible
The weight4.5 kg7.5 kg
Height55.5 cm64 cm
Head circumference37 cm42 cm
Chest circumference37 cm42 cm

According to the WHO data given in the table, the growth of a girl at 3 months is a couple of centimeters inferior to the parameters of a boy. But the chest circumference is even slightly larger.

Interesting. World Health Organization data is based on extensive research with thousands of children around the world. These babies were breastfed, they were not affected by the unfavorable environmental situation, the mothers did not smoke during pregnancy and during lactation. The latest research was carried out in 2006.

Weighing the baby

Data of domestic pediatricians

The data of Russian doctors regarding the main indicators of the development of infants differ somewhat from the results of the WHO. This can be explained by more accurate statistics regarding the characteristics of a particular nationality.

Height and weight of children at 3 months according to the data of domestic pediatricians

Indicators in 3 months.Lower allowableUpper admissible
Weight, boy4.9 kg7 kg
Height, boy56.5 cm65 cm
Head circumference, boy39 cm42.5 cm
Chest circumference, boy36.5 cm41.5 cm
Weight, girl4.8 kg6.3 kg
Height, girl56.2 cm63 cm
Head circumference, girl38 cm41.2 cm
Chest circumference, boy37.3 cm41.4 cm

These data have not been updated since the 90s of the last century.

If the baby's indicators fall within the average boundaries of the listed parameters, then the pace of development is considered normal, there is no reason for concern. Minor deviations in one direction or another are also possible - the child can grow unevenly, growth spikes are observed, worried about poor appetite, frequent illnesses. More serious deviations are a reason for close supervision by a pediatrician and parents. It is necessary to monitor all changes in the physical indications and behavior of the baby.

Alertness should be caused by a sudden stop in growth, weight loss, and poor health of the baby. In this case, immediate medical advice and examinations are necessary.

Height measurement

Why is the child not gaining weight?

The main criteria on which weight gain depends are nutritional characteristics. Often the baby's feeding regimen is unbalanced and does not correspond to the needs of a small organism.

If we are talking about a baby on artificial feeding, then an incorrectly selected mixture may not be perceived by the body, poorly absorbed, and cause allergies. The digestive system suffers from this, the child does not eat well and is not able to gain weight. The mismatch of the mixture is determined by:

  • the content of the diaper - the presence of food particles, mucus;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • the presence of abdominal pain.

It is worth contacting your doctor for advice on which mixture is best to use.

Baby diarrhea

When breastfed, a baby may not gain weight if milk is not enough or if he is not being fed on demand. The fact is that a three-month-old baby is often distracted during feeding, interrupts the process. Mom, thinking that he is full, removes the breast. The baby remains hungry only for the reason that he managed to eat only the upper layer of milk - more liquid and lighter, he did not have time to get to the main nutritional part. If this situation is repeated systematically, the baby is simply not satisfied.

This problem is also dangerous because when the volume of milk eaten is reduced, the volume of milk produced is automatically reduced. It is quite difficult to restore the lactation process to the required size, but it is necessary. This will require the patience and desire of the mother. Longer and more frequent breastfeeding and night feedings will be able to add milk.

Important! At the age of three months, the manifestation of a lactation crisis is possible - milk production is significantly reduced. This is a completely natural process, you do not need to worry about this, in no case should you transfer your child to formula. For several days, lactation is normalized.

Milk production is also affected by the drugs that the mother takes (hormonal contraceptives, antibiotics), as well as the stressful state of the mother.


The average norms of how much a child should weigh at the age of three months is quite approximate. Each baby develops individually, depending on the genetic predisposition, temperament, and characteristics of the organism. If a child gains less than 500g for several months. (hypotrophy), you should find out the reasons for this condition.

Health problems that affect weight gain:

  • Digestive system problems - dysbiosis, diarrhea, constipation.
  • Teething.
  • SARS, colds.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Lactose deficiency.
  • Disrupted metabolism.
  • Zinc deficiency.

Premature babies can lag behind in weight gain, there is nothing wrong with that - over time they catch up with their peers.

Overweight in babies

Weight gain above normal in a baby under the age of six months is a fairly common phenomenon and, in general, not dangerous. According to the norms, a three-month-old baby should weigh within 5-8 kilograms and gain 600-1000g within a month. In practice, children in the first months of life can gain 1.5-2 kilograms, creating a certain reserve. Already starting from six months, as soon as the baby begins to actively move, crawl, weight gain is suspended and up to a year can be reduced to 300 g per month.

Despite these features of the development of babies, being overweight can negatively affect the condition of the baby:

  • Muscle tone decreases, skin laxity appears.
  • Extra adipose tissue appears.
  • The load on the heart increases.
  • Motor development slows down.
  • Diathesis, diaper rash occur.

Excess weight can signal a malfunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal disruptions, diabetes mellitus, hereditary diseases.

How to bring weight back to normal

If the child's weight is significantly higher than the norm, you can use some methods to normalize it:

  • Adjust the diet. This applies to formula-fed babies, portions are gradually reduced, the intervals between feedings are increasing. You can give your child some water to drink.
  • Physical development. Regular gymnastics, exercises help to strengthen muscle tissue, reduce body fat. Light massage, a visit to the pool help to harmoniously develop the baby.
  • Survey. If serious deviations are found, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and a geneticist, and take tests.

Exercises with babies

In most cases, being overweight is not a dangerous symptom, and weight gain will normalize over time. In the presence of serious pathologies, the timely detection of the problem allows you to cure the baby without any special consequences.

How much does the baby weigh, how fast it grows - the main indicators of his health and harmonious development. You need to constantly monitor these parameters and other changes in the child's condition. Significant deviations from the norm can signal the development of pathological processes in the body.

Watch the video: Newborn Baby Weight Gain - Whats Normal and Whats Not (July 2024).