Newborn health

Infant cough - reasons, how and what to treat (medications)

With the advent of cold weather, the period of colds comes. Babies are especially vulnerable because their immune systems are just learning to fight off foreign bacteria. Hearing a cough in a baby, a young mother may get confused and not respond in time, although this is a very serious symptom. In the article, we will look at what are the causes of coughing, how to treat cough in newborns, and we will review popular cough medicines for the little ones.

Causes of cough in an infant

First of all, you need to recognize the nature of the cough.

A child's cough may be:

  • Wet
  • Dry
  • With and without temperature.

By its intensity and sound, you can understand whether the reason lies in the disease or something interferes with the normal functioning of the respiratory tract. So, the most common causes of a cough in an infant.


More than in 90% cases of cough is the first symptom of an onset ARVI. The baby occasionally coughs, the intensity of the cough increases in the evening and at night. The throat is red, sore. The cells begin to secrete phlegm. A lingering cough in a baby that lasts more than 2 weeks is very dangerous. The immune defense is weakened, the process can become chronic.

2. Inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract

It is characterized by an obsessive cough, dry at first. Very painful for a child. When neglected, it can threaten with complications. The most dangerous thing is false croup. With it, the walls of the throat are sharply narrowed, the child, due to lack of oxygen, begins to whistle hoarsely and gasp. The disease requires immediate medical attention.

3. Dry indoor air

Can provoke sore throat. If an infant has a severe cough that has no prerequisites for illness, you should pay attention to the normalization of humidity in the room of a newborn baby.

4. Inflammation of the middle ear

With inflammation of the middle ear, the child begins a reflex cough. This is the body's response to this inflammation. When pressing on the earlobe, the child emits a sharp, piercing cry - which means that the reason is in the ear pain. The best option is to call an emergency ambulance.

5. Inhalation of a foreign body

If a foreign object gets into the child's respiratory tract - any - call 03 urgently. The child's life is at risk and the time counts down by seconds. Do not knock on the back and do not try to "knock" this object out - you can achieve that it gets stuck in the trachea or bronchi.

6. Polluted air

Is the room smoky, or is it too polluted outside? Don't be surprised if your child starts coughing non-stop. The longer you stay in such conditions, the more harmful substances will be absorbed by the immature and tender lungs of the baby.

We treat a cough: what mom needs to know

Treatment of cough, both with and without fever, should be carried out only under the supervision of a pediatrician. At the first symptoms, you need to start the prescribed therapy.

But here's what a mother can do to alleviate the child's condition:

  • Observe the optimal humidity level in the room. If the heating season has begun and the batteries inevitably dry the air with their heat, buy a humidifier or make it yourself from available tools. You can take clean water into the container and put it on the battery - the water will evaporate and the humidity will increase. In extreme cases, you can spray the room with water from a spray bottle once an hour.
  • Ventilate your home at least twice a day. Lack of oxygen will only aggravate the condition of your baby's respiratory system.
  • Give your baby a gentle back massage. It helps to drain phlegm and improve the well-being of the child.
  • Offer your child to drink more often. Especially if the baby has a high body temperature. To avoid dehydration, have water, tea, and juices available to the child.
  • An old folk remedy for coughs for babies is rubbing with animal fat. It is best to do the procedure before bedtime. Rub the baby's body well on the back and chest, wrap it up and put it to bed. The child will feel much better in the morning. See detailed article: How to treat a cough in an infant with folk remedies
  • Don't forget to take walks. Inhaling fresh air, the baby's lungs open, fill with strength and freshness. The kid will be distracted from the excruciating cough, and a good mood always has a positive effect on the recovery process.

An excellent remedy for the treatment of an initial cough - nebulizer... Pour 5 ml nat. solution (sold in a pharmacy within 50 rubles) and let the child breathe for 5-7 minutes. The mucous membranes will be moistened, the sputum will become less viscous. You can repeat the procedure twice a day. This method is effective when there is a cough without fever.

Temperatures are bad jokes. With a cough and a temperature of 38.5, most likely you and your baby will be hospitalized in the hospital. Do not be afraid to get there, it is better not to risk it and be under the supervision of specialists. The main thing is the health of your child, and temporary inconveniences can be tolerated.

Cough medicines

Remember: only a doctor can prescribe all medications! This review is for informational purposes only.

  • With a wet cough, a drug is needed to help remove phlegm... The following herbal syrups have proven themselves well: Gedelix and Prospan... They gently thin phlegm, have a sweet taste, and are used twice a day.
  • With a dry cough homeopathic syrup works well Stodal and homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum (granules for dissolving in water). Homeopathy has no contraindications, it can be used in conjunction with the main treatment.
  • Ease Breathing and Coughing plasters Nozzle... They are glued to clothing, impregnated with extracts of useful herbs that have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx.
  • Sprays are contraindicated for infants because of the danger of suffocation. However, with strong inflammatory process possible application spray Tantum Verde... It has a sweet taste, soothes sore throat and coughs.

IMPORTANT! Article: Children's first aid kit for newborns: the composition of the first aid kit (complete list) This should be in every home!


Watch the video: Safe u0026 Sound: Treating Kids Colds Without Drugs (July 2024).