Child development up to a year

At what age can a child sleep on a pillow

A baby - a baby spends most of his time in a dream, it is natural that comfortable and safe conditions for health should be created for such a rest. The choice of a bed and a mattress does not cause any particular difficulties, parents often think about another question - when can a child sleep on a pillow and how to choose it correctly among the many products for children.

Baby pillow - at what age to use

Pediatricians advise not to put an ordinary pillow with a large volume and natural fillers in the baby's bed in the first years of his life - preferably up to 3 years old!

After birth, there is a danger that the baby, tossing and turning in his sleep, may bury his nose, therefore, when using a large pillow, there is a possibility that normal breathing will stop. Another complication that can be obtained by falling asleep on such bedding is the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, doctors advise to equip a place under the head in the crib as follows:

  1. Put on a soft diaper folded several times. This method allows you to replace the soiled head roller with a new one at any time.
  2. Raise the mattress and place a rolled towel underneath. Many of the mothers choose this particular method - the baby will not be able to burrow, there is no need to endlessly change or correct the diaper, and the angle of inclination can be done by any (but not more than 30 degrees).
  3. Purchase a flat pillow made of hypoallergenic materials, its height should correspond to the child's shoulders, usually one to two centimeters.

A small angle of inclination is necessary in order for blood to circulate normally in the parts of the brain, and the neck does not flow. A makeshift pillow ensures the safety of those babies who vomit frequently. It is necessary to raise the head end of the mattress and in cases where the baby's nose is clogged, this will facilitate nasal breathing. Closer to the first year of life, you can also purchase a special, small pillow. But here everything is strictly individual, if the baby gets enough sleep, does not try to put pens or a toy under his head, then the buying process can be postponed.

Related article: how and which mattress to choose

Baby and pillow video

Necessary situations for buying a pillow for a baby

There are a number of acquired or congenital diseases and conditions for which a baby pillow is extremely necessary.

  • Congenital torticollis requires correction in the first months; the success of treatment also depends on the correct position of the head. Your doctor will be able to recommend specific models of orthopedic pillows.
  • Abnormal formation of the bones of the skull. It so happens that the baby from birth gets used to sleeping in a certain position, while the soft bones of the skull are deformed. You can correct the situation by purchasing a pillow with a convenient recess, which helps to keep the head straight.
  • An orthopedic pillow with identified hypertonicity or muscle hypotonia serves as an auxiliary method of treatment.
  • With frequent regurgitation, you need to purchase a product that holds the head of the crumbs on its side.

Orthopedic pillows, if indicated, can be used from the hospital on the recommendation of a doctor. Modern enterprises have also developed anatomical cushions for children that ensure a normal physiological body position. Decide when a child needs to sleep on pillows, focusing on his health and whether you can buy a quality product in your city. If this is not possible, then it is safer to use a diaper or a raised mattress edge for sleeping.

Criteria for choosing a baby pillow

On a regular product with dimensions 40 * 60, the baby can fall asleep after a year. Until this time, pediatricians are advised to choose a pillow, focusing on the following characteristics:

  • Dimensions and shape. The pillow for the crumbs of the first months of life should be flat; you cannot choose a product that greatly raises the head.
  • As a filler, you can choose holofiber, comfort, synthetic winterizer, their only drawback is poor ventilation, so on hot days the baby's head can sweat. Buckwheat husk is considered an ideal filler, it perfectly permits air flows, does not cake, takes the desired anatomical shape. But it does not also have a drawback - an unpleasant rustle, which annoys mothers in the first place. In orthopedic pillows, lyocell is considered the best filler - soft fibers made from eucalyptus wood. When choosing natural fluff, preference should be given only to high-quality goods, the manufacturer of which carries out antiallergenic and heat treatment of the filler.
  • The outer design of the pillow provides comfort while sleeping. It is advised to give preference to natural fabrics with flat or inner seams.
  • For babies in the first weeks of life, special pillows with a sponge filler are available. Buried in them, the baby will not suffocate, since the perforation of the sponge provides free passage of air.
  • Pillows are available in different models with straps designed to fix it to a crib or mattress. Having bought such a product, the mother will not have to worry about the child pushing it at night.

Photo of pillows for children

At what age the baby should sleep on a baby pillow, each mother should decide for herself. It will help to determine the choice and behavior of the child in the first days. If the baby likes to fall asleep on his tummy or turns over on him in a dream, then you need to ensure a slight rise in the mattress or buy a spongy product.

Baby pillow video

For a baby who constantly spits up, a pillow is suitable that fixes the lateral position of the body. Some of these models are equipped with elastic bands that prevent the heads from sliding off the main surface during sleep.

When purchasing a pillow for your child, be sure to read all the information that should be printed on the product label. A reliable manufacturer indicates the type of filler, for what age the pillow is intended, the type of model - orthopedic or anatomical, washing conditions. You need to buy a pillow that can be washed regularly, and its filler dries quickly. It will not be superfluous to determine the smell, poor quality products have an extraneous aroma. It is not worth saving on the kid, since by giving preference to cheap models, you can provoke the occurrence of allergies.

On the topic of sleep:

  • Choosing a crib for a baby
  • We teach the child to sleep in his bed separately from his mother

Watch the video: Sleeping Pillows for Kids, Baby, Children (July 2024).