Child development up to a year

We teach a baby to roll over at 3-4 months: simple acting exercises (+ video)

To teach a child to roll over from back to stomach and back, you need to follow some tips, tricks and exercises.

More recently, most of the movements were not available to the baby. But now he passed 3 months, and he began to try to reach for the toy. Now the baby does not lie in one position, and he wants to turn on his side, tries to roll over from his back to his stomach. For each child, these moments come individually.

Normally, children begin to roll over on a side at 4 months, then this skill by 5 months smoothly turns into rolling from back to tummy. By the end of the fifth - beginning of the sixth month, many babies can already roll over and back - from the abdomen to their back. We also read: how many months do babies start to roll over

If the pediatrician has determined that the development of the child corresponds to the norms of age indicators, then there is no need to worry that the baby will miss something or will not learn. Gradually, the child will acquire all the skills inherent in him.

If at six months the baby does not know how and does not try to roll over, then it is necessary to consult a specialist. The doctor will examine the child, rule out neurological disorders, and advise a number of exercises, massage and other procedures that will help the child catch up.

Teaching and helping the child to roll over - preparation

Here are exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, abdomen and prepare them for new movements, for babies from three months:

  1. Bend and unbend the baby's legs alternately in the "bicycle" exercise type.
  2. Give your child the thumbs to grab. Spread the arms to the sides, and then bring them together, collecting them on the baby's chest.
  3. Also, give your baby your fingers to grip and gradually pull the handles towards you. Over time, the baby will reach for his hands himself.
  4. Spread the crumb on your tummy. This can be done as early as 1 month of life, starting from the 1st minute and gradually increasing the time to 10 minutes. Exercise helps to strengthen the neck muscles that support the head.

It is better to start gymnastics after a preliminary massage (massage for a child). The duration of the exercise is 15 minutes.

When the child begins to confidently hold his head, lean on the arms, become more active and curious, you can start teaching him to roll over.

How to help your child turn

In order to make learning easier and more interesting, provide the baby with the conditions for this:

  • the child should sit on a hard, non-bending surface;
  • create a goal for the baby in the form of a bright toy to which he will want to reach;
  • the child must be positive;
  • it is better to do gymnastics naked, while hardening the child.

Corrective gymnastics for babies will help the baby learn to roll from back to stomach:

Exercises for turning from back to stomach:

  1. Place the child on the back. Get him interested in the toy by moving it up and down over the child at a distance of 30 cm. When you see that the baby is trying to reach it, put the toy to one side of the child, but so that he cannot grab it. Now, when the baby is trying to roll over on its side, towards the toy, you can slightly nudge him. Perhaps this will be enough for the child to roll over.
  2. Lay the child on his back, bend one leg at the knee joint and take it to the side of the overturn so that the knee touches the surface on which the baby lies. Let the baby pull himself in the right direction.
  3. The baby is lying down again, give him your hand to grip, and support the second by the heels so that the child's legs rest against it. If there is support in the legs, it will be more convenient for the baby to roll over from the back to the tummy.
  4. Put the baby on the barrel, and yourself sit behind him, and create support for the baby so that he does not roll over back onto his back. Place a toy in front of your child. This exercise also strengthens the skill of lying on your side.
  5. The kid is on his side again, you hold him by the shoulder and at the same time with your other hand lead the pelvis towards the coup. Then do the opposite: fix the pelvis, and pull the shoulder and handle towards the overturn. The purpose of the exercise is to stimulate the urge to roll over.

A photo

Exercises for turning from the abdomen to the back:

  1. The baby lies on his stomach, you are in the back. Hold the toy in front of your child. Pull the baby's right hand forward so that he can reach for the toy, and then slowly move it over the baby and to the left. The child will roll over for the toy.
  2. When the child lies on his tummy, bend the left leg and take it behind the right. The baby will try to get up on the arms and roll over from the tummy to the back. If it does not work, help by slightly pulling the hand. Make sure that the baby does not hit its head during a sharp turn.
  3. Briefly lift the baby lying on the tummy so that it pushes off the surface with the handles. This can be done from the 1st month.

Do not forget to do the exercises on both sides and the same number of times, for even development of the muscular apparatus on the right and left. Give each exercise up to 3 minutes, a couple of times a day.

Video # 2

The child will quickly begin to roll over and master other skills if, in addition to gymnastics, the following procedures are carried out:

  • massage (strengthens muscles, relieves physiological tone, tones up the nervous system);
  • finger massage (positive effect on the whole body, especially on thinking and speech skills);
  • swimming (strengthening of joints and muscles, forms on posture, development of the vestibular apparatus, beneficial effect on the emotional background, stimulation of immunity);
  • hardening (strengthens the immune system, can be carried out in parallel with gymnastics or massage. About hardening);
  • fitball - an excellent trainer for the entire muscular apparatus. Such gymnastics is based on the reflex movements of the baby. You can start practicing from 2 weeks. There is a whole system of training on fitball, which includes exercises for developing the skill of turning over. Fitball exercises
  • When the kids start to sit
  • When the child starts to walk
  • When kids start to crawl

Video: How to strengthen the back muscles of a child under one year old

Watch the video: How to HELP your baby to SIT up on their OWN5-10 monthsSitting milestone of baby (June 2024).