Shopping for children

"Eh, I'll ride", or how to choose a three-wheeled children's bicycle?

A three-wheeled children's bicycle is an excellent solution for those parents whose child is already growing out of a stroller or simply does not want to get into it. But it is too early to buy a scooter or roller skates for him.

Of course, you can take walks, but if the baby is a year or two, then you won't go far with him. But it's boring! We have already studied our yard, now it is necessary to proceed to the inspection of the surrounding areas. A three-wheeled vehicle will help parents.

Correctly selected bicycles for children save mom a lot of trouble, and bring a lot of positive emotions to the child. It remains only to figure out which nuances to pay attention to in order to acquire a truly worthwhile model among the abundance presented.

Does a child need a tricycle?

This question is being asked by parents who consider this vehicle to be another toy that will gather dust on the mezzanine, like a doll or a car.

However, in some situations one cannot do without a three-wheeled "iron horse", since the child categorically does not want to sit in a stroller, cannot stomp on the road due to his small age, and the grown-up child's parents are no longer able to carry on the arms - his back aches.

Other moms and dads proceed from the fact that tricycles are an opportunity, as they say, to introduce a child to sports activities from a young age.

In addition to purely practical purposes, cycling can bring quite tangible benefits to children's health. Regular riding in a three-wheeled vehicle allows:

  • develop endurance, coordination of movements;
  • strengthen the muscular apparatus;
  • improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevent some eye diseases (the child constantly has to gaze into the distance).

In addition, there are a number of pathologies, in the diagnosis of which doctors strongly recommend that children engage in cycling.

This type of sports leisure is indicated for congenital dysplasia of the hip joints, hallux valgus and other developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Of course, the beginning of classes must be agreed with the doctor.

Types of children's transport

Three-wheeled models for little kids are usually divided into 3 main categories according to the age of the young cyclist:

  • bicycle stroller (for children from 1 to 2 years old);
  • classic three-wheeled vehicle models (from 2 to 4 years old);
  • transformer (from 1 to 4 years old).

All these models differ in the design and the degree of independence of the child in driving. Consider the features of each type of tricycle for kids.

Bicycle stroller

This type of transport, also known as a wheelchair bicycle, is, strictly speaking, not literally a bicycle that implies independent movement.

In this case, a one-year-old child is not able to pedal, so he has to be content with a passive role. The control and movement is carried out by adults with a special holder located behind the little cyclist.

In addition to the handle itself, many models are equipped with details such as:

  • music and game panel;
  • chair-shaped seat;
  • additional textile liner on the seat, similar in appearance to trousers (increases the comfort and safety of the ride);
  • a safety rim that protects the baby from falling out;
  • foot supports (stops), if the child does not yet reach the pedals;
  • removable visor from sunlight or precipitation;
  • pocket for small things;
  • trunk, convenient for transporting toys or purchases.

Children's tricycle with a parental handle - a variant of a stroller. It is acquired if the baby refuses wheelchair travel and strives for greater independence in learning about the world around him.

Classic bike

Classic she is a classic! This is a full-fledged vehicle that the kid controls himself and which moves as a result of the efforts of small children's legs.

Such models with 3 wheels are purchased by children 3 years old and a little older for independent travel. Their main differences from the previous version are the absence of a parental handle, light weight and ergonomic pedals.

In addition, the classic models include:

  • a traditional saddle, usually more rigid than that of a cycle car
  • pedals convenient for children's feet;
  • wide wheels;
  • steering limiter.

When purchasing a classic tricycle vehicle, make sure the model has a steering stop. This structural element will protect the child from impacts during sharp turns.


These designs combine the characteristics of the first two types of children's bicycles.

That is, while your child is still small, the model is used as a cycle carriage, then, closer to 3 years old, through transformation, the unit turns into a full-fledged classic tricycle.

Transformers are different following features:

  • the ability to remove many parts, including foot trays, safety rim, seat restraint, parent holder;
  • folding system (optional, but desirable), thanks to which the large can be folded and removed for storage;
  • light weight, because the design will be used directly by the child.

2-in-1 models are a great opportunity to save money on a vehicle. Buying a transformer bike will cost parents less than buying a bicycle stroller first and then a classic tricycle.

The main criteria for the right choice

Choosing a tricycle children's bike, you need to take into account many different nuances. Only in this case the parent will be able to purchase a truly reliable and high-quality first transport that will serve faithfully for several years.

So, experts recommend paying attention to several important factors when choosing a tricycle.


This is one of the main elements of the vehicle, on which its many technical parameters depend. Bicycle frame it happens:

  • plastic (not the best option, since the material is unreliable);
  • steel (heavy construction);
  • carbon (at a price it will be quite expensive);
  • aluminum (lighter than steel, but heavier than carbon).

The most popular are aluminum frames. When choosing a bike, carefully study the quality of the welds, the reliability of attaching the parent holder to the frame.

In most cases, the warranty applies exclusively to the frame. That is why its choice should be approached with special passion.

Seat shape

The most important moment, which largely determines the comfort of travel, is the shape of the saddle. Most parents feel that the child will be more comfortable to sit on the extended square seat.

In reality, however, a triangular saddle is much more comfortable for toddlers, as it allows children to change position, fidget in place, or bend in different directions. The square seat eliminates most of these maneuvers.

Seat material

The material used in the manufacture of the seat also plays an important role. Plastic is not a good option as the baby will constantly slide off the saddle.

The most preferred variation is a plastic chair with tiny rubber bumps. On such a seat, the baby will not slip, which increases the safety of movement.

To increase comfort and safety, many manufacturers equip cycle strollers with special textile linings. However, in reality, parents have to remove and put away such an insert in a drawer, since it becomes more difficult to get the child into and out of it. In addition, the cover gets dirty quickly.


All bicycles for toddlers are equipped with pedals, even bicycle strollers, although a child under two years of age cannot yet rotate such "levers".

To prevent children's feet from slipping, it is important to choose models with extended pedals, but at the same time these parts should not be overly massive.

The shape of the footrest is also carefully studied. For children under two years old, it is preferable to choose models with extended steps, resembling bowls.

For children from 2 years old, it is much more convenient to place their feet on a flat stand with a slightly corrugated surface.

Make sure the footrest can be raised and lowered. Otherwise, the stands will interfere with vigorous pedaling of the little cyclist.


The child will ride not only on asphalt, but also on gravel, grass, and bumps. That is why it is better to give priority to tricycles with rubber wheels, which are good at dampening noise and vibration, and are characterized by increased cross-country ability, rather than plastic "rattles".

It should be understood that models with inflatable wheels will cost more than their plastic counterparts, in addition, the likelihood of damage to the tire by a sharp nail or a shard of glass is possible.

Ride quality will increase if the device is equipped with bearings. In addition, experts advise looking at the width of the wheels - the wider they are, the more stable the structure will be.


To prevent the baby from falling out of the vehicle, the seat must be equipped with a special limiter. Most often it looks like a drop ring made of plastic with rubber inserts.

Some tricycles are equipped with peculiar seat belts, reminiscent in appearance and functionality of car protective equipment.

Make sure that the restraint is able to position itself (slightly higher than the child's waist) and does not interfere with the free movement of the little traveler. Ideal - when the height of the element can be adjusted as the baby grows up.

Parent handle

All models of tricycles for children under one and a half years old are equipped with a holder for parents. Transformer models also have such controls.

Experienced parents testify that the easiest way to control a bicycle is that the handle is made in the form of a single rod with a kind of "donut" at the end.

This holder allows the bike to react more quickly to the movement of the mother's hand.

But double rods with "horns" at the end are not as easy to handle as many parents think. To control a bike with such a holder, you will have to apply more physical effort than in the case of a "donut".


Many models are equipped with accessories. The most necessary accessories for the baby and mother are the trunk for play items and purchases, as well as the horn.

Various brushes on the steering wheel, music and game panels are secondary elements that you can easily do without. Besides, without them the bike will cost a little less.

Most tricycles also have a protective tarpaulin. However, some mothers consider this device unnecessary and even undesirable, since the visor does not allow you to track what the child is currently doing.

Rating of children's bicycles

The question of which tricycle is the best worries many parents. On the Russian market there are vehicles of various brands (both domestic and foreign), differing in price, quality and other important parameters.

Below are the best models that are popular and loved by Russian parents. The rating is based on customer reviews and technical specifications of the vehicles in question for the youngest cyclists.

If in the end you are inclined to buy a bike from a foreign manufacturer, for example, a German one, then I recommend that you pay attention to this proven German online store - low prices (even taking into account the delivery of bulky goods and conversion to euros), a wide selection and German quality control , Are powerful arguments.

1st place. BabyHit Kids Tour

This inflatable tricycle was the parent leader of 2016. The vehicle is versatile and is suitable for a toddler aged one and a half to five years.

The bike is distinguished by a stylish design, a variety of colors, and a well-thought-out design. While the child is still too young, the parents will drive the transport with the help of an ergonomic holder. And when the baby grows up, he will be able to ride independently.

Main advantages:

  • comfortable inflatable wheels;
  • removable handle;
  • non-slip pedals;
  • folding visor;
  • detachable protective bumper with groin strap;
  • safety strap;
  • handbag for small items;
  • voluminous plastic trunk;
  • removable saddle and back covers;
  • sound and light effects (there is a headlight in front).

Main disadvantages:

  • heavy construction;
  • lack of bearings on the front wheel.

For 5,600 rubles, parents will be able to buy a good transformer bike, which will become a faithful companion of the kid for several years, "growing up" together with the owner.

Babyhit Kids Tour XT Tricycle

2nd place. Mars Mini Trike LT-950

A good bike for walking with a child from 1 to 4 years old. At first, it is used as a bicycle stroller, then when the baby grows up, the parental handle is removed, which allows the baby to control the transport on his own.

Main advantages:

  • large non-rigid wheels;
  • ergonomic seat with backrest;
  • safety rim;
  • removable visor;
  • convenient holder for parents;
  • backpack and basket for things;
  • acceptable price.

Main disadvantages:

  • very high visor, which is not always possible to adjust in height;
  • quite heavy construction;
  • the visor is largely useless, weakly protects from the sun and rain.

In general, parents note the high quality of the product at a relatively low cost. The model has been popular for several years, which also testifies in its favor.

Tricycle Mars Mini Trike LT-950 A

3rd place. Puky 2403 CAT S6 Ceety

This is a premium bike designed for toddlers from two to four years old. It is produced in Germany from German components, so parents don't have to worry about the quality.

The vehicle meets the highest safety requirements and allows the child to travel comfortably, even over long distances. Well, the bike will delight mom with a well-thought-out design and a huge basket, which will come in handy when shopping.

Main advantages:

  • ergonomic seat;
  • metal case;
  • parental holder, which can be removed and adjusted in height;
  • parking brake;
  • the ability to lock the steering wheel, pedals, rear wheels;
  • safety straps with soft inserts;
  • removable cover;
  • large wheels.

Main disadvantages:

  • high cost (about 20,000 rubles);
  • there is no way to control the steering wheel from the parent holder.

Reviews about this model are very ambiguous. On the one hand, parents praise the bike for the quality and thoughtfulness of the design, on the other hand, they note that an even more perfect vehicle could be created for such a price.

Tricycle Puky CAT S6 Ceety 2017

4th place. Jetem Lexus Trike Next Generation

Another popular model is a tricycle with a handle from 1 year old.For a quite adequate price, parents will purchase a quality vehicle with a soft seat, with the possibility of regulation, safety straps and footrests.

Main advantages:

  • lightweight chrome steel frame;
  • five-point safety harnesses with softening inserts;
  • chrome plated rubber wheels;
  • the ability to adjust the seat;
  • the possibility of fixing the steering wheel;
  • comfortable plastic saddle with a textile cover;
  • backpack and large basket;
  • low price;
  • folding visor.

Main disadvantages:

  • parts are fastened with plastic bushings, so breakages are possible;
  • non-inflatable wheels;
  • the visor is largely useless;
  • vague assembly instructions.

Price matches quality and vice versa. As many parents note, the cost of a bike is quite democratic, so a number of shortcomings can be forgiven. Well, the model really has enough advantages.

Tricycle Funny Jaguar MS-0571 Lexus Trike Next Generation

5th place. Rich Toys Lexus Trike VIP

Another Lexus in our ranking. Parents appreciate this 3-wheel bike for its high cross-country ability, easy overcoming of all kinds of obstacles in the form of bumps, gravel, puddles and even snowdrifts. The reason for this "all-terrain" lies in the large inflatable wheels and the presence of bearings.

Main advantages:

  • "Tolerance" to increased loads;
  • steering wheel fixation;
  • large wheels;
  • safety rim;
  • fixed double basket;
  • seat adjustment in 3 positions.

Main disadvantages:

  • ill-conceived visor;
  • heavy construction;
  • the footrests fold down regularly by themselves.

Judging by the parental reviews, not all moms and dads appreciated this vehicle. Among the complaints - an unnecessary visor and insufficiently good workmanship.

Tricycle Rich Toys Lexus Trike Original Next (2014)

6th place. Smart Trike 1573500 Zoo-Collection

Judging by the reviews, the Smart Trike 1573500 Zoo-Collection is the best tricycle for the youngest travelers. This is evidenced by the cheerful colors, and the reliable safety band, and musical toys. In addition, there is a bottle pocket in the kit.

Main advantages:

  • stylish design;
  • lightness of construction;
  • maneuverability;
  • removable height-adjustable parental handle;
  • non-slip pedals;
  • folding footrests;
  • the ability to block pedals;
  • removable visor.

Main disadvantages:

  • noisy move;
  • Difficulty pedaling
  • not the best control from the parent holder;
  • ill-conceived visor.

In principle, this model can be attributed to the budget. And many parents put up with the disadvantages due to the very reasonable price and attractive appearance of the bike.

Tricycle Smart Trike 1573500 Zoo-Collection

7th place. Little Tikes 618277

This model is extremely popular with parents. The device can be used both as a stroller and as a starting bike for a child.

Regardless of age restrictions (from one to three years), babies are put in a bicycle seat already from 9 months of age. Then the structure can be easily transformed into a full-fledged tricycle.

Main advantages:

  • steering;
  • limiters;
  • footboards;
  • safety straps;
  • convenient holder for parents;
  • Sunshield;
  • bottle holder.

Main disadvantages:

  • plastic wheels rattle and noise;
  • hands get tired quickly when driving;
  • the basket knocks on the frame;
  • inconvenient location of the footrests.

For a "normal" price, parents will be able to purchase a bicycle that will grow with the child. That is, you do not have to spend money on a stroller and a tricycle itself. Which, you see, is important.

Little Tikes 627354

8th place. Jetem chopper

This three-wheeled vehicle is suitable for toddlers who are just starting to walk (from about 12 months old). The bike is made of lightweight metal parts, which ensures reliability and prevents breakages.

Main advantages:

  • five-point safety straps;
  • roomy enough trunk;
  • the ability to remove the holder and back when the child grows up;
  • front wheel lock;
  • comfortable seat;
  • adjustable distance between seat and frame.

Main disadvantages:

  • wheels "catch" all pebbles and nails;
  • noise when driving;
  • very tight pedaling;
  • the holder for the parent is not height adjustable;
  • no blocking of the pedals, so they scroll when driving.

Cheap and cheerful. This is how this vehicle can be characterized. The opinions of the parents are contradictory: some are satisfied with the purchase, while others are, to put it mildly, not happy with this tricycle.

Jetem Chopper tricycle

9th place. Smart Trike Recliner Stroller

The vehicle is intended for babies from 12 months. It features high back and head support, which is extremely important for the developing spinal column. Also, parents will be pleasantly given an original color scheme.

Main advantages:

  • convenient holder for parents;
  • rubber wheels;
  • rain shade;
  • soft seat with a high back;
  • the ability to adjust the saddle horizontally;
  • comfortable backpack and basket for things.

Main disadvantages:

  • plastic parts rattle;
  • the parental handle is constantly shifting to one side;
  • PVC wheels do not absorb well;
  • very short safety straps;
  • low position of the visor.

A tricycle is quite expensive for its performance. However, many parents are satisfied with the purchase, noting the high quality workmanship of the device. Should I buy this vehicle? It's up to you to decide.

Tricycle Smart Trike Recliner

10th place. Chizhik t004r

The most inexpensive product in our review. Domestic tricycle is perfect for playgrounds. It is distinguished by its simplicity of design, the absence of unnecessary parts, therefore it is reliable in operation and is quite lightweight.

Such transport will not only help to increase the physical activity of the baby, but will also like him with a rather attractive appearance. Parents, on the other hand, value the bike, first of all, for its cheapness, compactness and memories of their childhood.

Main advantages:

  • lightness of construction;
  • basket for toys;
  • rims made of metal;
  • cheapness;
  • rubberized wheel pads.

Main disadvantages:

  • extremely simple equipment;
  • modest design;
  • plastic frame.

If you are looking to purchase children's transport for the minimum amount, but with basic functions, then the Chizhik t004r tricycle is an ideal option. Such a device is not a shame to "walk", and it is not a pity to throw it away.

Tricycle Chizhik T005

Useful information

The choice of tricycles is quite large. To buy a really reliable device that will appeal to both baby and mother, you need to remember some of the most important rules and principles:

  • the type of bike is selected based on the age of the child. So, a classic model is suitable for a child from 2 years old, but a one-year-old baby needs to take a bicycle stroller;
  • before buying, you need to check the availability of all accompanying documents confirming the quality of the goods;
  • you should also check the operation of all the main elements of the bike and their attachment. Be sure to inspect the wheels, the quality of the frame, the features of the steering wheel and parental handle;
  • examine the seat carefully. It should be comfortable, non-slip, ergonomic, because the child will have to spend a lot of time on the bike;
  • an important stage is "fitting". You need to put the baby on the bike and see how comfortable the child feels in this vehicle. This rule is irrelevant if the model is ordered via the Internet;
  • in order to understand that a bicycle is suitable for a child in terms of height, you need to see if he can reach the ground with his feet and how comfortable it is for him to put his feet on the pedals.

Buying your first independent vehicle is an important event for the whole family. That is why it is necessary to approach the purchase with the utmost responsibility and think in advance what the bike will be for your beloved child.

The main condition: the bike must be of high quality, reliable, safe and comfortable. You should not pay attention only to the attractive appearance and the presence of accompanying details. Remember that the health and well-being of the child depends on your choice.

Watch the video: Choosing a bike size for your Child (July 2024).