
The subtleties of using coconut oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

The problem of stretch marks is familiar to pregnant women firsthand. Almost 75% of expectant mothers face it, and therefore the prevention of unpleasant skin scars is an important task during pregnancy. Coconut oil can be used for this purpose. This article will tell you how to do it correctly.

About the problem

Stretch marks are scientifically referred to as "striae". By itself, this phenomenon does not pose a danger to a woman's health, but it does cause aesthetic inconvenience. After giving birth, a woman begins to hesitate to wear open dresses, visiting the beach in a swimsuit becomes a real stress, because striae are almost not subject to tanning and after sunbathing they become even more noticeable against the background of a tanned body.

It is very difficult to cure stretch marks, sometimes even plastic surgery cannot fully cope with this task. Therefore, the way out is obvious - take care of the prevention of stretch marks even before they appear.

The most common stretch marks during pregnancy are on the hips, abdomen, chest... The reason for their appearance is, alas, beyond the woman's control. Under the influence of hormones and the growth of the abdomen, the skin is stretched, its elastin and collagen fibers become longer and thinner. And, like a stretched thread, they can break. In places of such tears, connective tissue is formed, and therefore, at first, stretch marks are pink or even lilac in color, and then they brighten.

The likelihood that a woman will develop striae during pregnancy increases with insufficient elasticity of the skin and their weak ability to regenerate, as well as with significant fluctuations in weight towards its increase.

Prevention of stretch marks must certainly include increasing the elasticity of the skin in "problem" areas, as well as control over weight gain. Careful care of the skin on the chest, abdomen and thighs in many cases helps, if not completely eliminate stretch marks, then significantly reduce their severity and depth.

There are special creams for stretch marks, enriched with vitamins A and E, collagen-elastin complexes. But for the most part, specialized cosmetics are expensive, and not all women can purchase them in the right amount, because skin care needs constant and daily. This is where coconut oil comes in.

Product characteristics

Coconut oil is a natural product. Coconut extract is generally widely used in cosmetology. If you carefully evaluate its composition, it becomes clear that it has everything that is required from a product to increase skin elasticity.

Vitamin E in the composition of coconut oil prevents oxidative processes, saturates the skin with oxygen. Lauric acid has antimicrobial effect. Hyaluronic acid promotes better hydration of the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin, it is she who can positively affect the processes of collagen synthesis. Also the oil is rich oleic and stearic acids, caprylic acid and minerals.

With all this, a woman should clearly understand that the composition of the oil is excellent for the prevention of stretch marks, but, alas, it cannot help get rid of stretch marks that have already formed.

How to apply?

Doctors recommend self-massage. His technique is very simple and effective for stretch marks. After the woman takes a shower, you need to thoroughly rub the body in the chest, abdomen and thighs with a terry towel. This will help improve local circulation. As soon as the skin becomes pink and warm, you should “walk” over all potentially problem areas with light tingling movements clockwise.

After that, you should apply coconut oil and rub it into the skin with light massaging movements.... After half an hour, you can remove excess oil that has not been absorbed with a paper towel. It will be good if a woman supports such a massage by wearing special elastic underwear or a support bandage for expectant mothers.

The best results in the prevention of stretch marks are shown by the first cold pressed coconut oil. It preserves its natural useful properties and rich composition to a greater extent.

A woman can experiment with the original products, improving and enhancing its effect by adding other components:

  • coconut and tea tree - a tablespoon of coconut extract will need the same amount of tea tree oil;
  • coconut and rosemary - 15 ml of coconut oil requires only 5 drops of rosemary oil;
  • tropical mix - Take no more than 5 drops of orange essential oil for a tablespoon of coconut oil;
  • invigorating coffee - add half a spoonful of ground coffee to a tablespoon of coconut, you get a very nourishing and pleasant scrub for the skin.

All of these recipes are acceptable if the woman is not allergic to either the main component or additives. Only those who do not suffer from allergies should experiment with essential oils.

Before use, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

If you don't want to take risks with potential allergens, you can additionally add vitamin E to coconut oil, it is sold in ampoules in pharmacies. Vitamin A can be added in the same way. In any case, oil should always be used warm, warmed up to room temperature.

Allergic women who should not use essential oils and do not want to use pharmacy vitamins can mix coconut oil with cream and olive oil, almond oil.

Each component should be checked before the first use. To do this, apply a little oil to the back of your hand or elbow fold. If redness, swelling, itching does not appear within an hour or an hour and a half, the product can be used. After such an allergy test to coconut oil, similarly check your reaction to other oils that are planned to be added to the mixture.

How to choose?

The use of oil against stretch marks for pregnant women will become safe and effective if the woman chooses the right remedy. A good and high-quality product is made from raw materials, for the cultivation of which no chemical fertilizers were used, no pesticide treatment was carried out. The packaging of this coconut oil is labeled "Bio" or "Organic".

A good oil has a consistency similar to a cream or hair mask. If the ambient temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, the oil will liquefy on its own.

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications for the product mainly relate to its use in food. There are no special prohibitions for external use. But during pregnancy, a woman's immunity works in a different mode, and an allergic reaction is possible even to foods that previously did not cause any concern.

Therefore, local allergies are the main danger when using coconut oil. It is possible to smear the belly, chest and thighs with the product only if you are fully confident that you do not have an individual intolerance to the product.

A woman should understand that when using a product for the skin and hair, oily fat is not excluded, in which the pores of the skin of the body and head can become clogged. This is fraught with inflammatory processes. Therefore, women who have naturally oily hair and skin should think about mixing the original product with other ingredients that will partially reduce the fat content, for example, with kefir, cosmetic clay.

In the early stages, women should take into account that the product has a rather specific odor, and therefore can cause increased nausea with toxicosis.


Feedback on the use of the product is positive. In most cases, the results are visible after just a few applications - the skin becomes smoother, more elastic and elastic. The product copes with the task of prevention successfully. Women who have tried coconut oil with existing stretch marks, note that the stretch marks became lighter and less noticeable after a month of such self-massage with this remedy.

Some women believe that coconut oil in its pure form does not sufficiently moisturize the skin, and therefore it is imperative to add one more oil to it, any.

Negative reviews, as well as descriptions of cases of severe allergy to the product, are not found on thematic women's forums. The remedy helps almost everyone if the care is regular.

Watch the video: Anti- stretch marks during pregnancy - Bruts Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter, Bio Oil, Coconut Oil (July 2024).