Newborn health

Bobotic drops for colic - full instructions

All mothers know that babies are tormented by bloating and colic for the first months. How can you help the baby and not harm it? There are many drugs now available to relieve this condition in children. One of them is Bobotic drops for newborns from colic and flatulence. The drug is a whitish emulsion in a bottle with a pipette stopper, 30 ml. Dosage form - drops.

How does the medicine work?

The drug contains simethicone, an active chemical compound that has a carminative effect. Simethicone breaks up gas bubbles into microscopic ones, thereby providing the main action of the Bobotic drug - reducing bloating and relieving colic.

Bobotik does not enter the bloodstream, does not affect the microflora, does not change when interacting with gas, gastric juice and food, therefore it is excreted through the intestines in its original form.

Medicine Bobotik can be taken with caution during lactation and during pregnancy, after consultation with a specialist.

When and how to use?

Indications for use Bobotik:

  • bloating and colic in newborns;
  • diagnostic examination (sonography, radiography, FGDS);
  • conditions after bowel surgery.

It is important to note at what age to give Bobotik. Despite the fact that many pediatricians recommend such drugs from the first weeks, the instructions for use warn that with colic, Bobotic should be used no earlier than the 28th day from the birth of the child.

How to give drops: before use, the bottle must be shaken until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Then, turning the bottle upside down, add the required number of drops. Bobotik can be added to a bottle of formula, milk or water. If the baby only takes the breast, then it is more convenient to use a teaspoon or syringe without a needle.

How much to give: for babies from day 28 to 2 years old Bobotik for colic is given in a dosage of 8 drops. Parents are always interested in: how often to give Bobotik to a newborn, because colic can torment a baby after each feeding? According to the instructions, the drug can be given no more than 4 times a day (160 mg / day), after feeding or in the process.

When should you not use Bobotik?

The medicine has a lot of contraindications:

  1. if the child is less than 28 days old;
  2. an allergic reaction to the constituent components of the drug;
  3. intestinal obstruction;
  4. obstructive disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Given the possible contraindications, parents should definitely consult a pediatrician before giving the baby medicine.

The first time it is better to give 1 - 2 drops, to exclude an allergic reaction. If the crumbs are allergic to Bobotic, the doctor will select another safe drug.

How does Bobotik differ from analogues?

Drug price ranges from 155 to 170 rudders. Compared to analogues, the cost of the drug is not high, although in composition and effect it is not inferior to similar drugs at a higher price. Bobotik is not advertised, so many parents do not know about it, and pediatricians forget to prescribe. Nevertheless, the drug has many advantages over its competitors:

  • the high concentration of simethicone allows you to give the medicine in a small dosage, which is much easier to give to the baby;
  • Bobotic medicine is economical, the bottle lasts for a month;
  • does not contain sugar, so it can be given to those suffering from diabetes.

Analogues of Bobotic also have their pros and cons. Arriving at the pharmacy, it is difficult to immediately figure out what is right for your baby. Therefore, let's compare the medicine Bobotic with some similar drugs:

  1. Bobotik or Espumisan: the drugs converge with the active ingredient - simethicone, but its dosage is different in these drugs: in Bobotic it is 66.66 mg per 1 ml, and in Espumisan - 40 mg per 5 ml. The second drug is less economical with the same volume of the bottle.
  2. Bobotik or SAB simplex: the first drug is given no more than 4 times a day, SAB simplex can be given to the child at every feeding - it is more convenient when the baby is free-feeding. But the price for the SAB simplex is much higher - from 200 rubles.
  3. Bobotik or Baby Kalm: the composition of the preparations is completely different. Baby Kalm is a herbal remedy consisting of essential oils. In addition to colic and bloating, Baby Kalm acts as an anti-inflammatory, soothing and pain relieving drug. If the baby is in severe pain, is constantly naughty, cannot sleep, then you can use these two drugs in parallel.

We read further:

  • Other medicines for colic
  • Colic massage

Watch the video: Pediatrics u0026 Child Health Care: Newborn Colic Remedies (July 2024).