
A book for imperfect parents, or Life on a free topic

“A Book for Imperfect Parents or Life on a Free Topic” gathered the thoughts of an experienced psychologist Irina Mlodik, whose work is connected with both children and adults. This guide will help those who want to raise a happy person, an example for others to follow. After all, you need not only to educate your children, but to live lovingly, to give children your sincere love and thereby fill them with happiness and joy.

The main idea of ​​the book

“The book for imperfect parents” does not bear its name by chance, because every parent in one way or another can be imperfect and make mistakes while raising their own children. According to the author, this manual is suitable for those parents who realize that they are raising not just a child, but a real miracle. That is why there are no correct advice and detailed instructions on what exactly should be done in each specific situation.

It is difficult to talk about what exactly can make a child happy without knowing the specific situation, the nature of the child, and without taking into account many other important factors. But thanks to this edition, it will be easier for parents to understand their own children and thanks to this they will be able to turn their life into an exciting journey.

Thanks to the "Book for Imperfect Parents" people are given a unique opportunity to learn what to do so that parenting does not turn into a terrible nightmare, and childhood does not become a time of resentment and humiliation.

Who will benefit from The Book for Imperfect Parents?

The book will be a great help for both parents and those whose work is related to children. Due to the fact that the book is written in a simple and understandable language, it is recommended to read it to absolutely all parents and those who are just preparing to become them.

Watch the video: Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media Feature, Documentary (July 2024).