After childbirth

How to choose a sling? Which one to choose: Ring sling, Sling scarf, My sling, Backpack sling, Fast sling (pros and cons). Video instructions

A mother with a baby “tied” to herself can now be seen anywhere: both in the capital and in a small town. Sometimes you can still come across the opinion that this way of carrying a child is a harmful modern trend. The debate about which is better: a stroller or a sling will probably never end. However, historically, the tradition of carrying a child in a special sling appeared much earlier than rolling in a stroller.

Contrary to all sorts of criticism, carrying a baby on yourself is physiological and safe, therefore it is suitable even for newborn crumbs. However, not all positions and carriers are suitable for babies. For more information about what kinds of slings are and what are the features of carrying for newborns, read below.

Why does mom need a sling?

The question is reasonable, because strollers have so thoroughly entered our life that the baby in the arms of the mother is already perceived as something exotic and strange. Nevertheless, the sling has many advantages, and they are all quite significant for both the mother and the baby herself.

  • A mother with a sling is much more mobile than a mother with a stroller. She is not afraid of steps and the lack of a ramp, narrow doorways and heavy doors. Even unaccompanied public transport trips become available when you opt for a sling.
  • Sling frees mom's hands: it seems that the baby is with mom, and mom has both hands free, she can easily pay at the checkout in the store, lead an older child by the handle, hold a bag.
  • The sling is convenient not only for a walk, but also at home. With the baby on themselves, many mothers successfully cope with all household chores: they wash the dishes and the floor, cook, hang the washed laundry. At the same time, the baby does not need to scream heart-rendingly in the bed, calling on adults. In the arms of his mother, he is involved in household chores and is always aware of what is happening around him, and this is interesting and informative for the baby.
  • The children themselves, who are in bodily contact with their mother most of the time, are calmer and more balanced, They sleep better and give their parents much less trouble than babies who are separated from their mother by the side of a crib or stroller, and are constantly worried about this.
  • It is very convenient to breastfeed the baby in a sling, and you can do it anywhere on the go.

Baby slings

There are a lot of different carriers for babies, but not all of them can be called a sling, since this word itself means a fabric sling without any fasteners. So, for example, "kangarushki" and ergo backpacks are not sling, although in the understanding of the average mother, these carriers also refer to sling. It is not a sling and hipseat (a carrier that is attached to an adult's reeds and allows grown-up babies to be carried on the hip in a “sitting” position). It is sling that there are 3 types of carriers for babies, and all of them are suitable for carrying children from birth:

  1. Ring sling;
  2. Sling scarf;
  3. May sling.

Each type of sling has its own characteristics: putting on, fixing, position of the child, load on the mother - all this is very different. As a result, one and the same sling may be convenient for some purposes, and completely uncomfortable for others.

Ring sling


The fabric is almost 2 meters long, 60-70 cm wide. Metal rings are attached to the strip of fabric at one end, the other end is free. The free end is threaded through the rings and fixed with them, as a result of which the sling takes the form of a closed circle. A sling with rings over the shoulder is put on, forming a “hammock” for the baby in front.


  • Ring sling is very primitive to use, even a beginner slingo mom will master it.
  • Convenient in hot weather, since it does not involve tight wrapping with several layers of fabric.
  • Easily adjustable, allowing you to change the position of the child.
  • It allows you to reach and transfer the baby without disturbing him: it is enough for the mother to loosen the rings and “emerge” from the sling.


In a ring sling, the load on the shoulders and back of the mother is unevenly distributed. Of course, the shoulders need to be regularly alternated, but even in this case, walking in a sling with rings for more than 2 hours in a row is not recommended.

How to choose a ring sling:

  • Rings are a very important element of a sling. They should be metal and large enough (about 10 cm in diameter). Only with this combination, the fabric glides well between them, allowing you to easily adjust the position, and is securely fixed.
  • For a newborn baby, it is better to choose a sling made of 100% cotton. The fabric should not be too elastic so as not to stretch under the weight of the baby and fix the position of the baby well. In addition, the fabric should not be too slippery. The best option for a newborn baby is coarse calico or waffle fabric.
  • For newborn babies, it is better to use a sling with foam rubber sides: they support the head better.

Where and when it is convenient:

Great for indoor and outdoor use as it is very easy to take off, put on and adjust, but for short periods of time. The limitation is due to uneven load distribution.

Video instruction for a ring sling:

Sling scarf


A sling scarf is a fabric with a length of 3 to 6 meters and a width of 45-70 cm.There are many options for winding a scarf, so that a child can be worn from birth to 2-3 years in different positions, including behind the back, on the hip ... A newborn baby in a sling scarf can be worn both in the cradle position and upright in the embryo position.


  • The technology of the sling-scarf winding is such that the mother's back does not suffer from uneven load.
  • The design of the scarf allows you to use different winding options, and, accordingly, carry the baby in different positions.
  • The sling scarf fixes the baby better and supports the fragile spine, therefore, for the child himself, being in the scarf is more useful and physiological.


  • A sling scarf requires certain skills to be used safely. Videos with examples of winding a scarf can be found on the Internet, but mom will have to spend some time and effort to master all the tricks and be able to tie a scarf even without a mirror and cheat sheets.
  • Due to the design features of the sling-scarf it is not so easy to bandage it in the field. If you do it outside, the ends of the scarf will touch the ground and get dirty.
  • In hot weather, a sling scarf is not very comfortable due to the multi-layer winding.

How to choose a sling scarf:

  • The success in mastering and using a sling scarf is 100% dependent on its material. Particularly from weaving and elasticity. In terms of composition, the best option for newborns is 100% cotton. The fabric should stretch crosswise and diagonally. In this case, the sling scarf fits the baby's body well and distributes the pressure on the mother's back correctly.
  • The width of the scarf depends on its elasticity. The better the fabric stretches, the smaller the width is acceptable. So, a sling scarf made of elastic fabrics can be 50-60 cm wide, and from non-elastic fabrics - up to 70 cm.
  • If a manufacturer produces scarves in different sizes, it is best to use a size chart. The maximum length of a scarf is 6m, but at 42-44 sizes of this length are many, the ends of the scarf will have to be wound around the waist, creating extra layers.

Where and when it is convenient:

After the sling scarf is fully mastered, it is comfortable both at home and on the street. There is no time limit for carrying a baby in a sling scarf, for a mother there are no restrictions, so a sling scarf is the most convenient option for a sling for a newborn.

Video instruction for winding a sling scarf:



The design of a my sling is similar to an ergo backpack, but due to the long straps and the absence of a frame, it is more physiological. In fact, it is a square or rectangle with long straps extending in all 4 directions. The two lower straps are wound around the mother's waist, and the upper ones pass over the shoulders, crossed on the back, and are also fixed at the waist. A newborn baby is in a May-sling with tucked legs, in an embryo position.


  • Easy and simple to put on, mastering a may-sling much faster than a sling-scarf.
  • It looks aesthetically pleasing and neat, does not involve many layers.
  • In the May-sling, the load on the mother's muscles lays down evenly.


  • A newborn baby can be in a May-sling only in an upright position. The position in which the baby is on the mother is generally safe, but not always comfortable for mother and child. It is impossible to put the baby in the cradle position in the May-sling.
  • Compared to a sling scarf, the straps of a may sling are thinner and can cause inconvenience, cutting into the shoulders.

How to choose a May-sling:

  • Be sure to pay attention to the width of the straps. The wider the straps, the more comfortable it will be to wear the May-sling. It is better if the straps are padded with padding polyester. In any case, the width of the straps should be at least 14 cm. In addition to the fact that thin straps can cut into the shoulders, they twist and interfere with normal tying.
  • The requirements for the fabric of the May-sling are not so high. The fabric must be strong and not stretch. The presence of synthetics in the composition is quite allowed, if the crumbs are not allergic to it.

Where and when it is convenient:

For newborn babies, the may-sling is convenient "on the way out": a trip to visit, a clinic, a short walk. Basically, this type of sling is recommended for children older than 4 months.

Video instruction for the May-sling:

Inveterate slingo mothers believe that ideally it is better to have slings for all occasions, because different types of carriers are convenient for different situations. Moreover, these mothers have slings of different colors for their entire wardrobe. It turns out that a sling is not only a device for carrying a baby, but also an element of the image of a modern young mother.

Sling Backpack and Fast Sling

In addition to the actual sling, there are other types of carriers for children: the so-called sling backpack and fast sling. As it was written earlier, these devices are not sling in their essence, because a sling is just a fabric sling, and both of these carriers have frame elements, fasteners, etc. However, modern mothers use the word "sling" in relation to any type of carriers.

Whether in a slingo-backpack or in a fast-sling, a child can only be in a sitting position with legs apart. This is why both carriers are not recommended for babies under 4 months old. The minimum requirement is that the child must confidently hold the head and be able to lift it while lying on his stomach, that is, the neck muscles must be developed (See the article about when the child begins to hold his head). It is better if the baby not only holds the head, but sits independently (See the article about when the child starts to sit). The fact is that the back support in both carriers is regulated by the tension of the lines and it is rare for a mother to set the correct tension. You can tighten the slings too tight or, conversely, loose. Incorrect tension of the lines loads the baby's spine inadequate to his physical capabilities. All this has a dangerous effect on the formation of vertebral bends and at an older age may manifest itself as a curvature of the spine.

Ergo-ryukaz, or sling-backpack


Wide dense straps that can be located on the back either parallel to each other or crosswise. Backrest with headrest, darts, bolsters. Wide padded belt that wraps around mom's waist and hips. Fastens with plastic fastexes, it is possible to adjust the backrest tension.


  • Divides the load between the back and hips, so that the mother does not have to bend under the weight of the baby.
  • Allows you to carry your baby face to face, behind the back and on the hip.
  • It is easy to open and close, so there will be no problems with getting the baby in and out.
  • Suitable even for children 2-3 years old.


  • Sufficiently voluminous compared to carriers of other types and designs.
  • Due to the frame and dense fabric, it can be hot in summer.

How to choose:

When choosing a slingo backpack, you should mainly focus on the manufacturer's recommendations and the child's parameters. All manufacturers indicate the recommended height, weight, age of the baby.

Where and when it is convenient:

Thanks to its design, the ergo backpack is comfortable for long-term carrying of a child, and it is perfect for older children.

Video instruction for the use of an ergonomic backpack:

Fast sling


It is very similar to a may-sling, but it is fixed in a different way: the may-sling has long straps and a belt that are tied with a regular knot for fixing, the fast sling has short straps and a belt that fastens with fastexes.


  • Very easy to use: it is easy to put your baby in and out in the fast sling.
  • Lightweight and takes up little space, it is better ventilated, so it is more comfortable to carry a child in it in hot weather.


  • The possibilities of the way of carrying the child (only facing you) and adjusting the position of the straps (only crosswise) are limited.
  • Due to the narrow belt, the entire load falls on the back, therefore, it is not recommended to carry the child in a fast sling for a long time.

How to choose:

When choosing a fast sling, it is important to pay attention to the strength of all fasteners. The straps and belt must be padded with padding polyester. By the way, fast sling can be sewn to order, and skilled craftswomen will master the production themselves.

Where and when it is convenient:

Best used for not too heavy kids. Great for the summer. It is also better to limit the time of continuous wearing so as not to provoke back problems.

Video instruction for the use of Fast Sling:

We read further:

  1. There is another type of carriers - these are kangaroo carriers.
  2. How to choose a stroller for a newborn baby

You can get acquainted with the prices, read reviews, choose and buy slings in the Obstetrics online store -

You can also look into our section of online stores and look for slings, carriers and backpacks in other online stores -

We have prepared for you an article on how you can make a sling scarf and a sling with rings with your own hands - check out

Watch the video: Ring Sling Tutorial - Everything you need to know about using a ring sling baby carrier (July 2024).