Good to know

What you need to know about baby baptism

The baptism of a child is a solemn event after the birth of a baby in the family. It introduces a person to communion with God, to union with the Lord. Not everyone knows about this sacrament. Therefore, we will try to tell you more about it.

When can a baby be baptized?

The question that worries any parent is how early can a child be baptized? - This can be done from the first days of the baby's birth, especially if there is a threat to his life.

If all is well with the baby, they usually wait forty days. Why? This time is given to the mother of the newborn for cleansing. 40 days the church considers it "unclean". After the expiration of the term, the mother can be present during the ceremony of communion with the church. And the baby will get stronger for the sacrament of Baptism.

Up to what age can you be baptized? One can join the Lord at any age. It is believed that at Baptism, a person receives his Guardian Angel, who does not leave him even after his death.

Video: What you need to know before baptizing a child

Why is it better to baptize in infancy

Many people prefer to baptize later, in a year or two. But we must remember that the older the child, the more difficult it is for him to withstand the ceremony, because it lasts about an hour. The baby sleeps peacefully in the arms of his godfather, but the grown-up, tired, begins to be capricious. It is also more difficult to dip it into the font.

What days to baptize

Are there days when baptism is prohibited? There are no restrictions, but different churches have their own schedule of services. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify the date of Baptism in your church.

Choosing a godfather

For the baptized one must choose godparents.

  • Church rules say that a child needs a successor of the same sex.
  • A godmother is required for a girl; a godfather is required for a boy.
  • If the baby has both receivers, as is popularly accepted, this is also allowed.
  • The choice of godparents must be taken seriously, they are entrusted with the spiritual education of the godson in the Orthodox faith.
  • A person who has become a child's receiver must be a person of the Orthodox faith, a relative, a close acquaintance or a family friend.
  • A husband and wife or a couple who are going to get married, people with a sick mentality, sectarians, people who are sinful from the point of view of the church (alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.) cannot baptize the same child.

What is needed for the rite of baptism

For baptism you need to buy:

  1. The baptismal shirt (bought by the godmother).
  2. Pectoral cross with chain (bought by the godfather).
  3. You also need to have a baptismal towel and a diaper with you.

How much and why pay

Before performing the ceremony, you need to pay a donation for baptism. This amount is different in each city. The Lord commanded not to take money for Baptism. But the donation for the ceremony is one of the important parts of the temple's profit, which allows you to pay the costs of lighting, heating, repair and maintenance of the temple, the work of a priest, who, according to custom, has a large family.

If a person does not have money to pay, they cannot refuse to perform the sacrament of Baptism. In case of refusal, you need to contact the dean (this is a clergyman who oversees order in the parish).

How is the baptismal ceremony

  • Those present must have on themselves crosses.
  • The godparents hold the baptized person in their arms during the entire passage of the ceremony. The role of the parents is just to watch.
  • The ceremony is very solemn, because this is the Sacrament of the spiritual birth of a person.
  • The priest reads prayers, including the Creed. The godparents of the baby should also know this prayer.
  • On behalf of the baby, they promise to be faithful to God, and also renounce the evil one.
  • Then the priest blesses the water in the font, anoints the baby with oil.
  • And now the main sacrament is fulfilled - the priest lowers the child three times with his head into the font, while reading the baptismal prayer.
  • Next, a cross is put on the baby, the holy father smears certain parts of the child's body with peace, saying the necessary prayers. These prayers apply to both spiritual and physical health and well-being. It often happens that a sick child, after passing the ceremony, recovers, making his family and friends happy.
  • After chrismation, the godparents carry the baby around the baptismal font three times, symbolizing eternal spiritual life.
  • The priest washes the ointment and wipes it off with a towel.
  • Trims the baby's hair, gives him communion.
  • If the person being baptized is a boy, then the godfather brings him to the altar, bows down to the throne with him.
  • The next step is an application to the icons of our Lord and the Mother of God.
  • After the ceremony in most churches, parents are issued a certificate of Baptism.

Is it possible to take pictures in the church

In many temples, it is now allowed to take photos or videos of the ceremony. But you need to know this in advance, since some priests are categorically against filming. After all, Baptism is primarily a sacrament.

Video: The sacrament of baptism. rules

What to do with baptismal things

The baptismal gown, diaper and towel are kept by the baptized family. These things do not erase, because they contain particles of the holy world. If the baby is sick, they put on a baptismal shirt and pray for his recovery. A diaper (or kryzhma) has a wonderful property to heal an infant from illnesses. If the child's teeth are painfully crawling, you can, after praying, cover him with a diaper or towel.

Christening celebrations

After the completion of the rite of baptism, it is customary to celebrate a joyful event. I would like to remind you that the godfather pays for the baptism itself and sets the festive table. For christening, godparents and guests bring gifts.

What can be given to the baptized

By tradition they give:

  • a silver spoon
  • a silver mug
  • toys,
  • smart clothes,
  • photo album,
  • gold or silver jewelry,
  • money.

Through the sacrament of Baptism, a person communes with God, is born spiritually, and acquires an inextricable connection with the Heavenly Father. Therefore, it is so necessary to baptize your baby as early as possible. If the parents have additional problems, there is no need to seek information from outsiders. Contact the priest, and he will listen carefully to you and answer your questions.

  • To baptize a child or not: a family discord
  • How to organize a bridegroom for a newborn, what to give to a baby, some rules for guests and superstitions

[sc: rsa]

Video: Baptismal Rites of a Child

Watch the video: What is the Biblical Basis for Infant Baptism? (July 2024).