Good to know

Panties that help potty train your baby

Children become capable of mastering "potted wisdom" after one and a half years. It is believed that earlier their nervous system was not yet sufficiently formed so that the baby could control the processes of urination and defecation. But closer to the age of two, kids feel the urge to go to the toilet and can be patient a little - it's time to start potty training. It is simply impossible to abandon diapers right away, so special panties will come in handy for mothers to help train the child to the potty - a transitional link between disposable diapers and regular linen.

Operating principle

The essence of using this item is that, firstly, the baby develops the skill of removing and putting on panties, and secondly, some panties are designed so that they have a waterproof layer only on the outside, keeping dry clothes and the space around the baby. Inside, these panties do not have an instantly absorbent layer, so the baby feels discomfort. He needs this feeling in order to understand for sure why he needs to do “these” things in a pot. It is this feeling of discomfort that prompts the child himself to seek a solution to the problem.

What are they

There are several types of potty training panties. Each of them has its own characteristics and recommendations for wearing.

  1. Disposable pant diapers. These are “siblings” of disposable diapers, fundamentally differing in the fastener and the method of putting on. Instead of Velcro, they have a wide elastic band, and you need to put them on like regular panties. The absorption principle of panty diapers is the same as that of conventional disposable diapers, so they are suitable for the initial stages of potting. With the help of these panties, we teach the child to take off and put on a new type of underwear for him. Disposable panties are made taking into account the characteristics of the floor. The fact is that for boys and girls, it is more reasonable to position the absorbent layer differently due to their anatomical features. You can buy such panties at any supermarket, since they are in the product line of almost all manufacturers of children's hygiene products.
  2. Reusable panties with absorbent inserts. Outside, these panties have a waterproof layer, so moisture does not come out of them. A liner is inserted inside the panties, which absorbs moisture, but does not retain it inside itself with the help of a gel. After the baby has peed, the liner needs to be changed, and after three times replacement, the panties themselves must be replaced. Panties and liners need to be bought in a ratio of 1: 3, the panties themselves will be enough 4-5 pieces per day. The panties themselves are not very cheap, but many moms still find that it is more economical to use them than disposable diapers. In addition to financial savings from such panties, there is another effect - the child begins to understand that when it is wet, he is not pleased, and gradually comes to the conclusion that it is better to ask for a potty.
  3. Layered panties. Ordinary panties, in some places with additional layers of fabric in order to slightly retain moisture. They are not waterproof on the outside, but in case of a misfire, they soften the consequences a little. Due to the layering of these panties, the baby can be hot, so they are better suited for the cooler season. It is most reasonable to use them when the baby is already going to the potty, but sometimes he can get distracted, forget and do his thing in his pants.

For each stage of potty training, you can choose your own version of panties and thereby make it easier for yourself, because these tools are created specifically to help mothers.

We read further on the topic of potty training:

  • How to potty train a child in 7 days
  • What to do if the child is afraid of the pot
  • How to choose a pot

Watch the video: HOW TO POTTY TRAIN A TWO-YEAR-OLD TODDLER in 4 days or less. POTTY TRAINING TIPS. Simply Allie (July 2024).