
Kvass and breastfeeding

All young mothers during the period of breastfeeding are concerned about the correctness of their diet, because many foods directly affect the composition of breast milk and, consequently, the well-being of an infant. Certain foods and drinks are particularly questionable. These include kvass.

Is it possible to drink kvass for nursing mothers

Doubts about the use of kvass in nursing mothers usually arise for the following reasons:

  • Kvass contains a small percentage of alcohol, which acts on the baby's liver through breast milk;
  • Kvass is a carbonated drink, which means it can provoke tummy problems in a child;
  • Kvass is drunk cold, and cold drinks are contraindicated for breastfeeding.

The best solution to the "leavened" issue in this case is a compromise: kvass and breastfeeding are compatible, but you can drink it no more than 1 glass a day and only natural. And the arguments “against” that usually scare moms cannot be fully called true. Let's try to understand why.

  1. Kvass does contain a small amount of ethyl alcohol - no more than 1.2%. Ethyl alcohol is formed in kvass as a result of natural fermentation, such as in kefir. In the specified volume, this substance is safe for the body, moreover, the body already contains ethyl alcohol in small quantities, even if the person does not drink alcohol at all. Kvass is not classified as either alcoholic or low-alcoholic beverages; it can be drunk by both a nursing mother and drivers.
  2. The wording “carbonated drink” is only partially applicable to kvass. Natural kvass contains gas, but it appears there naturally as a result of fermentation. Kvass poured into plastic bottles and sold in any supermarket is another matter. By and large, this is an ordinary "soda" with the taste and aroma of kvass. The gas in such drinks appears artificially. Such kvass can cause problems with the tummy.Even natural kvass should be drunk with caution by mothers with gastrointestinal problems. It is difficult to predict the reaction of the crumbs to natural kvass: some children suffer from gas drinks, others do not show any concern. Only the gradual introduction of kvass into the diet and observation will help here.
  3. Drinking ice is not good for anyone, especially in extreme heat. A nursing mother really should make a choice in favor of warm drinks, but 1 glass of slightly chilled kvass will not harm lactation.

The best option for a nursing mother would be homemade homemade kvass. If you drink purchased - then let it be a natural barrel. When buying such kvass, you need to make sure of its freshness and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards when bottling it. But it is better to refuse to use the store at all.

Useful properties of natural kvass

Natural kvass is not only allowed in limited quantities, but can also be useful. The beneficial properties of the drink are extremely relevant for a young mother:

  • Relieves fatigue;
  • Invigorates and tones;
  • Quenches thirst well;
  • Contains vitamins and minerals.

Thus, if a nursing mother competently and carefully approaches the issue of using kvass, then you can be sure that this drink will not do any harm, and may even be useful.

We read on the topic of breastfeeding:

Not all products can be consumed by nursing mothers, from this publication we wrote what you can eat and what is better to refuse;

The article where we post links to the description of specific food products during the GV period -

Additionally, we recommend reading about what is absolutely forbidden for nursing mothers

Watch the video: Tips For How To Stop Breastfeeding (July 2024).