
Why can the lower abdomen hurt before ovulation?

Abdominal pain before ovulation is not so common. If a woman has such an individual feature of the cycle, then usually painful sensations appear during ovulation or immediately after it. But in some cases, certain painful sensations in the lower abdomen can, no worse than a test, suggest that the release of the egg from the follicle will soon begin.

Why does it hurt?

Before answering the question of whether the lower abdomen can hurt before ovulation, you should clearly understand what processes occur during this period in the female body.

The cycle begins on the first day of the next menstruation. And already during this period, the maturation of several follicles begins in a woman's ovaries. They are called antral and grow under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The woman does not feel this process in any way. Unpleasant feelings in the lower back and lower abdomen during menstruation are associated with endometrial rejection, which has grown and increased in the past menstrual cycle.

By the 7th day of the cycle, one dominant one is released from several antral follicles (rarely there are two, and then ovulation occurs double, which increases the chances of conceiving twins). The rest of the follicles involution, only the dominant continues to grow. It reaches sizes from 20 to 24 mm. An oocyte matures inside it. 1-2 days before ovulation, there is a surge in the hormone LH, and the follicle membrane quickly becomes thinner and eventually ruptures - an egg is released or ovulation occurs.

In fact, there is nothing to hurt, because the only thing that can theoretically be a little painful is the rupture of the follicle. However, some women claim that they feel a pulling pain in the ovary area.

This should be regarded as an individual feature of the female body, which is rare. This does not mean pathology if the pain is not so severe that it becomes difficult for a woman to cope with her usual duties and lead an ordinary life.

Why do pains appear? Primarily, this happens with individual high sensitivity and excitability of the central nervous system. Such women are usually asthenic, impressionable, prone to nervous shocks, very sensitive, hardly tolerate even minor pain.

Another reason for discomfort in the abdomen before ovulation is an individual reaction to a sharp change in hormonal levels (estrogen rises sharply, then the level of luteinizing hormone rises, estrogen sharply decreases - such an endocrine "attraction" sometimes does not pass without symptoms).

What to do?

If the pain does not cause significant inconvenience, begins 1-2 days before ovulation and ends no later than 1-2 days after ovulation, nothing special needs to be done. Consider yourself lucky - your personality saves you the trouble of doing tests to determine when to expect ovulation when planning a pregnancy. You will already know it.

But if the pain is severe, they are accompanied by strange discharge from the genitals, fever, or last a long time, intensify, you must definitely visit a doctor. Inflammatory changes, infections, cystic formations on the ovaries are possible.

Pain can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance. In this case, the woman will receive the necessary treatment appropriate to the diagnosis, and the problem will be solved.

If severe pain is not associated with pathology, they say in pronounced ovulatory syndrome. A warm shower and pain relievers of your choice will help ease it. But if you plan to conceive in the current cycle, you should not take analgesics before ovulation, this may not be the best way to affect the ovulation process. In this case, it is better to give preference antispasmodics, for example, "No-Shpe".

They help get rid of painful precursors of ovulation and modern contraceptive pills - oral contraceptives.

They suppress the maturation of the follicle at the hormonal level, ovulation does not occur, and there is no pain associated with it. Such treatment is usually used by women who do not yet plan to conceive a child.

Watch the video: Ovulation Signs and Symptoms - Get Pregnant Naturally (July 2024).