After childbirth

5 chores you can save for later if you're a young mom

Tips for a young mother, which will help to keep up with everything and do housework with pleasure.

How difficult it is to do everything - to feed the baby, caress, take a walk, put him to bed. And at the same time, cope with household chores, and even look well-groomed. And everything is very simple - do not try to do everything at once. Any urgent business can wait, and some do not have to be done at all. After all, the most important thing now is to pay attention to the baby, and not to forget about yourself.

So, what cases can you give up?

Postpone boring ironing

In fact, children's clothes do not require ironing at all, especially if the wound on the navel has already healed. Well, what's the point of ironing sliders, undershirts (and some also iron tights), if all this will be filled with compote in 5 minutes? Ironing is a useless exercise. By abandoning her, a young woman will save a lot of time that she can devote to herself and the child.

It is enough to wash things with baby powder in hot water, and all germs will be destroyed. Excessive sterility will not benefit the baby, because the baby's body must adapt to the bacteria living around us.

Devote all your time to the au pair

A young mother must realize that it is impossible to do everything. After all, household chores will never end, and a young mother needs a rest. Force yourself to lie down during the day, just make yourself! And in the first weeks after childbirth, the female body simply needs more rest and recovery. Take every opportunity to take a nap. Over time, you will be drawn into the infant care regimen, but it takes time.

Strive to do everything perfectly

We always want to match some mythical image that others have invented. But ideal women live only in pictures of glossy magazines. Your baby needs a caring and calm mother. He doesn't need a household champion.

Believe me, in the eyes of your baby you are the best, and you will always remain so. So do not try to embrace the immensity, but just enjoy motherhood. Give your baby tenderness and love every day.

Being a cook and a waitress for your husband at the same time

Is your spouse accustomed to having lunch or dinner at home? Perhaps this was the case before the baby was born. But times are changing, and you can no longer spend all your time in the kitchen. The kid constantly requires your attention and strength.

We managed to cook a three-course dinner - great. Not in time - it doesn't matter either. While your spouse is out with the baby, you can whip up something simple and hearty for dinner.

Deny yourself everything

With the birth of a child, life does not end, and you should not deny yourself small joys. Meetings with girlfriends, favorite music, books, gym or pool visits are not prohibited. Live your life to the fullest. If you feel the need to change your surroundings, seek help from your mother or mother-in-law. Have them stay with your baby while you shop or go to the hairdresser.

The main thing is to remember that it is impossible to do everything. Don't give up on minor setbacks. Meet every new day with a smile and enjoy motherhood!

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Watch the video: How To Save Up The Money For A PC (July 2024).