For fathers

Why husbands cheat on their pregnant wives - comments from men and advice from a psychologist

To understand the reasons for betrayal of husbands to their pregnant wives, first of all, you should pay attention to the psychological aspect of this problem. The main factors that contribute to cheating on wives during pregnancy are a feeling of jealousy, of being unnecessary to your partner, prejudice about the harm of sex while carrying a child, as well as the physical unattractiveness of a pregnant woman. We will consider all this in more detail.

Why men cheat on women and, in particular, on pregnant wives - psychologists answer that it's all about physiology. The reasons for betrayal are associated with the fact that already at the initial stages of pregnancy (especially if the child is the first), the relationship and microclimate in the family change radically. Excerpts from the scientific works of psychologists and psychoanalysts are unlikely to help an unprepared person. Therefore, in order not to miss the moment when men begin to think about cheating, let's try to understand their psychology, giving them the opportunity to express their opinion.


Fedor K .: “Our child was planned and desired - and, by the way, my wife was able to get pregnant only after two years of unsuccessful attempts. After that, an endless stream of questions fell upon us: “Who do you want more - a girl or a boy? And what would you call him (her)? Are you happy together? " etc. All this entered our life almost immediately, from the first days after the confirmation of pregnancy.

As a result, the future child and wife became the main topic of discussion for our friends and acquaintances. As if they stopped paying attention to me. Everyone was talking about who was not yet, but there was not enough attention for me, who already exists. The home environment began to depress - and I began to stay at work longer. There I became close to Tatiana, an employee of our company. I was not in love, but, what is important, she was interested in my thoughts, my worries, carried away my views on life. My daughter is now a year and a half, and everything seemed to have returned to its former places, but my colleague helped me to overcome that difficult period - she was the one who understood me. "

We see that Fedor, like many other men, did not set out to leave the family, and the affair with Tatyana is most likely already in the past. It's simple: a man does not want to be ignored, knowing that all love is given to the child. What man would like to be the navel of the earth, and then suddenly turn into “empty space”?

Feeling like nobody needs you

Kostya N .: “I remember how I was waiting for a replenishment in my family, and I shudder from the memories that rolled over me. It seemed to me then that I was morally ready, like a rock! But my wife plunged headlong into her worries, and somehow they imperceptibly began to use me as an ATM: they suddenly remembered me on payday or when the refrigerator was empty. They also remembered me when it was necessary to move the closet - that's the whole family life. I only felt okay with friends outside the family circle. At home I was waiting for a debriefing and a list of outstanding cases. "

The husband, of course, did not rush for support from the all-understanding nymphs, but a step away from his family - removal from his wife - was made. Not every man is capable and ready to easily adapt to the growing needs of a young family.

Sometimes a wife in the middle of the night may want salty or sweet, or suddenly throw out her emotions, or she urgently needs, here and now, to redevelop the apartment in anticipation of the birth of the child. A husband is needed as a guarantor of all needs, but he is not needed spiritually. "We will have a child, which means you have to ..." Further the list is attached.

Conviction about the dangers of sex during pregnancy

Anton P .: “My wife and I were worried that our closeness might harm the unborn child and our sex life came to naught. So they lived for some time, but gradually the male nature began to take its toll. And even if I did not have a permanent mistress, several meetings with different women helped me to distract myself a little. It goes without saying that my wife did not need to know about this, because I was worried about the well-being of both her and the unborn child. "

For many men, having sex with a pregnant woman seems to be something unnatural, it seems to be a dangerous and harmful activity even in the absence of obvious contraindications. Only women's imagination and wisdom in intimate matters can help here - so that "the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe."

It happens that a pregnant woman, on the contrary, becomes insatiable in her sexual predilections. Remember that this behavior can also embarrass your spouse and he himself may take time out in your sexual relationship.

Physical unattractiveness of a pregnant woman

Zhenya L .: “I can't explain why, but having sex with my pregnant wife turned out to be something difficult for me to accomplish. It didn't turn me on, and absolutely. It seemed better and easier to go left and return, or even postpone everything until better times, especially since it’s not so long to wait for the birth of a child. ”

Even if your health allows you to indulge in love pleasures, you yourself want it, but ... a woman with a belly is not a priori perceived by a man as a sexual object, which quite often leads to betrayal of husbands in relation to pregnant wives.

It is important not to drive a man into a corner, not to reproach that he has stopped loving you, that he does not care about you. It will be better if you play along with him a little, promising to make up for lost time after the birth of a child (“yes, dear, for me this is not the most important thing either, we will catch up later”). Your husband will regard you as an ally, relieve guilt, and stop avoiding your company.

It is possible that a man is cheating not because of his wife's pregnancy, but simply because his family's boat has long been leaking. Most importantly, remember that not only women are vulnerable during pregnancy, but also their men. Husbands also, to some extent, become pregnant with their wives, and some even experience toxicosis, "infected" from their spouses!

Therefore, you need to learn not only to take and demand attention to your person, emphasizing your vulnerable position - pregnancy, but also to give, maintain, maintain an emotional and spiritual connection with your spouse during this difficult period. Then you will overcome this difficult period of your family life together.

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Watch the video: Im Pregnant and My Partner Is Cheating on Me. This Morning (July 2024).