
Gastroduodenitis in children: from symptoms to treatment

Gastroduodenitis in children is quite common, and recently doctors are sounding the alarm - the number of babies with such a diagnosis is growing rapidly. That is why parents are advised to be more attentive to the well-being of their sons and daughters and to consult a doctor in time if signs of gastroduodenitis appear.

About the disease

Gastroduodenitis is an inflammatory process of the digestive tract, which occurs in the membranes of the duodenum and the stomach, which is adjacent to the spine. Simultaneous inflammation of the antrum of the stomach and duodenum usually occurs not by itself, but as a consequence of improper treatment of gastritis or duodenitis.

The disease has quite characteristic signs - the child is sick, he has heartburn, appetite decreases, there is pain in the stomach, especially after eating, stool is often disturbed. Gradually, inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the digestive organs lead to the fact that their structure changes, which affects the functioning of the organs of the digestive system.

Doctors say that in almost 70% of cases, children are diagnosed with chronic gastroduodenitis. And experts from the World Health Organization recently published data that signs of gastroduodenitis are found in about one in three school-age children on the planet.

Children living in developed countries and accustomed to consuming a lot of carbohydrates, sugar, salt, fast food in food, sedentary children and adolescents are especially susceptible to the disease.

In the ICD-10, the disease is assigned the number K-29, followed by the variety numbers after the dot.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Scientists have found that in about seven out of ten children, the painful process in the stomach and duodenum is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori familiar to many from commercials. The role of these microorganisms in the health of the stomach has been identified relatively recently, and the phenomenon is called helicobacteriosis.

But there are actually many carriers of Helicobacter, and not everyone develops a disease of the digestive tract. It was revealed that children who are not only carriers of Helicobacter, but also infected with some other pathogens, for example, enteroviruses, herpetic viruses, get sick with gastroduodenitis. A simultaneous inflammatory process in the stomach and in the duodenum sometimes occurs with existing gastritis, which is either treated incorrectly or not treated at all.

Experts have found that children who have a certain genetic predisposition to this ailment are more susceptible to gastroduodenitis.

Also, the disease often starts for the first time after a viral or bacterial disease that has weakened the protective and compensatory functions of the child's body.

The following categories of babies are most susceptible to disease:

  • born from pathological pregnancy and as a result of complicated childbirth;
  • toddlers who were early transferred to artificial feeding;
  • children prone to extensive and severe allergic forms, for example, atopic dermatitis, Quincke's edema.

The health condition of other digestive organs also affects the likelihood of gastroduodenitis - against the background of inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal dysbiosis, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis develops much more often. Also, the ailment occurs in babies with kidney problems, diabetes mellitus, as well as in children with long and constant foci of infection in the body, for example, with unhealed teeth, chronic tonsillitis. According to some reports, the course of the disease is exacerbated by parasitic infections, worms. Also, the disease often develops against the background of high acidity of gastric juice.

Doctors consider gastroduodenitis to be a disease dictated by the very lifestyle of modern children - the disease often develops in children who eat unbalanced, irregularly, violate the regimen, eat a large number of foods that can irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.

The likelihood of illness increases if the child is used to snacking on dry food with sandwiches and pies from the school cafeteria, if he swallows "on the run", chews food poorly, and is constantly in a hurry.

Sometimes the disease develops as a response of the body to prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, hormonal agents.

After analyzing hundreds of thousands of case histories, gastroenterologists came to the conclusion that the likelihood of developing gastroduodenitis in school-age children increases, since during this period children experience more pronounced psychological problems, stress, emotional stress associated with study and interpersonal relationships with peers. Sometimes no concomitant diseases are found in the child, even the long-suffering Helicobacter pylori. And then they talk about a psychosomatic or psychogenic disorder.

Types and classification

Gastroduodenitis in a child can be endogenous (caused by internal causes) and exogenous (caused by external causes). They also distinguish an acute inflammatory process and a chronic one. As already mentioned, chronic lesions are detected much more often.

Sometimes the disease in a child has a latent, latent course, sometimes the disease is monotonous, and sometimes recurrent gastroduodenitis is diagnosed.

In direct relationship with the destructive changes caused by the inflammation in the membranes of the stomach and duodenum, a superficial form is distinguished, erosive, hemorrhagic, atrophic and mixed.

Signs of pathology

In its clinical picture, gastroduodenitis is very similar to ordinary gastritis. The child complains of weakness, increased fatigue, his night sleep may be disturbed, in the daytime he often suffers from headaches. Even a slight physical activity leads to the fact that the child quickly gets tired and tired. Doctors often find signs of vegetative vascular dystonia (VVD) in such children.

After eating, the child complains of abdominal pain, a feeling of heaviness in the region of the stomach and slightly below. When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, the pain becomes stronger, they are given to the hypochondrium and near the navel. An increase in pain usually occurs 60-120 minutes after eating, at times when the child is hungry, and also at night.

Belching more frequent. She becomes "bitter", the child complains of heartburn, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Salivation increases, appetite is disturbed, constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa.

In some cases, the child drowsiness increases, there is moderate tachycardia, increased sweating, bloating a couple of hours after eating.

The chronic form of the disease is most often exacerbated in certain seasons - in spring and autumn. In the absence of adequate treatment and correction of the child's condition, complications in the form of gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, and inflammation of the pancreas are not excluded.

What to do?

If parents notice signs of possible gastroduodenitis in a child, they must show it to a pediatrician, and then, in a referral from a pediatrician, visit a pediatric gastroenterologist. The specialist will first of all assess the external signs - children with gastroduodenitis are often characterized by pallor of the skin, "bruises" under the eyes, skin with minimal elasticity, as well as brittle and fragile nails and hair. The uvula is usually covered with a yellowish coating.

A complete blood count shows a moderate lack of hemoglobin. A study for parasites is necessarily assigned - analysis of feces for eggs, worms, lamblia.

Coprogram and fibrogastroduodenoscopy are performed. A biopsy may be done to assess how damaged the lining of the digestive tract is. The level of acidity of gastric juice is measured for the child, and tests are also done to identify Helicobacter pylori. An X-ray of the stomach and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs may be recommended.


The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on how much parents are ready for long-term compliance with the doctor's recommendations, the main of which is a therapeutic diet. The child should eat at least 6 times a day in small portions. On his table should be steamed, baked or boiled dishes. All fatty or fried foods, chips, carbonated drinks, canned foods, pizza and fast food, as well as factory sweets are strictly prohibited.

Much attention should be paid to the emotional and psychological state of the child. Recommended for him visiting a child psychologist, eliminating all stress factors. During periods of exacerbation of a chronic disease, doctors recommend observe bed rest.

Of the drugs that a doctor can prescribe, it is worth mentioning antacids, if the acidity is high, anti-secretory drugs - "Omeprazole". Additionally, adsorbents can be prescribed, but not all doctors support their use. For example, the well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky considers the use of sorbents in this case unjustified.

If the disease is chronic, during the period of remission, the child visits a physiotherapy room, where he can be treated with electrophoresis, laser treatment, UHF, and hydrotherapy. Also, without exacerbation, phytotherapy, drinking mineral waters recommended by a gastroenterologist, and taking vitamins are recommended. The child must be at least once a year in a specialized sanatorium or resort treatment in an organization specializing in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Folk remedies for gastroduodenitis in children are strongly discouraged, so as not to bring the situation to severe complications. Clinical guidelines provide elements of herbal medicine, but only with the knowledge of the attending physician in the general treatment regimen during the period of remission. In the acute period, such funds are prohibited.

It will take a long time to treat the child - for several years, children with such a diagnosis are registered with a gastroenterologist, every year they are examined. Forecasts are ambiguous - on the one hand, gastroduodenitis "responds" well to the prescribed treatment, and on the other hand, periods of exacerbations occur quite often, any stress can provoke them, any "flaws" in adherence to a diet, stress at school.

For a child with gastroduodenitis it is necessary to treat teeth and diseases of the throat and oral cavity in time in order to exclude foci of inflammation outside the gastrointestinal tract.

The specialist tells more about the disease in the video below.

Watch the video: Duodenitis Medical Condition (July 2024).