Things for baby

9 unusual baby gadgets you never knew existed

The famous pediatrician Benjamin Spock said that you can use a regular box, basket or chest of drawers as a crib. Nowadays, changing dressers, niblers and baby monitors are no longer surprising. Which thing is definitely worth buying and which one will be completely useless is a moot point.

Only after the first-born mothers will be able to buy only practical and necessary things. And young, inexperienced parents mainly trust advertisements, reviews on the Internet and well-promoted brands. Therefore, they often buy something that they can perfectly do without. Let's talk about 9 items that you will definitely want to purchase.

1. Machine for making baby formula

With its help, you can prepare the ideal baby formula in a few seconds. One press of a button and a bottle of baby formula is ready! The ingredients for its preparation (dry mixture and water) are stored in the machine. Therefore, even an inexperienced daddy will be able to prepare a mixture for a child.

2. Translator crying baby

The device will be able to determine the cause of your baby's cry. Above, on the translator, there is a microphone that receives the "signals" of a crying baby. Around the microphone there are indicators of the main states of the child (sleep, boredom, hunger, stress, discomfort). There are three buttons below them. Central is responsible for recording crying. By pressing the right button, you can hear a lullaby. The left button simulates the sounds of a mother's heartbeat. The baby crying translator switch is on the side. Before turning on the device, hold down the melody button (on the right) and turn it on. All indicators will light up alternately. For the translator to work correctly, it is necessary to organize special conditions. Attach the translator to the crib so that it is 30 centimeters from the baby. Try to create complete silence in the nursery. Check if you are covering the microphone with your hand. Press the center button when your baby cries. After a couple of seconds, the corresponding indicator will light up, which will indicate to you the reason for the crying of the baby.

3. Sleeping envelope

It resembles a jumpsuit, but the legs are sewn into one. In many countries, it is advised against wrapping babies in a newborn blanket because they can cover themselves and suffocate. But since it is necessary to provide the baby with a favorable temperature, a sleeping envelope was invented. It can be of different types: insulated, with sleeves, without sleeves. (Swaddling bags Summer infant swaddleme)

4. Sling buses

Mamabuses are a useful decoration for moms. They distract the baby when he tries to remove the chain or earrings from the mother. The child can scratch his gums on the beads, play with them. Sling beads are convenient because mom can take them off and attach them to the crib. The kid will touch the beads, developing fine motor skills.

5. Bucket for recycling baby diapers

What is so unusual about this thing? The bucket contains containers with sachets for single use. The bag with the used baby diaper is tightly closed and begins to spread a pleasant aroma of fragrant violets throughout the room.

6. Extension for body

Has the baby grown up and the body has ceased to fit him in length (especially if put on a diaper)? Dont be upset! A tiny little thing with buttons will not only lengthen this thing, but also save your finances. The body extension is fastened between the legs and does not interfere with the baby at all. You can sew this wardrobe item yourself.

7. Baby Timer

This device is a kind of "cheat sheet" for new parents. The timer will beep when the baby needs to change the diaper, at what time to feed, bathe or lull him to sleep. The Baby Timer is configured by pressing several buttons. It turns on and off just as easily.

8. White noise generator

Many moms have noticed how babies become quiet when they hear a washing machine, cooker hood, or hairdryer. All these devices emit white noise, due to which the children calm down very quickly. The benefits of white noise have long been proven. But turning on the devices on purpose, for the sake of calming children, is unsafe and uneconomical. Leaving a child to sleep in the kitchen so that he can hear the noise of a cooker hood or washing machine more often is stupid and not always possible. This was taken into account by the creators of the white noise generator. This compact item resembles a mini speaker and uses very little power. The generator is easy to move from one room to another. There are convenient portable generator models that you can take for a walk.

9. Foldable baby bath

Such a bath will greatly help out those who have showers instead of a bath. The foldable tub takes up little space. You can take it anywhere: to the dacha, to the beach, on a trip, to visit. There is a huge variety of different baths. They differ in color, shape, size and price. There are trays that resemble a huge flower with soft petals. They were invented for the convenience of bathing children in the sink. Don't be surprised, but in North America they bathe their little ones in the sink. We do not encourage you to follow their example, but we recommend that you think about buying a portable bath. The foldable bathtub will serve your baby for a year.

  • 25 useful tools all young parents need
  • Top 5 Useless and Top 5 Necessary Things for a Newborn Baby
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Watch the video: 10 AMAZING GADGETS YOU DIDNT KNOW YOU NEEDED (July 2024).