Parents stories

5 fears of a mother of two children: getting sick, falling, not breathing ... # mommy stories

5 fears of a mother of two children: fear of the night, fear of losing children, fear that children will get sick, injured and that children will not love each other.

Many young mothers really want to return to those happy times when they lived in peace, without constant worry for their baby. To be honest, it is known that beloved children can easily "help" even an iron lady to become a weak woman with a twitching eyelid and shaking hands. Every mom has her own set of desperate fears for her child. I am no exception, therefore, I will tell you about those anxieties that I began to experience after the birth of my first child. This is the fear of the night, the fear of losing your child, the fear that the child will get sick, the fear that the child will be injured, and after the appearance of the second child, the fear appeared that the children would not love each other ...

Night time fear

I am the same mother who prefers sleeping with her baby because of his breathing. A quietly snoring little lump at my side saved me from the panic attacks that attacked me in the first months after the baby was born. I woke up in alarm at night and listened carefully to his breathing. It was very important for me to know that everything was fine with my child. This is not a joke, there were real panic attacks. I listened to my daughter's breathing until the age of two.

Fear of losing children

My girl got lost twice. Both times were terribly stressful for me. I even came home and looked in the mirror in search of gray hair. I personally experienced that if the child is not in the immediate visibility, then the adrenaline level rises to a critical point, and you can run around the entire neighborhood in just a minute. This is real dope. However, at the same time, the ability to soberly assess the situation disappears completely, only fear and panic remain. So now, going out into the street with a child, I vigilantly follow his movements, thinking with horror about how it is possible to simultaneously look after two children.

Fear that children will get sick

Colds, diarrhea, bronchitis - these are such trifles compared to the diagnoses that I imagine, and from which the heart breaks on the spot. I imagine my emotions, feelings, actions if I heard about the onset of a serious illness of my baby, and I cannot hold back my tears. So I treat coughs and indigestion with optimism, hoping that only these diseases will be present in my child's life.

Fear that the child will get hurt

Fall from a swing on a playground, fall from a carousel, trampoline, roller coaster in an amusement park - but you never know how a child can get injured. I am even afraid that my child will fall on the stairs and roll down. At the same time, I understand perfectly well that it is impossible to insure a little man against bruises, scratches, bruises. I can't help myself - nerves.

Fear that children will not love each other

This anxiety appears in a family where there are already two children. Typically, Mom draws in her mind the image of the ideal relationship between sister and brother. But reality constantly corrects him. Children often quarrel over toys, unwillingness to obey each other. You just need to understand that there is nothing wrong with that. Children are not required to correspond to the ideal picture drawn by us, being individuals with their own vision of the world around them and the situation in which they find themselves. I can only hope that in the future my children will not "dog" and will not write angry posts on social networks in the spirit of “My brother and I have been dogging all our lives, he already got me”, but will be friends, love each other and will always be ready to help each other!

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Video: Fears of a Young Mom

Watch the video: The Woman with a Knife in Her Head Mystery Diagnosis. Medical Documentary. Reel Truth (July 2024).