
10 reasons why formula-feeding moms are jealous of moms on GV

Despite a number of advantages, mothers who feed their children with formula look enviously towards mothers at GV. So what is their advantage? Read about ten reasons why IW mothers are jealous of nursing mothers below.

Mothers who feed their children with formula do not know what lactostasis is. They can wear beautiful underwear and go away about their business at any time. But despite these benefits, they still envy breastfeeding moms.

You can argue about which is better - GW or IV, endlessly. But the following arguments definitely fall into the piggy bank of the advantages of nursing mothers.

1. They don't need to mix

How to feed your baby? Fermented, hypoallergenic, lactose-free, with goat's milk, with prebiotics ... The choice of mixtures is simply huge. Or maybe try the mixture that is given out in the dairy kitchen? Breastfeeding mothers will never face this problem. All they have to decide is which breast to start feeding, right or left. And no consultation with a pediatrician on the choice of mixtures.

2. Nobody condemns them

Do you feed with a mixture? Bad mother! Do not breastfeed - not a mother! You would at least think about the child before stuffing it with incomprehensible powders - it is not yet known what their composition is! And for you, only the figure is important!

For some reason, the issue of feeding a child interests everyone around. And if a mother feeds a child with a formula, then it automatically becomes wrong in the eyes of doctors, grandmothers and mother-in-law.

3. They don't spend a lot of money.

Bottles, nipples, infant formula - every IV mother knows that all this is very expensive. But we still need sterilizers, warmers and bottle thermoses. Whereas nursing mothers can only spend money on a nursing bra and lactation tea. What a savings!

4. They always have milk ready ...

And they don’t know what it’s like: at the same time to entertain the child, heat the water to the desired temperature, measure out the mixture with spoons, mix everything in a bottle and at the same time be as calm as a tank. Especially at night.

5. ... and a universal sedative

Hit, scared of a loud sound, dissatisfied with something, or just a bad mood? A nursing mother knows a surefire way to help. Does the child sleep poorly or have a long flight on the plane? And here a nursing mother has a simple solution. Even the store on the couch cannot be compared to the versatility of what a nursing mother is ready to provide.

6. They can be photographed with a beautiful neckline

Small but nice bonus. Although, not so small, but quite a full-fledged third size, which mothers on IV can only dream of.

7. They have an incentive to monitor their diet.

How can you deny yourself something sweet in the evening, when all the affairs have already been redone and the child is put to bed? It is possible, if we are talking about a nursing mother, who is faced with a difficult choice between an apple, buckwheat and boiled turkey.

8. They may not bother with complementary foods for up to six months

Cauliflower or buckwheat porridge? Kefir or juice? These questions arise for nursing mothers when the baby is 6 months old. Moms on IV have to think about complementary foods earlier - already at 3-4 months. And by the way, do you know how much a jar of homogenized organic zucchini puree costs !?

9. They shouldn't be nervous

I got nervous - the milk was gone. Is it possible to bring a mother who is breastfeeding to tears? To offend, not to rest, eat normally and sleep? And if this suddenly happens, she can always say pitifully: “Misha cried at midnight today, poor thing ... There is not enough milk, there was no need to talk to me like that yesterday!”

10. They can be capricious

Because lactation affects such important processes as memory, thinking, imagination and thinking, and there is no getting away from it. Of course, phrases about “milk in the head” hurt. But lactation can always be attributed to all the vagaries and mood swings, as to premenstrual syndrome, which is not yet available.

PS And they have a feeding break

And this is legislative. If a nursing mother works, then every three hours she can take a feeding break, which lasts at least half an hour.

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