
What you need to know about the first trimester of pregnancy?

The first trimester of pregnancy, without exaggeration, is considered the main one, laying the foundations for the existence of the baby. It is during this period that all the organs and systems of the new man are formed, the rest of the trimesters only provide an opportunity to grow and become larger. Therefore, the first three months of pregnancy require special care, discretion, attention and adherence to recommendations from the expectant mother.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother may often be bothered by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - symptoms collectively called toxicosis. In such cases, enterosorbent is usually prescribed, but not everyone is recommended during pregnancy. Smecta is a clay-based sorbent and analogs are not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for nursing and children under 2 years old due to the detection of lead in the raw materials for their manufacture. Lead can enter the bloodstream and cause developmental abnormalities in a child. This was announced by the regulator ANSM, France. The Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in response to this message from ANSM, issued a recommendation: do not prescribe Smecta to pregnant, lactating and infants under 2 years old. To use domestic enterosorbents in the therapy of these groups of people, which have proven themselves positively for decades. These are Enterosgel and similar ones. An advantageous difference between Enterosgel and powder sorbents is a formula saturated with water molecules, which minimizes the risk of constipation during the treatment of pregnant women. The hydrogel structure of Enterosgel possesses adsorption selectivity, that is, it does not remove useful substances from the body of the expectant mother. The gel sorbent formula promotes the healing of microtraumas of the gastrointestinal mucosa and the growth of beneficial flora. Enterosgel is safe for the unborn child: it works only in the intestinal lumen.

When does it start and end?

The entire period of carrying a baby is divided into three large phases, which are called trimesters., since they include exactly three months. And only the first period of time consists of several periods - preimplantation, embryonic, fetal... That is, in three months the baby goes through an amazing path, changing and transforming almost hourly, turning from two parental cells into one independent, and then into a complex multicellular organism.

In obstetrics, the gestational age is not considered from conception, because it is not always possible to determine this most important moment.

Adult reproductively healthy people lead a normal, rich sex life, and therefore it is virtually impossible to establish, as a result of which sexual intercourse the baby was conceived. Therefore, to simplify the countdown, the obstetric calendar is used. There are obstetric weeks and months in it. Each of these months has exactly four weeks. therefore obstetric months in pregnancy are ten, not nine.

The first week of pregnancy, in the understanding of obstetricians, is not such in fact - a woman is having another menstruation, and only at the end of the second week can ovulation and conception of a child be expected. A woman cannot conceive a baby on any day of the cycle, this happens only when her egg matures and leaves the follicle. The oocyte is viable only for a day, and therefore conception can actually happen either on the day of ovulation, or within 24 hours after it. But ovulation itself can be delayed under the influence of external and internal factors.

It is for this reason that pregnancy is considered not from ovulation, not from conception, but from the first day of the last to the onset of "interesting position" menstruation... In fact, the actual gestational age differs from the obstetric one by two weeks. You need to know that all analyzes, examinations, tables of ultrasound standards and so on are always presented in obstetric weeks.

Terms of the first trimester - 1-13 weeks pregnancy (again in obstetric terms). During this time, a lot of interesting things happen to both the woman and the baby.

What happens to the baby: the main stages

To imagine what happens to the baby literally every day of the first trimester, you need to have a developed imagination and a good imagination. If we consider the development of the crumbs by week, then it is worth noting the main milestones of its formation.

First and second weeks

The woman is not actually pregnant yet, the fetus does not exist, but everything is actively preparing for its birth in the female body. The next menstruation passes, under the influence of sex hormones the egg starts to mature... Several of them are maturing, but only one will become "chosen". This follicle will be dominant and will grow until the bitter end - until ovulation, the growth of the rest at the hormonal level will be frozen.

At the end of the second week follicle bursts and releases to freedom, more precisely, into the ampullary part of the fallopian tube on the right or left side (depending on which ovary produced the oocyte) a mature egg, which is quite ready to wait for the meeting with the sperm. Of the millions of male cells, only one wins.

She manages to break through the membranes of the oocyte, after which the egg cell strengthens the membranes to impermeability, so that other sperm cannot penetrate into it.

The sperm gets rid of the tail, which he needed exclusively for movement, and begins fusion of genetic information female and male gametes. The result is a new cell. It is she who is - your future child.

Already now, at the chromosomal level, it contains a lot of important information - the sex of the child, his height, facial features, hair and eye color, skin color. And already at this stage, when the future parents do not even suspect about the presence of new life, this cell “knows” exactly what diseases the child will borrow from the ancestors, what abilities and talents he will have.

After conception oocyte becomes zygote... The zygote begins to split up. It does not increase in size, but quickly increases the number of small cells inside the main one. From the same moment, the zygote's long journey into the uterine cavity begins, where pregnancy is to develop.

Third week

This week there are very important processes that women often do not know about - the baby is implanted into the uterus or not implanted, and pregnancy as such does not occur. The crumb has already been shattered to the state of morula, and now became blastocyst... And this round and large cell structure floats in the uterus in the third week in search of a haven. As soon as she manages to adhere to the endometrium, she will immediately get down to business - the outer shells will release villi that will secrete an enzyme and dissolve endometrial cells.

So the embryo will be able to "bury" in the endometrium deeper. This process is called implantation, usually occurs 7-8 days after ovulation and lasts no more than forty hours. At the end of the implantation, the pregnancy becomes real, the embryo begins to feed on useful substances and consume oxygen from the mother's blood - the very external villi will connect with the blood vessels, they then have to become the chorion and placenta.

Fourth and fifth weeks

The processes are subtle, mainly biochemical. The embryo for the first time acquires a more or less intelligible weight, and now we can safely say that even before mother's delay, her baby already weighs about half a gram. In this case, the crumb does not even reach a millimeter in length.

The differentiation of embryonic petals begins - groups of cells that have a similar purpose. Now the heart is formed, there are rudiments of the spinal cord, kidneys, liver and intestines, sex cells... But so far these are not organs, but only clusters of cells, from which the desired organ will then be formed.

The same cannot be said only about the heart - it is now that it is actively being formed so far as two-chambered, but a little later it will become four-chambered.

In the fifth week heart starts to beat, and already a week after the start of the delay, the mother can visit the ultrasound doctor's office and listen to how it beats, but so far this is possible only with a transvaginal sensor. Simultaneously with the heartbeat, the sex cells begin to form in the child. Mom is still wondering whether she is pregnant or not, and the child already “knows” for sure whether he is a boy or a girl.

Sixth - seventh weeks

From the beginning of the delay, only 2-3 weeks pass, and the baby has already achieved a lot and achieved a lot. Just imagine - he grew up to 4 mm and weighs up to one and a half grams by the end of the seventh week.

The neural tube is actively forming, it then has to be the brain and spinal cord. The immune system important for human life is being laid... The structures of the tiny head are formed: the dark dots on the sides of the head now "mark" the places where the eyes will be, and the dimples on the sides - the future ears.

There are tiny hands without fingers yet. The child has a likeness of fins and a tail. The ability to move appears only at the end of the seventh week, when the first nerve fibers are formed.

The intestine, which is still only one, is divided into several sections. They will very soon become the stomach, pharynx, large and small intestines. The heart is already working more smoothly and supplies blood to the organs and systems of the crumbs, and at the site of attachment of the chorionic villi, the first placenta, up to a centimeter thick, appears. Another circle of blood circulation appears - the uteroplacental. This is often why at week 7, toxicosis starts.

Eighth and ninth weeks

Your baby now has a brain and a spinal cord - the neural tube has completed this separation. External genital organs begin to form, but so far you can not even torture the doctor on an ultrasound scan - the sex of the child is not visible. There is only a common genital tubercle for both boys and girls, which will soon become either a clitoris or a penis, but until that time it is still necessary to wait.

In the ninth week, the baby has all body parts. And the organ laying processes are almost over. By the end of the week, your baby is no longer an embryo, and this is the most important event in his life. It will become a fruit. The baby almost no longer has a tail, but in general he still resembles a small fantastic dinosaur - with a huge head in comparison with a calf, with small legs and large hands.

Imagine, already at this time, your child tears off his mouth, future teeth (rudiments inside the gums) are formed in it, the eruption of which you will then wait for.

In addition, he already knows how to clench his hands into fists. He has your own blood type, your Rh factor, lymphocytes are produced, the formed liver and kidneys began to work. The crumb weighs about 5 grams.

Tenth and eleventh weeks

Now the child, having completed the most important period of organ formation, begins to grow. And this growth will soon become very active. Already, shortly before the end of the trimester, it weighs about 10 grams and has grown to 7 mm.

Baby's brain split into two hemispheres. But while the brain lives by itself, it does not control body movements, does not coordinate the work of internal organs. For this, a developed nervous network must be formed, which is happening now.

At the end of week 11 for the first time a child will be able to reach his face with his hand and try to touch it. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, and then empties the bladder back into the aquatic environment in which he is, but you should not worry - the waters are clean, sterile, they are renewed every three hours.

The child's face acquires lips, eyelids, a nose and auricles, but all this is still very small. The first hair grows the first skin tactile sensations appeared. There is a diaphragm, and now the chest and abdomen are separated. The parts of the eyes and the optic nerve develop.

By the end of the 11th week, the crumbs become excellent gourmets - they distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid. Weight reaches 15 grams, and height - up to 8 centimeters. Children by this time are not bad swimmers - they swim, push off with their legs, turn over. They know how to yawn.

Twelfth and thirteenth weeks

The kid reaches the size of a large lemon. Its height is from 9 to 11 centimeters, and its weight is about 20-22 grams. The eyes from the lateral surfaces of the head have moved to where they are supposed to be - to the front of the head, but so far the baby does not know how to open and close them. The emerging nose makes the baby charming. Now even black and white ultrasound scans show a pretty cute relief of the fetal head.

The brain is rapidly developing and acquires not only divisions, but also begins to receive the first intelligible impulses from the muscles, that is control of the brain over the functions of the body is established. The first reflex bowel contractions begin. Sex organs appear in children of both sexes, but so far it is rather difficult to consider them - there is a high probability of an error in gender identification on ultrasound.

The baby begins to actively grow muscle tissue.

There are basic reflexes - sucking and swallowing. The kid is actively moving. The muscles of the face are best developed at this stage, and therefore the baby already has a variety of facial expressions - frowns, folds his lips in a bow and even spits.

Outwardly, children at this time are completely unlike the beautiful plump children from postcards. Your child is still very thin, bright red, because his skin is the thinnest parchment through which all blood vessels are visible. As the baby gains mass, accumulates a layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue, his skin will become lighter, and the shape will become more rounded and cute.

By the end of the first trimester, babies can hear, but not yet like you and me. They have formed only the middle ear, and the finest processes in the inner one are still going on. But he is able to pick up the vibrations of sound waves. He will begin to hear fully only after a couple of months, when the formation of the auditory nerve, the cochlea, is completed.

In little girls at this time, the sex glands from the abdominal cavity descend into the small pelvis, and in boys the testicles still remain in the abdomen, their path to the scrotum will begin much later. The kid starts actively take calcium from the mother's body - the bones of his skeleton harden. By the end of the first trimester, the baby's vocal cords are forming.

Woman's well-being

First trimester - no exaggeration the most difficult and hardest during the entire pregnancy. Carrying a child, of course, is still not difficult, he is very small, but the body needs to get used to and adapt to the new mode of work, because the changes in him are large.

Immediately after conception, a large amount is excreted in the body progesterone, then its level is maintained by chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by chorionic villi. It is progesterone that is important for bearing the fetus, since it takes on numerous changes in the female body - to prepare the uterine mucosa for implantation, softens all mucous membranes in the body, retains fluid and promotes the accumulation of fat, eliminates the tone of the uterus, suppresses the woman's immunity, which can reject an embryo that is not one hundred percent genome-related to a woman (a child has 50% of paternal DNA)

The action of the hormone extends to the nervous system and the psyche.

It is with such broad powers of progesterone that the characteristics of the future mother's well-being during the first three months of pregnancy are determined. To the most common symptoms and signs of the first trimester can be attributed:

  • weakness;
  • regular headaches;
  • temperature rise up to 37.0 degrees without visible signs of illness or cold;
  • slight swelling of the lips, genitals, face, nasal congestion;
  • insomnia, increased irritability, tearfulness, extreme instability of emotions and mood;
  • constipation and heartburn (due to decreased contractile activity of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • pain in the mammary glands, breast enlargement (the chest hurts due to the activation of other hormones under the influence of progesterone, which are responsible for preparing the mammary glands for breastfeeding - the lobes increase, new milk ducts are formed).

Feelings of women are different. Some do not feel much heaviness, do not experience toxicosis, and they do not have a painful headache. They can be called lucky. But about 8 out of 10 women, according to medical statistics, have some form of progesterone. Their intensity and severity directly depend on individual sensitivity, on the initial state of health, on immunity, and even on the psychological and emotional state of the expectant mother.

Early signs of pregnancy

Many are interested in whether it is possible to recognize a pregnancy in oneself even before it is possible to do a test or donate blood for analysis. Officially, medicine believes that such signs do not exist. there is delayed menstruation and this is the first objective sign of a possible pregnancy, which should be the beginning of the examination: tests give highly accurate results with a 1-2-3 days delay, and blood test from a vein for hCG can be passed a couple of days before the start of the delay - with timely implantation, there is a chance that the test will already be positive.

But many planning a pregnancy are worried about exactly those 14 days that separate their ovulation from the first day of delay, and the question of whether it was possible to conceive a baby or not becomes one of the most important.

Signs before delay may or may not be present.

Again, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. It is not uncommon for women to feel confidently pregnant several days before the start of the delay. To the earliest (unfortunately, indirect), only those sensations and signs, which women themselves describe in "pregnant" cycles most often:

  • drowsiness, an irresistible desire to sleep both at night and during the day;
  • feeling of "fullness" in the lower abdomen;
  • weak, spotting short bleeding about a week after ovulation (so-called implantation bleeding);
  • feeling of cold and heat, sometimes replacing each other several times during the evening;
  • vivid and colorful dreams that begin after implantation, a few days before the onset of a delay in menstruation;
  • change in appetite.

Quite often, a woman feels that she is ill - she is shivering, has headaches, and the temperature rises slightly. This may be due to the immunosuppressive function of progesterone. Each of these signs may not be pregnancy, but a common cold or premenstrual symptoms. But also often the symptoms can be psychogenic in nature - if a woman really wants to be pregnant, she begins to look for the slightest and sometimes completely absurd signs of an "interesting situation" in her condition.


Intoxication of the body or gestational toxicosis is a poorly understood phenomenon, although it is widespread. Since some internal factors act on a woman, the toxicosis of pregnant women is referred to as endogenous conditions. The reasons for it are not well understood, but there is a version, and so far it is considered the most convincing, that the same hormone progesterone is to blame for everything. He, in addition to the above, can stimulate vomiting center of the brain.

But the main mechanism is immunity, which is suppressed by progesterone. The immune defense "riots", resists suppression, and therefore causes symptoms of intoxication.

Most often, the first symptoms make themselves felt at 5-6 weeks or a week later, at 7 weeks of pregnancy. It is with the formation of the placenta that many doctors associate the most painful attacks of toxicosis. It appears nausea, vomiting, food intolerances, certain odors, headaches, diarrhea, and occasionally a skin rash.

In most women, early toxicosis ends by 13-14 weeks of pregnancy.

It is by this time that the formation of the placenta is completed. That is, toxicosis sometimes lasts an entire trimester. But most women note that the condition is noticeably relieved by the 12th week.

In case of toxicosis, it is important to pass tests and make sure that there are no changes in the leukocyte formula in the blood, and acetone is not elevated in the urine. If there are changes, it is important for the woman to go to the hospital and receive supportive treatment.

To mild toxicosis in obstetrics, there is a condition in which vomiting is repeated no more than 3-4 times a day, and weight loss is insignificant, not exceeding three kilograms. Average in terms of severity, a condition with vomiting up to 8 times a day is considered, with signs of acetonemia, increased heart rate. Heavy toxicosis is accompanied by dehydration, impaired pulse, palpitations, vomiting more than 15 times a day, weight loss of more than 8 kilograms. This condition may require not only treatment, but also termination of pregnancy for health reasons.

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing gestational toxicosis, the following circumstances are considered:

  • too young pregnant women - up to 19 years old and "age" - over 35 years old;
  • diseases of the kidneys, endocrine glands, immune disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • the presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman;
  • toxicosis in the first pregnancy, toxicosis in one's own mother;
  • climate change shortly before pregnancy;
  • anemia.

With toxicosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to timely and correctly assess its degree, and so that a woman receives the necessary medical care, if she needs it. In general, fractional nutrition, tea with mint and rose hips, water with lemon juice, inhalation of aromatic oils of coniferous and citrus fruits can alleviate the condition with mild toxicosis. It is important for a woman with toxicosis to maintain peace of mind and protect herself from stress - they aggravate an already difficult condition.


The discharge should be monitored during the entire first trimester especially carefully, it is the change in their character that can tell a lot. The condition of a healthy woman with a normal pregnancy does not imply the presence of any other discharge, except light, white or yellowish... The yellow color is given to them by progesterone. Up to 7-8 weeks of gestation, the discharge is usually few in number, scarce. Then gradually their number begins to increase.

Very often in the first trimester of pregnancy, women are faced with thrush.

It manifests itself mainly in those who have previously suffered from candidiasis at least once. This is the body's response to a decrease in immunity. Treat candidiasis follows without fail - the genital tract should be clean at any time, and especially at the beginning of pregnancy and in its last weeks.

It is also difficult to consider brown discharge as normal - they indicate an admixture of old blood that was released some time ago. This happens with retrochorial hematoma (accumulation of blood at the site of detachment of the ovum), with the threat of miscarriage, with a lack of progesterone in the body, which itself poses a threat of termination of pregnancy.

If in the discharge there is blood, then they can be colored in very different ways depending on the amount of blood - red, pink, cream, orange, brown and black. If the discharge is gray or green in color, and an unpleasant, fishy odor, then we are talking about a bacterial infectious process.

Any discharge that is even slightly differ from the normif they pull the lower abdomen, there are pains in the lower abdomen, pulls the lower back, should be a reason for an early visit to the doctor. If it is a day off or a holiday, you should call an ambulance, because very often pregnancy with a real threat of miscarriage can be saved.


The belly of slender, thin women appears earlier, and in overweight - later. But in the first trimester of the abdomen, almost no one is visible. The only exception can be thin pregnant women with a narrow pelvis carrying twins. And even they the tummy will be outlined only by the end of the first trimester.

The growth of the abdomen means one thing - the uterus began to leave the limits of the small pelvis and gradually move into the abdominal cavity, where it will grow and be located until delivery. Up to 12 weeks is considered sleeping on your stomach is permissible, if a woman is accustomed to this position, after this period, sleeping in this position is not welcome, as is sleeping on the back, since the enlarged uterus is already beginning to gradually squeeze the vena cava, which is fraught with loss of consciousness and impaired blood circulation, as well as fetal hypoxia.

When to register?

According to the law, a woman has the right to be registered with a dispensary for pregnancy at any time when she wants to. This means that a doctor in a antenatal clinic has no right to refuse registration either if a woman arrives at 5 weeks of pregnancy, or if she appears for the first time in a consultation only at the eighth month of pregnancy.

But staging before 12 weeks is considered the best, because the first trimester is very informative in terms of tests and examinations.

This is a very favorable time, which allows the doctor to learn as much as possible about the condition of the baby and his mother. If women are registered up to 12 weeks, then she will be given a certificate that will allow her to receive a one-time allowance for early setting.

The best time to visit a doctor is term 6-7 weeks. At this time (2 weeks after the start of the delay), the doctor can already on the gynecological chair during examination establish the fact of pregnancy, you can do an ultrasound scan, consider the signs of the embryo's vital activity - listen to its heart, measure the coccygeal-parietal size in order to judge the duration of pregnancy and the pace embryo growth standards. It is at this time that it is worth registering, this will allow you to prepare without unnecessary haste for examinations that are coming at the end of the first trimester, and also to find out pathologies, if any, at the earliest possible date.

Examinations and analyzes

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman passes a variety of tests and undergoes different examinations. But it is precisely those analyzes and examinations that are prescribed in the first trimester that differ in the greatest informative value and reliability.

When registering

Receiving an exchange card when registering, a woman along with her receives a solid pack of referrals for tests. This is the first examination, a kind of acquaintance of the doctor with the woman and her laboratory parameters. It should be noted that all tests are done free of charge, the doctor has no right to recommend paid tests. What is required to pass:

  • blood tests - general and biochemical;
  • blood clotting test;
  • analyzes to determine the group and rhesus (with a negative Rh factor, the father of the unborn child undergoes a similar examination);
  • blood for hepatitis B and C;
  • blood for syphilis and HIV affiliation;
  • blood test for TORCH infection;
  • general urine analysis;
  • laboratory examination of a vaginal smear.

The woman is weighed, her blood pressure is measured - this will now be done at each visit to the consultation.

If necessary, ultrasound is done to make sure there are no complications at the moment.

At the first screening

First prenatal screening - an important examination that completes the first trimester. On the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, it is carried out from 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy and includes two types of examination - a study of the biochemistry of maternal serum and an ultrasound scan to search for markers of chromosomal pathologies. Screening allows you to establish the individual, depending on age and health status, risks of congenital malformations of the neural tube of the fetus, as well as trisomy 21, 18 and other syndromes, better known as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and other congenital chromosomal diseases, many of which are incompatible with life.

Decoding of screening is carried out not by people, but by a computer, which receives data on the results of a blood test and ultrasound scanning, the risks are assessed as a fraction - a probability ratio, for example, 1:46 - high risk, which says that 1 in 46 of the same women of the same age and health condition, one will give birth to a child with the specified trisomy or other syndrome. Risk 1: 2000 - low, not causing concern.

The risk of trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome) increases with the age of mom and dad, like most other chromosomal diseases. If a high risk is identified, the woman is offered to undergo additional examination, for example, to do a chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis (amniotic fluid collection for genetic analysis). Invasive methods are quite dangerous, but they have a high accuracy - with a probability of 99%, an answer will be received to the question of whether the baby has a severe chromosomal syndrome.

Puncture the anterior abdominal wall with a long needle for material sampling is carried out using local anesthesia and under ultrasound control. But there are also non-invasive methods - the so-called NIPT test, which is performed after 9 weeks of pregnancy. It involves taking a pregnant woman's blood for analysis, the baby's erythrocytes are isolated in it and DNA is obtained from them that can answer all questions.

The analysis appeared in Russia relatively recently, it is not carried out on a free basis.

Possible complications and difficulties

The most dangerous weeks of pregnancy, as you might guess, fall precisely in the first trimester - 2-3, 4-6 weeks, 7 weeks, 8-9 weeks. Any misunderstanding that could have occurred at the time of conception at the chromosomal level, as well as any negative external factors, can lead to the baby stalling in development, the pregnancy will be terminated, or a severe defect will form. Here are the most common problems of this period:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • anembryonia;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • chorionic presentation;
  • deformation of the ovum.

It is important to know that in the overwhelming majority with the current level of development of medicine, the threat of termination of pregnancy can be dealt with quite successfully. The main thing is not to be silent and not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor in time with all dubious pains, discharge and other symptoms that cause concern.

Useful Tips

It is easier to survive the difficult first trimester with simple expert advice.

Medicines and diseases

Many drugs have a teratogenic effect, which is unacceptable in the formation of organs and systems of the child's body, and therefore in the first trimester no medicine, even a seemingly harmless valerian, can not be taken without the knowledge of the doctor. There are situations when a medicine is really required - a woman has a bacterial infection or a very high fever, but in each case, only the doctor must decide which antibiotics or antiviral drugs are suitable for pregnant women in the earliest stages. He will also determine the dosage and method of application - inhalations, injections, tablets, suppositories, and so on.

In pregnant women in the first trimester, it often worsens hemorrhoids... In this case, a specialist should also take care of the selection of suppositories. With cystitis, which also often accompanies the first 3 months, treatment is mandatory, and folk remedies are often not enough.

It can be very dangerous chickenpox, herpes on the lip, genital, cytomegalovirus, measles and other infections, if a woman gets sick with them in the first trimester. In each case, they are sorted out individually, but very often it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy, since fetal malformations during infection during embryogenesis are almost inevitable.

In case of headaches, nasal congestion and other "everyday troubles" it is not recommended to immediately grab onto the medicine - pain reliever or nasal drops, since many changes are caused by progesterone, which means that medications will not bring any benefit, except harm.

You can treat teeth in the first trimester, if necessary, but X-rays and anesthesia are not recommended. According to reviews, most women plan to visit the dentist in the second trimester, when the main threats have passed.


Not prohibited, poses can be applied by the couple arbitrarily. The restrictions apply only to special cases when complications of pregnancy are detected, and the doctor strongly prohibits intimate life.


Alcohol in the first trimester, as well as in subsequent ones, can have total consequences, especially if it is taken systematically. You need to know that non-alcoholic beer, which is often chosen by expectant mothers, is not completely devoid of alcohol. The alcohol that the woman took without knowing about pregnancy, most likely, will not harm, because at that time the baby had not yet received nutrition from his mother's blood.


Any type of transport is allowed, a woman can fly on an airplane without any problems if there is no threat of miscarriage and an individual ban from a doctor.


In the first trimester, it is important for a woman to consume more protein foods, especially animal proteins. Proteins are the structural material for the baby. Vegetables and fruits will saturate the diet with vitamins and will protect a woman from constipation and diarrhea. You can not eat fried, spicy, smoked, drink coffee.

The need for vitamins should be discussed with your doctor. The woman's needs are growing - at the beginning of pregnancy, more folic acid is needed, it reduces the likelihood of developing fetal neural tube abnormalities by 75%. From 8-9 weeks you need to gradually increase calcium intake, and at week 7, vitamin A is needed, since the organs of vision are formed. On the basis of a biochemical blood test, the doctor will be able to tell which substances the pregnant woman lacks, and prescribe exactly those multivitamins or individual vitamin preparations that will help eliminate the deficiency and will not cause hypervitaminosis.

Watch the video: What to Expect Early in Your Pregnancy (July 2024).