
2 weeks pregnant

2 weeks pregnant - what time is it? Surely almost every expectant mother thinks about it. How soon will the state of health, mood, figure change? Perhaps it's time to change your lifestyle? Answers to all questions are sure to be found.

Points of view on the concept of "second week"

According to the established practice, the doctor will count the gestational age from the beginning of the last completed menstruation. If we take the embryonic point of view, then the counting starts from the middle of the cycle. This is a theoretical (but not accurate!) Ovulation time.

There is also a third point of view - it can be called “purely feminine”. Some expectant mothers are counting from the delay of menstruation. There is a certain logic in this. Sometimes pregnancy is not specifically planned, but it is allowed. In this case, the woman may not know about her new state. The guess will come when the delay comes.

However, this approach can be seriously confusing. Therefore, it is best to view pregnancy from two of the most traditional perspectives.

2 weeks: obstetric approach

From the point of view of doctors, the second week of pregnancy is only the preparation of the body for possible conception. At this time, the next egg finally matures and ovulation occurs. If a woman plans to conceive, she carefully monitors this most important day of the monthly cycle. But there is no pregnancy itself from a medical point of view.

Embryonic method: everything has already taken place

If you count ovulation and the next few days in the first week of pregnancy, then the second week is a very important time. It is during this period that the ovum is fixed in the uterine cavity in order to begin its full development.

We read in detail:Terms of pregnancy: obstetric and fetal - how not to get confused.

Is it time to run to the pharmacy?

From a medical position in the second week there is no “interesting position” yet... Now we need a test not for pregnancy, but for determining ovulation, it is sold in pharmacies. Daily basal body temperature measurements will also help calculate ovulation. They are held in the morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed. The thermometer is kept in the mouth, vagina or rectum. With ovulation, BT increases slightly.

A pregnancy test in some cases can show an actual result even a day or two before the expected menstruation. So that two weeks of embryonic term is a good time for the most impatient. It is important to adhere to some recommendations.

  1. Modern tests “work” at any time of the day. However, the morning result will be more accurate.
  2. A single test may be wrong. Therefore, it is better to arrange 2-3 checks with an interval of 2-3 days.
  3. The optimal testing time is still not before the beginning of possible periods, but in the first days of the delay.
  4. After the test, you need to wait at least 10 minutes. There are often cases when one strip is clearly visible immediately, and the second appears a little later.
  5. When buying a test at a pharmacy, you need to monitor its expiration date.

At a two-week embryonic period, a woman's level slightly increases HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Therefore, a special blood test will show whether pregnancy has come or not. And also (very rarely) an especially experienced gynecologist will feel an increase in the uterine cavity and determine pregnancy.

Physical and psychological sensations

During the period of ovulation, a woman is usually fine: menstrual pains have passed, the weakness associated with them and other unpleasant moments have disappeared. There are no specific sensations yet.

But two weeks after conception, many women already notice some signs:

  • the sensitivity of the nipples increases, the breast swells;
  • discomfort is felt in the lower abdomen;
  • the first signals of toxicosis in pregnant women (impaired appetite, nausea - we read about toxicosis and how to deal with it).

Often these experiences are more emotional in nature.... This happens with women who really want to get pregnant. How true the sensations are will become clear very soon.

Other signs and symptoms

Two weeks of embryonic gestation can be "marked" with some characteristic signs. Blood pressure at this time is usually low, urination is a little more frequent. And sometimes the taste preferences are already surprises. All these signs are easy to explain. In the body of the expectant mother, significant hormonal changes began. She also brings some chaos into the usual life of a woman.

What will the discharge be?


When ovulation occurs (second week by medical estimates), vaginal discharge is similar to egg white. Two weeks after conception, insignificant transparent discharge without color and odor is considered the norm. They show that hormonal changes in the body have begun and are proceeding normally.

Regardless of the method of calculating the term, there are very unpleasant discharge. They are white, viscous, often disintegrate into flakes (they are called curdled). At the same time, itching or burning of the external genital organs is sometimes felt. Perhaps it is a thrush. But the exact diagnosis and therapy is the concern of the doctor. The gynecologist must definitely be warned about the onset or possible pregnancy. Besides, both partners should be treated for confirmed thrush.


During pregnancy, your periods stop. According to the obstetric method, everything is clear with these regular bleeding. The previous ones are over, the new ones will not begin if the woman can conceive. On rare occasions, ovulation is signaled by a slight bloody smear that will leave a brown mark on your linen or pad.

If by fetal count the gestation period is 2 weeks, menstruation will not come... This is often the first signal of a possible pregnancy for many women. At the time of the fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity, the so-called implantation bleeding may appear. This is a very minor spotting. Many women consider them a signal of the onset of menstruation, and only then, with a delay, they remember scanty smears.


LIt is important for any woman to distinguish between scanty discharge and real bleeding... When something like your period comes at the wrong time, it is a very alarming signal. If you are not yet pregnant, bleeding can be a sign of many gynecological diseases. In this case, see a doctor immediately. And the planned conception will have to be postponed for a while.

Also, bleeding can be normal menstruation. Then it becomes clear to the woman that conception did not happen.

There is also a third option. It is unpleasant to think about it, but it is a natural phenomenon. For a long time, doctors have established: fertilization of an egg is not a pregnancy yet... It occurs at the moment of fixation of the ovum in the uterine cavity. But for various reasons this may not happen. And then during menstruation, not only unnecessary endometrium leaves, but also a dead fertilized egg. This phenomenon is not considered a miscarriage in the full sense of the word. After all, a potential embryo has not yet begun to develop.

Stomach ache

Preparation for ovulation (2nd medical week), sometimes accompanied by mild abdominal pain. They can be pulling. If the pain is mild, there is nothing to worry about.

If the abdomen pulls in the second week of embryonic term, this may be an alarming signal of fetal rejection... If conception was not specifically planned, many women attribute the pain to the approach of menstruation. However, when planning pregnancy, the expectant mother must pay attention to such a sign and go to the doctor.

In rare cases, pulling pains in the abdomen can "respond" to the lower back. This is an individual feature and does not manifest itself in everyone.

Pregnancy has come. What does the fetus look like?

In this case, we do not touch upon the medical method of counting. However, in the second week after conception, the concept of a fetus also does not apply. At this time, we are talking about the embryo.

A real miracle occurs in the body of the expectant mother. A single cell is fixed in the uterine cavity and begins to divide rapidly. The unicellular embryo becomes multicellular (called the morula). The most important systems of the future child's body will be laid very soon..

Ultrasound. Is it necessary or not?

If a woman is preparing for conception and is theoretically in the second week of pregnancy (according to the obstetric approach), Ultrasound will help in accurate determination of ovulation... The specialist doctor will confirm that the follicle is ready to release a mature egg. This test is usually done in women with fertility problems.

In the second week after conception, the ultrasound will still not be informative. It will only show the general readiness of the uterus to carry a pregnancy. If you take a photo with a scanner at this time, the embryo will look like a tiny black dot.

But you can jump ahead a little and remember how some women count weeks after a delay. If two weeks have passed since that day, the obstetric period will be approximately six weeks, and the embryonic period will be four. And then the ultrasound will record how the tiny heart is already beating.

2nd week and intimate life

If a couple is planning a child, then where is there without sex? However, for a successful conception, an attentive approach is also needed here.

  • It is advisable to give up intimacy 2-3 days before ovulation to improve the quality of sperm;
  • If ovulation is not specifically monitored, it is best not to use contraception at all. After all, the egg cell may well mature earlier or later than the middle of the cycle;
  • After intercourse, a woman is recommended to lie down for at least 15-20 minutes.

Physical and emotional are very important. Conception should not take place against the background of ailments, problems and family conflicts. The child must be desired and expected!

And one more thing: no alcohol to “relax”. Neither the expectant mother, nor the father. Yes, the possible nervous tension will go away and the mood will rise. And also a real poison will enter the blood of potential parents. It may not harm the unborn child in any way, but it can cause serious damage.

An interesting fact: a little more than half a century ago, in the era of the USSR, it was enough for a woman to tell the doctor about alcohol conception in order to get a referral to terminate an unwanted pregnancy without any problems.

All these recommendations relate specifically to planning pregnancy, that is, the second week of the obstetric period.

If the possible conception has already taken place, each couple decides for themselves the question of sex. Perhaps ovulation was delayed? Then the opportunity for a woman to become pregnant has not yet been realized. However, intimacy should not be too active and violent. If conception has already occurred, it can be harmful. The fact is that during orgasm, special hormones are produced that cause uterine contractions... If they are too strong, the woman's body can reject the fragile and unstable embryo.

If the temperature rises

A woman's overall body temperature can rise slightly for a variety of reasons. However, given a possible or emerging "interesting situation", the temperature must be monitored. Its rise to 37.2 may be a sign of the onset of a cold. Even a mild illness can harm an unborn baby and requires treatment. In this case, medications should be allowed for pregnant women. The use of folk remedies is permissible.

General recommendations

  • Good nutrition. Vegetables, fruits, lean meat and, on the contrary, fatty fish. And also fermented milk products;
  • It's time to start taking vitamin preparations. They are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each woman;
  • Only positive emotions and no stress;
  • Avoid secondhand smoke;
  • No alcohol when planning and carrying a pregnancy;
  • An expectant mother should not lift weights, even for a short period.

It doesn't matter how the pregnancy weeks are counted. Preparation for conception and for bearing a child requires attention and caring attitude... And then a special time will come very soon in the life of the expectant mother.

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Determination of pregnancy at 2 weeks, how to properly control conception, what is ovulation, methods of controlling ovulation, measuring basal temperature, why ovulation occurs, eating for ovulation, a favorable time for conception, taking antibiotics during conception.

The obstetrician-gynecologist answers the questions: how does conception occur? What changes are taking place in a woman's body and does she feel them? What are the first signs of pregnancy? How to determine early pregnancy at home? It also happens that pregnancy has come, and a woman's periods continue to go, how to explain this? If pregnancy is confirmed, what should the expectant mother take? When to register and what recommendations can you give?

In this 40 Weeks series, you will learn what genetic research is for. And how chronic illnesses can affect pregnancy.

Eye color, body composition, and even mental ability are all inherited. But a genetic disease can also be inherited. If you learn about possible problems at the planning stage, many of them can be solved. A variety of illnesses, such as hemophilia, spinal muscular dystrophy or cystic fibrosis, can be passed on to a child even if neither parent has signs of the disease. Genetic testing can help you make sure you have a healthy baby.