Games and entertainment

Top 10 most harmful toys for children

Toys surround the child literally from birth. Store shelves are full of bright packaging, and mothers and fathers (not to mention grandparents) sigh every time: “What is there! It is a pity that in our childhood there was not all this abundance. " The modern child has not only a lot of toys - there are a lot of them, and everything would be fine, if not for one "but". Some toys are actually not intended for children at all, on the contrary, they can become very dangerous for a child. Sometimes it is a question of quality, and sometimes it is the conscience of the manufacturer who designs the toy and assigns it certain age restrictions. Our list contains the 10 most dangerous toys for children.

List of dangerous toys for young children

  • 1. Toys with small parts

Small parts of constructors, loosely glued small elements of soft toys, fragile rattles with loose filler can be dangerous for a child. This also includes newfangled homemade toys for the development of fine motor skills, involving fingering buttons, beads, cereals. All of these objects can be swallowed by a child, and in the worst case, the child can shove them into the nose, ear canal, or even inhale.

  • 2. Magnetic constructors

The most striking example of such a constructor is the "Neokub", which consists of magnetic metal balls. Such a toy is dangerous not only for the smallest children who pull everything into their mouths. The fact is that the magnetic attraction between the elements of this construction set is so strong that sometimes even adults resort to the "help" of their teeth to separate one ball from another. Swallowing several balls of such a designer is dangerous because they are attracted to each other inside the digestive tract, causing severe damage to internal organs, up to the formation of through holes. A child, not understanding the danger, may not even tell the adults that he has swallowed several balls, so it is better not to allow such a toy to fall into his hands at all.

  • 3. Kits for children's experiments (young chemist / physicist)

These kits are intended for simple chemical experiments with children over 10 years old in the presence of adults. Even if safety precautions are observed during the game, nothing of their reagents has been drunk or spilled on themselves, such kits can be dangerous, because the child deals with acids, phosphates and other harmful substances, the vapors of which are very harmful to inhale. Lack of control on the part of adults can lead to disastrous consequences: burns, fire, etc.

  • 4. Substandard musical toys

In general, musical toys are useful for a child and must be in every home where there is a baby. However, such toys must be of high quality, especially with regard to sound quality. Many manufacturers sin by the fact that toys sound too loud, exceeding the established norm of 85 dB. Such a loud sound has a very bad effect on hearing function, and constant use can even lead to deafness. The sound should be pleasant not only in terms of volume, but also in quality: without noise, wheezing, with a normal tone. But even such a toy cannot be played for more than 1 hour a day: constant sound load harms not only the hearing, but also the nervous system, causing overwork.

  • 5. PVC and phosphorus toys

PVC is a very popular material in the children's industry. It's a cross between soft plastic and rubber. PVC toys are cheap, bright, very easy to clean, but very dangerous for a child. Mainly because of the phthalates that make PVC so plastic. These substances are highly carcinogenic.

Another type of toys containing harmful chemical compounds is phosphorus-coated toys. These include various luminous ceiling applications imitating the starry sky, luminous figures of different characters. High quality toys of this kind contain safe reflectors, but if the toy is of poor quality, there is a high risk that it is covered with a toxic phosphorus compound.

  • 6. Soft toys (China)

By themselves, soft toys are not very environmentally friendly: the fibers of faux fur easily fall into the child's mouth, in addition, such toys are difficult to handle, so a lot of dust accumulates in their stuffing, and sometimes even dust mites start up. All of these can cause consequences ranging from irritation to allergies. Very often, soft toys are of very poor quality (usually chinese). Such toys are made of toxic materials, painted with poisonous paints, and have poor attachment of parts (eyes, nose, jewelry). Toxic soft toys can cause a very severe allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock.

  • 7. Children's weapons, darts

The most popular "boyish" toys - pistols with bullets or discs, darts, bows and arrows, swords and sabers with sharp ends - can injure a child. Inadvertently, a child can shoot himself in the face, injuring his eyes or ears. Swinging a saber is also not difficult to injure yourself. The danger of these toys is growing every year, because their manufacturers are aiming at being realistic and increasing the power of children's weapons to the detriment of their safety.

  • 8. Toys with a propeller

Propeller Toys (helicopters, flying fairies, and other toys that need to be turned on and off, or radio-controlled toys) that spin quickly or can even fly around the room are designed for teenagers. A young child can easily get injured by substituting a finger where it is not necessary or, even more so, a face. Radio-controlled toys can be very scary for a child, because sometimes even adults cannot cope with control, and then a flying helicopter, for example, suddenly crashes anywhere or falls sharply.

  • 9. Rubber toys of poisonous colors (China)

Rubber toys warmly remind many of their own childhood, but they can also be dangerous for the child. In principle, rubber toys are not recommended for children under 3 years old, since the child can bite off and inhale or swallow a piece of rubber. For the rest, rubber toys must be of adequate quality. The main signs of a poor-quality toy are a strong chemical smell, paint remaining on the hands and an "acid" color. These toys are very toxic, it is possible that they contain mercury, lead or arsenic in their composition. Substandard toys are usually Chinese.

  • 10. Toys and play accessories with a wire frame

We are talking about substandard (Chinese) play tents, labyrinths and toy baskets. These toys have a rigid metal wire frame inside, usually made of durable material. However, some manufacturers do not care about the safety of toys, and make them from a material that literally creeps out from tension. The wire can easily break through such material and straighten with force, injuring the baby. When buying such a toy, you need to carefully study the material itself and the attachment points of the wire, but even if initially nothing foreshadowed marriage, it is better to inspect the toy for any damage each time before using it, make sure that there are no holes in the seams and do not protrude anywhere the ends of the wire.

How to protect your child from danger

Although toys are intended for children, their parents buy, which means they are responsible for ensuring that the toy is safe for the child. A few simple rules will help adults only surround children with safe toys.

  • Purchased toys must strictly correspond to the age of the child. Sometimes parents buy a toy, as it were, "for growth", so that the child begins to master new actions for himself in advance. In some cases, this can be very dangerous;
  • It is better to buy toys in specialized stores or departments, giving preference to toys from well-known manufacturers. Analogs of well-known toys can be significantly cheaper, but this always affects the quality;
  • Externally, the toy must meet the main safety requirements: calm colors, no pungent odor, firm attachment of all parts.

It is not only important for parents to know about dangerous toys themselves, but also to tell other relatives about them who give toys to their child. If it happened that one of the relatives or friends gave the child a toy, the safety of which is in question, it is better not to hesitate and put the toy away. After all, the safety of the child is much more important than possible misunderstandings between adults.


  • TOP-20 best toys for children 4-5 years old (toys bestsellers)
  • The most popular dolls for girls in 2015

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Video: Dangerous Toys


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