
What to do if there is thick blood during pregnancy, and what blood thinning foods should be included in the diet?

A common problem that occurs at various stages of pregnancy in expectant mothers is blood thickening. This condition is rather unfavorable and requires mandatory correction. This article will help them figure out what to do when this situation arises.


During the carrying of the baby, the expectant mother is faced with a huge number of tests. Complete blood count and hemocoagulogram are mandatory tests that are included in the recommended list of laboratory tests performed during pregnancy.

"Thick" blood is a clinical concept that is defined if the blood the number of shaped elements has been significantly increased. Usually, various disorders of thrombus formation lead to the development of this situation during pregnancy. These pathologies can manifest themselves both in the early and at the later stages of bearing a baby.

It should be noted that normal blood is quite liquid. Such a physiological feature is necessary in order for its transport and nutritional function to be fully realized.

Quite a lot of various nutrients are dissolved in the blood, as well as oxygen. All these elements are needed by the fetus for its active growth and development.

The development of pathological disorders associated with the formation of thick blood is caused by the influence of the following reasons:

  • Individual characteristics of the expectant mother. If a woman had any hematological disorders even before the onset of pregnancy, then during the gestation of the baby they will progress significantly. Usually this situation occurs in families where several members have various diseases of the cardiovascular system. A history of a heart attack or stroke in close relatives of a pregnant woman is also a predisposing factor for increased thrombosis.

  • Violation of the drinking regime. Insufficient intake of water in the body of the expectant mother can lead to the fact that her blood becomes thicker. Such a violation often occurs if a woman suffers from toxicosis. Frequent vomiting contributes to dehydration, which leads to severe blood clotting.

  • Insufficient intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamin balance is very important during all periods of pregnancy. Carrying a baby is a very energy-intensive time. To carry out all biological reactions, enzymes are needed that cannot be formed in the mother's body without certain vitamins and trace elements.

  • Frequent consumption of sweets and other "fast" carbohydrates... A large amount of sugar entering the blood leads to the fact that its viscosity changes significantly. If the expectant mother eats a lot of sweets and sweets during the entire pregnancy, then this not only can contribute to increased thrombus formation, but even leads to the development of signs of diabetes mellitus.

  • Oversaturation of the body with iron-containing drugs... These funds are usually prescribed to pregnant women who, while carrying a baby, have been found to have a decrease in hemoglobin. Excessive use of iron-containing drugs can lead to an increase in platelets in the peripheral blood.

  • Spleen malfunction... This organ is necessary for the body to maintain the optimal concentration of blood cells. Hypersplenism is a pathological condition characterized by significant disturbances in the functioning of the spleen.

This pathology that occurs during pregnancy also contributes to the progression of thrombus formation.

It is important to note that there are a number of specific pathologies that occur mainly only during pregnancy. So, an increase in blood viscosity and a violation of its fluidity can lead antiphospholipid syndrome. Doctors note that the incidence of this pathology is only growing every year.

Severe blood loss or traumatic shock resulting from some kind of injury can also cause baseline blood counts to change. These pathologies can also appear if a pregnant woman has signs of internal bleeding. This condition is already extremely unfavorable and requires urgent medical attention.

Consequences for the child

Too thick blood in the mother is a very dangerous condition for the fetus. It is most unfavorable if this pathology develops over a long period of time.

For the active growth and development of the future organism, it is very important that every second all cells are supplied with blood. Pregnancy is a unique physiological period. At this time, the blood supply to the fetus is closely related to the maternal. There is a common blood flow network between the two organisms, which is formed by the placental arteries. Through them, all the necessary nutrients and vitamins are delivered to the fetus, and waste decay products are also removed.

How dangerous this condition is for the unborn child is determined only by the doctor. To do this, he conducts a whole range of diagnostics, which includes both analyzes and ultrasound. As a rule, thick blood contributes to the development of unfavorable symptoms of placental insufficiency over time. This is a rather unfavorable condition for the growth and development of the unborn baby.

It is especially dangerous if this disorder occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.when the child has all the vital organ systems. In this case, as a rule, doctors prescribe a special diet for the expectant mother to normalize this situation. If, despite such nutrition, all the symptoms continue to persist, then in such a situation, the appointment of drug therapy is already required.


If during pregnancy any disturbances in hemostasis were detected in a woman, then she is referred for a consultation with a hematologist. This doctor will do the necessary additional research. They are necessary in order to figure out what was the real cause of the blood thickening.

In some cases, doctors resort to prescribing drugs. It should be noted that such treatment is carried out only for strict medical reasons. For prophylactic purposes during pregnancy, pills that thin the blood are not prescribed, since they can have an adverse effect on the body of the unborn child.

The most commonly prescribed drugs that normalize blood viscosity are antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. It should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to take such drugs on your own without first consulting a doctor! Uncontrolled intake of these funds can lead to a significant aggravation of the situation, and in some cases will contribute to the development of uterine bleeding.

Drugs are often used as blood thinners. based on acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin... It is important to remember that such medications are contraindicated during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease and if a pregnant woman has any signs of internal bleeding.

With severe hemostasis disorders, doctors resort to prescribing injections in the abdomen. In this case, special solutions of anticoagulants are introduced. These drugs lead to moderate blood thinning without causing dangerous internal bleeding. Such drugs are prescribed only by a gynecologist or hematologist with mandatory monitoring of blood tests. With the normalization of indicators, this treatment is canceled.

There are also traditional blood thinning methods. Many of them are based on drinking a lot of fluids. Before carrying out any of these types of non-traditional treatment, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Some unconventional therapies cannot be used in pregnant women with certain abnormalities in the course of pregnancy.

Special menu

The safest treatment for this situation is diet therapy. It is absolutely safe both for the body of the expectant mother and for her baby. The main principle of such treatment is compliance with the drinking regime. A pregnant woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

The most optimal drink is plain water at room temperature. It not only quenches thirst, but also perfectly penetrates the systemic circulation, restoring the lost balance of electrolytes in the body. Various berry fruit drinks are also perfect as drinks. Better to cook them at home. Seasonal berries are most favorable for a pregnant woman. Cranberries and lingonberries are great.

If the expectant mother, despite the thick blood, swells quite easily, then in this case the drinking regimen is selected individually. As a rule, latent pathologies of the kidneys or urinary tract lead to the development of such a situation. To identify them, a more advanced diagnosis and the obligatory consultation of a therapist are required.

To improve the properties and flow of blood, it is imperative limit the use of all salty foods. It has long been known that table salt, or sodium chloride, strongly retains water. It can also lead to mild edema on the body. Eating a lot of canned cucumbers or salted herring during pregnancy is still not worth it. Smoked meats, sausages and sausages are also strictly prohibited.

To improve hemostasis, doctors recommend that pregnant women eat more citrus and other fruits. Such fruits contain a fairly large amount of natural water. It is easily absorbed and quickly reaches the cells of the body.

It is important to note that when taking some anticoagulants, pregnant women should completely exclude grapefruit from their menu.

Vegetables are another element for maintaining healthy blood. They are also filled with a large amount of fluid that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. To improve blood rheology, doctors recommend that expectant mothers eat more of a wide variety of vegetables. The most useful will be those that are present on the menu according to the season.

Among the most useful vegetables, doctors distinguish fresh cucumbers... They contain a huge amount of water, which is necessary for thinning thick blood during pregnancy. However, it is worth noting that you need to eat not pickled and salted barrel, but fresh ones. At the same time, they should not be salted strongly, since this will only lead to the appearance of edema.

Scientists have long noted that tomatoes are an excellent product for maintaining the correct viscosity of the blood. The biologically active substances contained in these products have a positive effect on hematopoiesis. It should be noted that these vegetables should not be overused. To get all the necessary elements, you just need to include 1 tomato in your daily menu.

Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. They also contain quite a lot of natural water, which is needed to improve the rheological properties of blood. You can eat any berries to which the expectant mother is not allergic.

These tasty and healthy supplements will not only improve your mood, but also help thin your blood.

You can find out about what should be nutrition during pregnancy in the next video.

Watch the video: Never Ignore these Symptoms - Early Warning signs of a Blood Clot. Hindi (July 2024).