
What should a parent not do when a child is unbearable?

All children are different, and sometimes their behavior does not just infuriate, but even plunges into a stupor. Parents simply have no idea how to behave in provocative situations, when a child deliberately falls into a puddle in protest, or throws a tantrum in a store, and make a number of mistakes in their behavior in relation to the child. Today we will voice some of the main mistakes so that you understand how to act in all sorts of unpleasant situations.

  • War to the bitter end

It is this reaction that often follows to the unbearable behavior of a beloved child. You need to defend your point of view, but do not become a dictator. Constant reproaches and the imposition of one's own opinion will inevitably cause protest and a desire to do the opposite. Such opposition only destroys the parent's authority. Try to find a compromise and stop treating children as delinquent.

  • Suppression

A common mistake parents make is suppression of the child's will. Adults, from the height of their age and experience, believe that a child should obey unquestioningly, not show discontent and follow all their instructions strictly. By such actions, you kill his own "I" in the child and bring up a weak-willed personality.

Channel your experience and knowledge in a more peaceful direction, let your baby make decisions at least sometimes. Having made mistakes, he will quickly understand your innocence and will listen to your advice not because “it is necessary”, but because he will believe in your knowledge.

  • We remove the belt to the side

And we are not doing this in order to spoil the child. Physical punishment is even more controversial than any other. Forbid the kid to watch his favorite cartoons. Believe me, this measure will work on him much more effectively than a belt. In addition, there have been cases when, in a state of anger, parents inflicted physical harm on the child and then themselves suffered, knocking over the doors of doctors. In addition, frequent physical punishment can traumatize a child's still fragile psyche. We read in detail:To beat or not beat a child - consequences of physical punishment of children

  • We are engaged in self-study

Any normal parent should know how a child develops, how his intellectual and mental formation takes place. Nowadays, you can find a bunch of literature on these topics. And for greater effect, you can turn to specialists who will help you understand the basic principles of child development and tell you how you should behave in specific situations. Remember that improper upbringing can break the will of the child and negatively affect his entire future life.

  • Encouraging self-expression

Allow your child to express themselves, within reasonable limits, of course. Stopping all attempts to show independence, you interfere with the formation of the baby's character. Depending on the characteristics of the child, this behavior of the parents can provoke spinelessness, negatively affect his sensitivity, intelligence and creativity. Let your child break the tenth toy car or bring home another stray puppy. Just do not forget to explain to the kid that in connection with his actions, he has new responsibilities. Let him learn to make informed decisions.

  • Consider your child's opinion

It seems that every parent should know this rule. A child should grow up as a full-fledged person and have the same rights as adults. Engage him in the discussion of common family problems and listen to his opinion, even if it seems absurd to you. Otherwise, he may simply stop paying attention to you, and all his actions will be a protest to your upbringing. In addition, children who grow up weak-willed often fall under the negative influence of other people.

Dear parents, consider your child a full member of the family! Forget about dictating and imposing your interests and opinions. Let your baby develop harmoniously and grow into a full-fledged personality.

Important on the topic (recommended for mandatory reading):

  • 25 tips on how to raise a child in love and peace;
  • 10 tips to stop yelling at your kids
  • Top 10 Parenting Mistakes in Parenting;
  • The child should not be annoying!
  • How to tell a child “CAN'T” correctly.

Video: What to do if a child misbehaves

Watch the video: Do Your Children Know What to Do in an Emergency? (July 2024).