Good to know

How to communicate with your baby

Communication with the baby begins even before his birth. After the birth, the baby already knows the voices of mom and dad, recognizes their intonations and reacts to them from the first weeks of life. The toddler cannot yet answer in words, but he actively communicates with his parents using crying, sounds, facial expressions and gestures. Each mother very quickly learns the "language" of her baby. In order for communication with the baby to be rich and bright, young mothers will have to make some effort. These tips will help parents become great conversationalists for their little ones.

By the way: how to find out the reasons for crying a newborn baby

  • Never ignore your crying baby. A baby's cry is a universal signal that a baby needs attention. There may be a lot of reasons for this: hungry, cold, missed mom's warmth (see link above);
  • Mother's songs, rhythmic nursery rhymes and pestushki are very pleasant to the baby's hearing. By the way, the most successful of them are "grandmothers", folk songs and poems. They are time-tested and carry deep meaning;
  • A child needs time to master a concept. Do not be lazy to repeat the same thing over and over again, and when you speak, try to make your words sound intelligible and slow enough;
  • Communication with the baby should be at his level. Express yourself in simple and short phrases, convey the very essence and do not "load" the baby with complex and inaccessible details;
  • You can read books from the first month of life, the main thing is that they are in age. The best option: large and schematic pictures, a minimum of text, and the text itself - in the form of short rhythmic rhymes;
  • Talk to each other in the presence of the child and be sure to talk to the baby himself. Live speech and parental voices are the main conditions for the development of speech;
  • When communicating with a child, say absolutely everything: name objects, actions, comment on everything that happens around. It is from your speech that the baby learns all concepts and draws knowledge about the world around him;
  • If mom and dad are of different nationalities, that is, the family is bilingual, the child will master both languages ​​as if he were a native. In other cases, it is not worthwhile to specially teach the baby a foreign language: first, the native speech must develop, otherwise the child will simply be confused in his head.

All communication with the baby should be in a friendly manner. Not only words and meanings are very important, but also emotions, and they should be positive and pleasant.

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Watch the video: Connect With Your Baby - Guided Meditation w. Binaural Beats (July 2024).