
How to train your baby to breastfeed after a bottle

Facing the protest of a newborn when trying to breastfeed? Take your time to use alternative feeding methods. Finding out the reason for the refusal and following a number of useful recommendations, you can accustom your child to the mother's breast.

Almost any expectant mother is sure that she will breastfeed her baby. And this is not surprising, because breast milk has a very beneficial effect on the growing body, and also significantly saves the family budget. However, contrary to the expectations of parents, some newborns do not want to breastfeed. They turn away, bend over, whimper or cry. But do not be discouraged ahead of time, because the baby can be taught to breast.

Why does a newborn refuse to breastfeed

Do not rush to resort to other feeding methods. First you need to figure out what caused this behavior of the baby. A variety of factors can serve as a reason for a child's refusal to breastfeed:

  • improper attachment (see how to properly attach the baby to the breast);
  • poor health of the baby (malaise, fever, stuffy nose, teething, etc.);
  • colic in the baby's tummy;
  • lack of strength to suckle the breast (in a premature or weak baby);
  • addictive to the bottle;
  • features of the structure of the breast, for example, a too inverted, small or large nipple, which makes it difficult for the baby to take it in the mouth;
  • unpleasant taste of milk, changed due to the onset of menstruation or the mother's eating certain foods (see what you can and cannot eat during the GV period);
  • a feeling of discomfort in a baby who may be stuffy, cold, cramped, etc.;
  • a strong odor from the mother's body, caused by perfume or deodorant, as a result of which the child does not feel the native smell;
  • subconscious fears of the mother, for example, fear of possible pain from feeding;
  • distractions.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for a baby to refuse breastfeeding. Therefore, your task is to understand as soon as possible why the baby stubbornly does not want to eat the most ideal food for him. Your loved ones can help in this matter. Perhaps a look from the outside at your daily communication with him will help to understand what he does not like.

How to train your baby to suckle

Do not panic and remember that sooner or later any baby should develop a sucking reflex. After all, it is laid down by nature itself. If you understand the roots of the problem, it will be much easier to solve it. In any case, it is possible to revive your child's love for breastfeeding by applying the following techniques:

1. If possible, do not offer a bottle and a pacifier to a newborn.

Of course, it is difficult to come up with a more convenient means for supplementing with formula or expressed milk than a bottle. But the price of convenience may be the baby's refusal to breast, so it is much wiser to use a spoon or syringe without a needle. If you are already using a pacifier, then it is better to do without a pacifier in order to successfully normalize breastfeeding. Gradually accustom your baby to other methods of calming down. For example, you can swing it on your hands or on a fitball (large ball). And when he calms down, offer the chest. (see the article on how to wean a child from a dummy)

2. Be gentle but persistent

Offer your newborn breast for any reason - when he cries, expresses dissatisfaction, or behaves anxiously. Do this any day or night when he tosses and turns in his sleep (see article on the pros of night feedings). But in any case, do not get irritated and do not force the baby to take the breast by force! After all, only the brightest and most joyful should come from mom. During this period, gentleness and patience should be your best "helpers".

3. Dedicate all your free time to your baby

Chatting with your mom around the clock is one of the most effective ways to teach your baby to suckle. It is important that he gets used to sleeping together, close contact with the person most dear to him, remembering his mother's voice and smell. All this will awaken confidence in him, make it clear that from the mother's breast, just like from the mother herself, peace and security emanate. During the period of breast training, it is advisable to limit the contact of the baby with the rest of the family and outsiders.

4. Create conditions

Do everything to make your son or daughter comfortable and convenient to eat mother's milk. Try all sorts of poses, feed while sitting, lying on your side, standing, try to hold the baby on your knees and arms, you can also sit down on the side by laying him on a pillow (here in detail about various positions for feeding). Eliminate all distracting and loud sounds. If your nipples are too small, use breastfeeding pads. Before offering the breast, squeeze a drop of milk out of it so that the baby can appreciate its taste.

If these methods do not help you breastfeed, talk to your pediatrician. The doctor will check the possible anatomical causes and physiological factors of breast rejection. You can also contact a breastfeeding counselor. This way you will receive qualified help from a real specialist.

What if the newborn is accustomed to bottle feeding?

We all understand how important it is immediately after the birth of the baby to attach it to the breast. However, there are many reasons why a baby is temporarily bottle fed. For example, when a mother has suffered a difficult birth and cannot feed, when she becomes ill or has to leave the baby for several days. In such a situation, babies often do not want to suckle anymore. And all because it is much easier to "get" milk from a bottle.

But the baby's desire to eat from the mother's breast can be returned. Most importantly, move the bottle away. Do the same for nipples and pacifiers. Feed him with a syringe without a needle, cup, beaker, or small spoon. Don't worry if your baby doesn't want to learn a new feeding method right away, as it can take several days.

Offer your breasts as often as possible. This is best done when the newborn is not yet fully awake or is just falling asleep. Gently insert the nipple into his mouth. Perhaps at first the baby will just hold the breast in its mouth. But this is a big step towards resuming breastfeeding after bottle feeding. When he understands that the breast needs to be sucked, you can slowly reduce the frequency and duration of feeding from assistive devices.

Important! How to wean a baby from a bottle

Remember that no other food can fully replace your breast milk. When teaching your baby to breastfeed, do not hesitate in your actions. Act with firmness, confidence and love. You will see, the baby will appreciate your efforts, and soon you will be hugging the baby, sucking milk from the breast with appetite.

  • Breastfeeding Tips for a Nursing Mom
  • Basic rules for breastfeeding
  • How to restore lactation - 10 main recommendations

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Watch the video: How can I re-train my baby to get a proper latch while nursing? (July 2024).