
12 signs of a spoiled child

A spoiled baby is a real headache for parents. Constantly achieving his goal, he begins to consider himself the main person in the world. If the pet is faced with legal requirements and prohibitions, then a loud hysteria awaits the mother. How to reeducate a little egoist? How do you know if your child is too spoiled? In our material, the advice of psychologists for those parents who allow their children too much.

Pampering can add many unpleasant moments to an already grown child. In adulthood, no one will constantly admire him, solve all his requests with a wave of a magic wand. Hence - the collapse of hopes and deep disappointment in the people around him. Let's look at the most striking and distinctive features of childish pampering.

Signs of a spoiled child

  1. The child flatly refuses to share. Spoiled children are self-centered, as they are given whatever they want on demand. Toys, sweets, your attention - no wonder they refuse to share with peers and adults.
  2. He often throws tantrums. Spontaneous hysterics are relatively normal in children under three to four years of age. Sometimes this is the only way to express your feelings, but for preschoolers, tantrums are already a means of manipulation.
  3. He is extremely dependent on his parents. If your child cannot fall asleep when you are not in the room, does not want to stay with his grandmother or in kindergarten, then this is already a sign of being spoiled. As they get older, children need to learn to feel comfortable with other people.
  4. Selective in food. There is nothing wrong with preparing special meals for a child with special dietary needs. But if a healthy toddler insists on a custom menu every night, it could be a sign of being spoiled.
  5. He is always dissatisfied with everything. The kid grumbles about any reason: he does not like toys, clothes, cooked soup. He quickly gets bored with new cars and going to the park. He immediately demands to buy the thing that he saw from another child: "I want the same scooter!"
  6. He doesn't help his parents. It is perfectly okay to help your child clean up toys if they are under three years old. But when you continue to put things in order after him and further, he becomes convinced that this will always continue.
  7. He is rude to adults. The habit of getting what he wants leads to the fact that the child begins to treat his parents too much. Why be polite to those who fulfill all his requirements? Disrespect for mom often turns into general rudeness. (We read Why are children rude?)
  8. The child has to be persuaded. A spoiled kid does not recognize authorities - parents, grandmothers and caregivers. Therefore, their demands mean absolutely nothing to him. If a child is asked for something, he begins to be mischievous. And a mother can get what she wants only after much persuasion.
  9. He manipulates adults. Rude, obsessive, manipulative behavior is typical for capricious children. To achieve his own goal, the child uses all available means: tantrums, tears, a different approach to parents. If mom doesn't buy ice cream, he will go to grandma. “Granny, I love you more than anyone else in the world,” he will say until she forbids him something.
  10. He makes the parents blush. The spoiled toddler considers himself the center of the galaxy. To attract attention, he can interrupt adults, shout loudly, throw tantrums in front of a large crowd of people. The inability to behave in public places sometimes becomes a real problem, which, due to permissiveness, is difficult to fix.
  11. Not responsible for their actions. Whatever the kid does, his beloved mother, kind dad and grandparents who adore him will immediately "eliminate" any consequences. Hit the neighbor girl? So she herself is to blame. In such greenhouse conditions, children grow up, but do not mature.
  12. Does not perceive the words "no" and "no". It is difficult for spoiled children to understand that they may not receive something. Involvement of desires is forgivable for very young children, but for 4-6-year-old kids it is not peculiar. A capricious child accompanies any refusal with loud sobs, perceiving him as the end of the world.
  • How to correctly tell a child “DO NOT” and “NO”
  • 5 alternatives to say NO to your child

Causes of Childhood Pampering

Babies are not born spoiled; by crying loudly, they signal the mother about the main needs - mother's attention, food, food, diaper change. But if you overprotect the child, constantly entertain him, so long as he does not cry, then he will soon become the center of the whole family.

Very often, a capricious child grows up with parents who cannot come to an agreement on the basic methods of education. The kid begins to manipulate, command and control adults, seeing such disagreements. When dad forbids, he goes to his beloved and kind mom. And if she doesn't, you can always turn to your grandmother.

Impermanence in prohibitions is also unacceptable. For example, yesterday children were allowed to walk in puddles. However, today in response he hears a loud "No!" and immediately begins to be indignant.

Many busy mums and dads try to compensate for the lack of time for communication with the baby with the help of gifts and various trinkets. But along with the child, his requirements also increase. And then the parents understand - they have been spoiled!

Psychologist's advice to parents of spoiled children

  • Keep calm

Remember that the only way to control the situation is to stay calm. Loud screams will not make your child obey you. Do not raise your voice, even if the baby is hysterical or starts being rude. Ignore his behavior: "I'll talk to you later when you calm down a little."

  • Start re-educating as early as possible

As soon as you begin to understand that the baby is crying and screaming in order to get the right thing, immediately stop the little manipulator. Do not indulge him, fulfilling any desire, in the hope of ending tantrums and whining. The golden rule says: "It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it for a long time and painfully."

  • Be consistent

If today you allowed your child to jump on the couch, and tomorrow you strictly forbid it, your rules have no effect. Permissions and prohibitions must be agreed with all households. The reactions of grandparents and parents must be well-grounded and unanimous. Stay true to your word: Don't repeat the threat of taking the toy for misbehaving multiple times. Follow your warning immediately.

  • Learn to say no

For many adults, rejecting a loved one is often a very difficult decision. Therefore, a spoiled child perceives parents as walking wallets, receiving different gifts every day. Instead of the next (hundredth in a row) car, devote more time to it: read, walk, play together.

  • Introduce the concept of "duty" into the child's dictionary

Explain how hard and hard mom and dad work: they earn money to buy food, clothes for the baby, cook for him, clean up after him, and wash. Ask him for help around the house, although at first you will have to redo everything for him. The first duty of the little darling will be to return the toys scattered by his hands to their place.

Don't go overboard when you start re-educating your spoiled child. He may decide that you stopped loving him if you previously allowed everything, but now you forbid the same. Be sure to explain that you love your baby as before, but you don't always like his actions. And, of course, take your grandparents as allies.

  • How to Reeducate a Spoiled Child
  • How to respond and deal with a child's whims
  • Comfortable baby. Is obedience always good?

A spoiled child. What to do?

Watch the video: Spoiled Brat: 3 Signs of a Spoiled Kid (July 2024).