
How to instill in your child a love of books and reading

Reading does not always imply a love of literature and reading. Modern children get acquainted with books even earlier than their peers in the twentieth century, but for some reason they read them much less. And at school, they often do it only out of hand. And it is useless to tell them that reading develops imagination, speech, memory and many other necessary qualities. How, then, can a child become interested in reading?

Are books good?

Why does a small child need children's books, what benefits do they bring to a tiny listener? A well-chosen book is the first step towards the development of intelligence and broadening one's horizons. The kid does not know much yet, his knowledge base is still too small. Listening to magical stories and fairy tales performed by their mother, children learn something new, experience a variety of situations in which fairy tale characters find themselves.

We also read about how fairy tales affect the development of the child. - https://razvitie-krohi.ru/psihologiya-detey/vliyanie-skazok-na-razvitie-rebenka.html

Also, the child is rapidly developing speech, he easily remembers new words, understands their meaning. And he also learns such important feelings as compassion, pitying the unfortunate abandoned bunny, and courage, becoming bolder with Gray Neck.

If reading becomes an important nightly ritual in your family, it will bring a certain stability to the child's life. The affectionate voice of the beloved mother and the feeling of comfort form the baby's basic trust in the vast world. This is why, as adults, the book becomes a good friend of the reader.

Coercion and haste are major parenting mistakes

Sometimes parents make many mistakes in an effort to induce a love of reading at any cost.

  1. The older generation often tries to instill a love of books by forcing children to read. However, in such situations, violence has the opposite effect. Excessive obsession and persistence, in the end, can generally turn children away from literature.
  2. Early development and learning to read is becoming very fashionable today. Some especially advanced moms start teaching babies to read when they can't even walk and just want to play. However, one more extreme should be avoided - showing books only in front of the school.
  3. Another common mistake is buying books for children that are not suitable for their age. A three-year-old will not enjoy Alice in Wonderland, and a 12-year-old is not yet able to grasp the meaning of the classics.

How to get a child to read?

If you’re upset that your child’s eyes are not on fire when he looks at the next volume, you will need to awaken interest in reading using proven methods.

  • Show a good example

Set your own example by reading a lot and regularly. Toddlers are very fond of adopting and copying parenting habits. And if you say to your child, "Read the book immediately!", And you yourself prefer to sit at the computer or watch endless series, then you simply shake the air. He, looking at you, will go for a walk or also bury himself in the monitor.

  • Introduce books from an early age

Already a baby can be presented with books, although not yet quite real: made of fabric or with laminated pages. The kid can break, crumple, gnaw these books, because until he perceives them as a source of knowledge. Forget about caring for a while - all this will come later. Play with your child by showing pictures and telling who is shown.

  • Pick a book by age and interest

For a one-year-old child, the best literature is a large book with bright believable illustrations and a minimum of text. Books with large print are suitable for preschoolers. Don't worry if a student chooses comics over world classics. Better to let him read what is interesting to him, and not throw your gift into a pile of publications that are not interesting to him.

  • Read by roles

Choose a fable, tale, or short poem with dialogues that you can read by role. Speak your words emotionally, showing a genuine reaction: humor, fear, interest, etc. Better yet, make fairy-tale characters out of paper or old gloves, build a screen out of an old sheet. Your home theater is ready, all that remains is to invite your child's friends or relatives to the performance.

  • Repeat stories

Children of any age love to reread their favorite books. If a three-year-old toddler again drags you a pretty battered book that he already knows by heart, do not be annoyed. Surely for your offer to read something else today, you will receive not just a refusal, but tears. Satisfy his request, only make "random" mistakes. The child will definitely correct you, demonstrating a wonderful memory.

  • Take a break at the most interesting place

Spread your enjoyment of the book over several evenings. An impatient child will definitely want to hear what happens to his beloved hero next. But take your time to satisfy his curiosity. Let him unobtrusively understand that if he wants to quickly learn the twists and turns of the plot, let him learn to read.

  • Maintain children's interest in what you read

For example, after reading the folk tale about Masha and the bear, go to the zoo - let the child look at the clubfoot. Is there Cinderella in your home library? Buy tickets for a show of the same name in a puppet or drama theater. And, conversely, after the cartoon about Thumbelina, invite the children to read Andersen's fairy tale. Also transfer the fairy-tale characters that the child met on paper pages into games: draw, sculpt from plasticine, act out performances, write short letters to them.

  • Take on audiobooks and interactive fairy tales

Does the child look away from traditional paper books? "High technologies" will come to your aid. The best examples of Russian and foreign literature are now available in the audiobook format. Recently, so-called interactive fairy tales have become popular, where your baby can become the main character of the work. Such colorful stories will surely arouse a sincere interest in paper texts. We wrote about interactive fairy tales in this article.

  • Don't go to extremes

Do not dwell on books, considering them the best tool for child development. In the life of a small child, not only literary works should be present, but also ordinary children's activities: fussing with friends, noisy games on the street, trips to nature and the country, trips to the zoo, circus, theater.

Yes, today all kinds of gadgets are increasingly overshadowing the "static" literature, but they will not be able to completely displace it from the list of our addictions. Reading is a special ritual with its own unique atmosphere, which gives rise to a play of imagination and a flight of fantasy. Read books every day, treat them anxiously, and in this case, your child himself, without prodding, will pick up the cherished volume with a fairy tale or poetry.

Watch the video: LOVE. Kids Books Teaching Values (July 2024).